Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 month ago

    Pt. 2

    God has His divine wise reasons for every person He elected to salvation before creating the world as well as His divine wise reasons for choosing not to elect every human being. Accepting that God is just to exercise His wrath upon unrepentant, unbelieving sinners is truly necessary for one to deeply value and be grateful for the redemption and life He gives to those He does save.

    The position of the lost before God is perilous. Those who are not in Christ are under God's righteous sentence of condemnation for their freely chosen sins. In Western culture the love of God is welcomed and the holiness of God is given inhospitable treatment by many preachers in their sermons and by many believers in their daily beliefs. Accordingly, God's wrath is not a divine attribute inherent in God's nature that is fondly received today in society at large, but sadly, even in many churches and among so many believers which is quite concerning.

    However, the Scriptures affirms that God justly exercises wrath against both sin and sinners. And, He is immutable, which means that this attribute will never change. Therefore, today's preaching that avoids teaching on God's wrath is neglectful, false, and misleading to those who sit under such preaching and trains these congregants to only tolerate that which is pleasant and that soothes their "itching ears".

    Those who rarely hear preaching about the reality and terribleness of God's wrath develop an attitude that the Christian faith is to be "nice", "inoffensive", and "palatable" to those we wish to share our faith with outside of the church doors.

    God is perfectly just in exercising His wrath upon His enemies. Those He has elected to salvation are called His children and friends when they come to faith in Jesus. How gracious of God to reconcile His elect to Himself to where we would be called children and friends though we were clearly His enemies prior to our regeneration.

    See Pt. 3

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