Bible Discussion Thread

  • RED APPLE TREATY 4 ME ONLY - 2 months ago
    Isaiah 55:7 KJV

    Paragraph 1 Line 1: assigned- My interpetation is Jesus death on the cross and resurrection. Paragraph 1 Line 4 Ways-My interpetation to live like Jesus Christ. Ways you can live like Jesus Christ is recieveing God's love John 3:16 KJV. Read your holy bible,learn about God. Come into his sanctuary-today's Christian Church to learn about God and obey him. "God has never willed otherwise " "God is good and well being" Paragraph 1 Line 7 thought-My interpetation You only can have life through Jesus Christ. Paragraph 2 Line 6:My interpetation-Jesus Christ is God of the Universe. Paragraph 2 Line 6-8 grace and perfection.My interpetation John1:4 KJV In my life believing Jesus is the way to life. I had&have faith,plus ,proof,accomplished. Paragraph 2Line:8-13 mankind:-My interpetation Mark 11:17 KJV Yes me being a Christian I have a house of prayer in trusting God that allows me to have what I want and done. Paragraph 2 Line 21 misery- My interpetation-You believe in Jesus Christ Holy One of Israel. That's why you should forsake wickedness and unbelief. Paragraph 2 Line 21-26 .The wonder-My interpetation Luke 12:10-11KJV God saves to believe in him.

    Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY

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