Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 2 months ago
    S. Spencer,

    Wondering how your wife is fairing with the respiratory illness she is fighting through. How is she doing?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Thank you, Gigi,

    I thank you and others for their prayers.

    She started off with a respiratory infection and bronchitis that turned to walking pneumonia.

    I had what I suppose was a bad head cold.

    Praise God we're better now and back to normal besides busier than normal.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 months ago
    I had the same thing two Christmas' ago. Walking pneumonia is as serious as common pneumonia, but it is caused by a different bacteria than what causes common pneumonia. This bacteria causes croup, bronchitis and walking (atypical) pneumonia. It progressed through all three of these for me beginning with croup. Glad she recovered from it and you did not get it as

    Thanks be to God for His healing power and for making our bodies able to work against ill nesses unto wellness again.

    We will be viewing the take down of fifty year old maple tree from the neighbor's property that is close to our property line. It is mostly dead and the dead branches have been flying off in windstorms. Our yard gets the brunt of it every time and this week a branch hit our windshield and shattered it. We 've wanted this tree to come down for 30 years because it is a hazard leaning towards us but up to know none of the owners have wanted to remove it. We are thankful it is being removed safely. Its roots have upheaved and are exposed making our front lawn hard to mow. We had planned to regrade the yard and plant new grass but we did not compromise the tree by taking out roots. Now we can do this regrade when we have equipment and an operator to take out or drive which has cracks from the tree roots along with our front porch, sidewalk, and back patio which were damaged in the earthquake of '02. We will put in decking on the porches and cement the drive and walkway again.

    Lots of work to be done outdoors. Need to replace the fence first, this other work hopefully before spring. Then we will be painting the exterior of the house and covering the deck in spring/summer.

    Oh, Yeah, limbs are starting to be cut right now. A happy day for us!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Happily, the tree is down and we can continue with the our plans to make our home and yard disabled friendly and accommodating to our needs for the remaining time God has us here, the Lord willing.

    I know that the place Jesus has prepared for me in the life to come will be perfectly suited to our glorified persons. So, I don't bank on retaining physical things in this life. However, God has provided us with the means to make our residence here meet the needs of our aging bodies. We are grateful for such a blessing as I know that many people do not have this for their senior years. We are not fancy people and very practical minded in how we live our daily lives. Extravagance is not something we embrace. We are glad we have a home that can house my husband and I, my second son, and my youngest son, his wife and our grandbaby. It is tough for young people to get into their own houses in the economy and real estate market here in Washington state. But having a place for them to live is something we want to provide until they can make it out there on their own. Our oldest just bought his first house this summer and he and his wife moved in in September. He is almost 41.

    So, God be praised in times of want and in times of supply. I remind myself how Paul said to be content in all circumstances we find ourselves faced with, being confident that God is the one who supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory, His mercy, and faithfulness in all things.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Hi Gigi,

    My wife and I is doing great.

    Thanks for asking.and God bless.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Glad to hear that she is well.

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