Unmerited divine assistance given man for his regeneration or sanctification
The power and equipping for ministry- ( 2 Corinthians 9:8)
Grace is the power and action of God to make us new creations in Christ. It is God's grace that works in us to change our desire and capacity for faith and obedience. Grace enables us to endure under difficult circumstances, to be bold in the face of persecution, and to properly utilize our natural gifts and abilities and also receiving new ones the Spirit bestows on us to apply to the work God calls us to do.
It is at work in us to be more and more conformed to Jesus' example of godliness, love, obedience, and mercy. Grace is from God and it is vitally necessary for anyone to walk in the way God ordains for us to live.
Grace makes our hearts glad and joyful. Grace tells us that He freely and openly accepts us in Jesus Christ. He delights in us. He is happy to be in fellowship with us. His love for us is not obligatory. He desires us and it pleases Him to have given us grace to be reconciled to him.
When God looks at those who are in Jesus Christ, He sees beauty. It brings Him joy. He is pleased within Himself to look upon us. He sees you with eyes of grace, not in sternness or ambivalence. He is fully committed to be gracious to us, to bless us, to have His favor rest on us.
And in all this, we cannot merit His grace in any way or add to it, or repay God for it, or enhance it by our devotion to God. It is a gift without expectation by God of receiving anything from us in return. It is given to us according to His good pleasure.
We praise Him for His glorious grace. We thank Him for His graciousness towards us. We shout for joy that He graced our lives. But none of these actions caused God to give us His grace. These are our reactions to having received grace from God.
Pt. 4
Unmerited divine assistance given man for his regeneration or sanctification
The power and equipping for ministry- ( 2 Corinthians 9:8)
Grace is the power and action of God to make us new creations in Christ. It is God's grace that works in us to change our desire and capacity for faith and obedience. Grace enables us to endure under difficult circumstances, to be bold in the face of persecution, and to properly utilize our natural gifts and abilities and also receiving new ones the Spirit bestows on us to apply to the work God calls us to do.
It is at work in us to be more and more conformed to Jesus' example of godliness, love, obedience, and mercy. Grace is from God and it is vitally necessary for anyone to walk in the way God ordains for us to live.
Grace makes our hearts glad and joyful. Grace tells us that He freely and openly accepts us in Jesus Christ. He delights in us. He is happy to be in fellowship with us. His love for us is not obligatory. He desires us and it pleases Him to have given us grace to be reconciled to him.
When God looks at those who are in Jesus Christ, He sees beauty. It brings Him joy. He is pleased within Himself to look upon us. He sees you with eyes of grace, not in sternness or ambivalence. He is fully committed to be gracious to us, to bless us, to have His favor rest on us.
And in all this, we cannot merit His grace in any way or add to it, or repay God for it, or enhance it by our devotion to God. It is a gift without expectation by God of receiving anything from us in return. It is given to us according to His good pleasure.
We praise Him for His glorious grace. We thank Him for His graciousness towards us. We shout for joy that He graced our lives. But none of these actions caused God to give us His grace. These are our reactions to having received grace from God.
See Pt. 5
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