Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago

    Pt. 4

    These truths about God's wrath revealed in Scripture are just as much an aspect of God's nature as are all of His other attributes as those Jesus displayed in His earthly life such as His mercy, love, grace, and forgiveness. God has revealed these truths about His wrath to mankind. God's wrath is of terrible severity, and His love and mercy is sublimely above and beyond anything we could imagine or understand completely, being so satisfying and enjoyable.

    To treat the severity and sureness of the truth of God's wrath as something not to be preached or understood, to be set aside in order to preach almost exclusively about God's love and mercy passages is to preach a deceitful and deficient Christian faith that dishonors Jesus and His work in which He took upon Himself on the cross the wrath of God we should receive in order that we can be reconciled to God and receive remittance of sins and eternal life.

    God's wrath is not vindicative inflicted arbitrarily as pagans believe their gods are who need worshippers to bring sacrifices to bring the idol to do good instead of harm to those who serve these idols. Nor is God's wrath an outgrowth of an irrational will and mind. God's divine wrath is the wisest, right and righteous response of God to sin.

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