Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago

    Pt. 2

    According to God's Word, Jesus isn't only with us; He's unremittingly for us ( Ps. 56:9; Rom. 8:31). His presence is always a favorable, advocating, affectionate embrace of us. ( Rom. 5:8; 1 John 2:1) We are wrapped in His Presence-even after we sin because He always intercedes for us to the Father.

    Our Savior refuses to sit back and watch us suffer alone. God the Son became fully human and always will identify, suffer, and walk with His people while saving us, forever binding himself to us intimately. God has not left us alone in our suffering. Jesus suffered for us; we have a God who loves us with empathy. And, the Holy Spirit suffers along with us, groaning as He intercedes for us with the Father (8:26-27).

    Compassion causes one to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears.

    Compassion moves one to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless.

    Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human. And this is true of God incarnated, the Word, Son of the Father, enfleshed (John1:14) He did all these things in His divinity and humanity and continues to fully identify with, is pained with our suffering and misery. He became sin for us and thus knew the condemnation of sin on the cross.

    And thus, Jesus is the Father's most compassionate gift to mankind. It is only by and through faith in Jesus Christ that we are forgiven of our guilt and rescued from our deplorable condition ( John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

    The compassion of Christ can be clearly seen in the Gospel narratives. For example, in Matthew 9:36, we observe Christ's compassion for the harassed and helpless. In Matthew 14:14, we see His compassion for those who are sick and suffer disease. In Matthew 15:32, we witness His compassion for those who hunger.

    See Pt. 3

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