Father I humbly glorify your name as you are the Beginning and End. You are the creator of all things. Father I ask for you to bless Jerusalem and the Israelites. Bring them safety and prosperity through Christ Jesus if it be your will. Lord as I see the world turning to believe in falsehoods more than your word help us all not to be deceived.
I pray Father for America, please bring conviction with repentance back to America. I ask you protect the children Lord much evilness is devouring them. The music, television internet Father bring a straight path to hell for them. Hatred and rebellion is what it teaches.
Father for those that have prayer requests on this site, I ask in Christ's name that your will will be to heal their prayers.
Lord I pray a prayer to you of hope through Christ Jesus for the lost, regardless as to why they are, but just because they are. Please have mercy on them.
I also ask for the people that believe in Christ Jesus that our faith not only stays strong but continues to grow. I ask that my communication with you Father improves that my ears open so I can hear you better and have a more deepened relationship with you!
Lord bless the sick and thirsty with eternal water, bless them with the light of world.
Father help me when I Judge others, for I fear being judged by you Father.
I ask Father for a blessing for those on this site that do your work.
Father thank you. I realize I am merely dust and you gave your Son to die for me. Such love is hard to understand and everyday I think of that sacrifice you made for us.
Father I ask you to guide Donald Trump if it be your will Lord Please provide him with a shield from the hatred of this world.
Father I pray that I make decisions in my life that glorify You. That my mouth doesn't spit out hatred, but talks of the love of Jesus.
Again Father please feed the sick and lost. Stir America's pastor to pound the pulpit with your mighty mighty Word Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus I ask for your grace and mercy and help everywhere (not just in the US). Please pour out your Holy Spirit all over the world. Please draw many unto yourself. I pray that you will guide and direct leaders all over the globe. Please help that we who are called by your name will shine brightly in these last days. Please help all those suffering so much (like in Sudan, Ukraine, in the Middle East and in so many countries around the world). Father please stretch out your mighty hand on behalf of all children that are being abused and also the hundreds of millions of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted severely, risking their lives for your names sake. Father please send help to all those afflicted spiritually, emotionally, physically. I pray that you return soon Lord Jesus and that you would take the reign as is promised in Scripture. Thank you Lord Jesus. Protect us and our loved ones. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
I agree with all your requests here. Along with President Trump, whom I pray for God to keep safe from those who wish to take action to hurt or kill him, that he be given much humility and wisdom that comes from You, Lord God, that President 47 will make decisions and actions that truly help the U.S. become stronger and stable and helps the citizens of our country prosper-I pray for President Biden that God will keep him well and allow him to complete his term of office. I pray that God will give him wisdom and guide him over these last weeks of his term. Lord God, prevent President 46 from taking unwise counsel concerning both domestic and foreign affairs. Lord God, there is so many in his sphere to influence him to make really bad decisions. Protect him and our country from policies that restrict, violate, and diminish the rights we hold as citizens. Lord God, I pray that repentance will rain down from your throne to all who need to turn to You with a contrite heart. The number of lost ones is staggering. How we wish for salvation to come to them. Lord, only You can draw any person to Your Son, Jesus for salvation, so we trust in Your gracious and merciful heart to bring many to Jesus in our world.
I pray Father for America, please bring conviction with repentance back to America. I ask you protect the children Lord much evilness is devouring them. The music, television internet Father bring a straight path to hell for them. Hatred and rebellion is what it teaches.
Father for those that have prayer requests on this site, I ask in Christ's name that your will will be to heal their prayers.
Lord I pray a prayer to you of hope through Christ Jesus for the lost, regardless as to why they are, but just because they are. Please have mercy on them.
I also ask for the people that believe in Christ Jesus that our faith not only stays strong but continues to grow. I ask that my communication with you Father improves that my ears open so I can hear you better and have a more deepened relationship with you!
Lord bless the sick and thirsty with eternal water, bless them with the light of world.
Father help me when I Judge others, for I fear being judged by you Father.
I ask Father for a blessing for those on this site that do your work.
Father thank you. I realize I am merely dust and you gave your Son to die for me. Such love is hard to understand and everyday I think of that sacrifice you made for us.
Father I ask you to guide Donald Trump if it be your will Lord Please provide him with a shield from the hatred of this world.
Father I pray that I make decisions in my life that glorify You. That my mouth doesn't spit out hatred, but talks of the love of Jesus.
Again Father please feed the sick and lost. Stir America's pastor to pound the pulpit with your mighty mighty Word Jesus Christ.
I agree with all your requests here. Along with President Trump, whom I pray for God to keep safe from those who wish to take action to hurt or kill him, that he be given much humility and wisdom that comes from You, Lord God, that President 47 will make decisions and actions that truly help the U.S. become stronger and stable and helps the citizens of our country prosper-I pray for President Biden that God will keep him well and allow him to complete his term of office. I pray that God will give him wisdom and guide him over these last weeks of his term. Lord God, prevent President 46 from taking unwise counsel concerning both domestic and foreign affairs. Lord God, there is so many in his sphere to influence him to make really bad decisions. Protect him and our country from policies that restrict, violate, and diminish the rights we hold as citizens. Lord God, I pray that repentance will rain down from your throne to all who need to turn to You with a contrite heart. The number of lost ones is staggering. How we wish for salvation to come to them. Lord, only You can draw any person to Your Son, Jesus for salvation, so we trust in Your gracious and merciful heart to bring many to Jesus in our world.
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