Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago
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    If you've read even a little of the Bible, you have probably crossed a passage or two where it talked about someone having God's favor or otherwise seeking it.

    God's favor is God's grace and goodness being actively displayed in one's circumstances. It can produce an anointing, such as for a prophet, or a special guidance, as with Moses or Abraham as they travelled in the way God led them, or it can involve miraculous occurrences that bring about a good end, such as with the Israelites when they left Egypt or parting the Red Sea, or the provision of leadership, authority, and honor as with Joseph in Egypt. Joseph found favor with Potiphar and was placed in charge of Potiphar's household. The Lord was with Joseph and blessed everything he did ( Genesis 39:2-6). In Exodus 3:21, God promised to give the Israelites favor with the Egyptians so they would give them silver, gold and clothing as they left Egypt.

    From reading the OT we can know that God chose the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to be the people He would shed His favor upon. It was not because they were so great in number among the other nations, nor was it because of their righteousness, or because of their steadfastness in their faith in Him or their superiority to those of other nations. It was solely due to God's sovereign choice. ( Dt. 7:6-8). He could have chosen any other people or nation if He had determined before creation to use this other nation to fulfill His plan. But, before creation He had determined that the eternal, divine Son would be incarnated through Mary of the Jews. Therefore, God chose Israel as His favored people, because from them, the Messiah would be born and live and die to save those God chose to save from pre-creation.

    See Pt. 2

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