Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 3 weeks ago

    Pt. 5

    Our heavenly Father is always merciful. And the Bible even calls His throne, "the throne of grace where we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." ( Hebrews 4:16)

    Whereas Romans Chapter 1 tells us why God's wrath is upon sinners, Paul appeals in Acts 14 and in Acts 17 to the patience of God among the nations, to the way in which He has favored us with his general providences, and has set in the very created universe hints for man that show His glory, to indicate to us that He is to be worshiped and glorified, and how it is that throughout the course of history, He has been patient in the outworking of his plan and also in the present, remains patient before the final judgment in order that every opportunity may be given for men and women to repent.

    He has not sent us immediately to hell. He has been patient for all of His planned events to occur and He has filled our lives with blessing, upon blessing, upon blessing. He's given to humanity the gift of the Scriptures that speaks God's words to man in all its power and glory. And, as the ultimate mercy, He has sent his own dear Son who will come again to judge the elect and the unbelievers.

    Humans are condemned not because they have hated God's holiness only, but because they have hated His patience, His grace, His loving-kindness, His offer of mercy, all of which is free to us! But as Paul says in Romans 10:3, humans have rejected these free gifts from God in exchange for desiring to establish their own righteousness before Him and refuse to submit to the righteousness offered in Jesus Christ.

    To men who have turned from communion with God, it means they shall have no communion with God. To men who have not seen the significance of the blessings of the earth, it means they will never enjoy the blessings of the new heaven and the new earth.

    See Pt. 6

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