Greeting everybody. I have a question about Mathew chapter 1 verse 21 in the KJV 1611 version. The word "name" just before Iesus is capitalized to "Name". Now, I don't know to much but, I do know that capitalization is for the first word in a sentence and proper names only. So, what gives? Any ideas?
That is an interesting question, one I'm sure has been overlooked over the years. I probably never would have caught that, or even given it much thought. But that is a good question that you present. I also see in the KJB 1611 that the word name is capitalized to "Name." But what I find more interesting is that Jesus is not in all caps in the 1611, only in modern King James versions is the name JESUS in all caps.
Matthew 1:21 in the 1611 KJB:
"And she shall bring forth a sonne, and thou shalt call his Name Iesus: for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes."
Matthew 1:21 in Modern KJB:
"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
It is interesting to note that the 1611 capitalizes the word Name, but it is not capitalized in modern KJB's which most KJB readers use today. Also in the 1611, only the first letter in Jesus (Iesus) is capitalized, whereas the modern KJB capitalizes every letter JESUS.
That is a tough question to answer. I tried to do some online research but with no luck. I think brother Ronald has given you some good information. Perhaps the word Name is capitalized to bring emphasis to Jesus, as Ronald has mentioned. And then instead of capitalizing the word name in the newer KJB, they capitalized the entire name JESUS.
Hi Jesse: In responding to your comment, my Thomas Nelson KJV study bible Is hardcopy bible not a website and both copies of the one I and my son have read in Matthew 1:21 with JESUS all in caps. I also checked 6 online bible apps including this one and they all have JESUS in caps except biblegatway, Jesus' name only had the J in caps.
What do you mean by a modern KJB as opposed to just a KJB as you mentioned in your post to KayDee where you said "Jesus is not all in caps in the 1611, only in modern King James versions is the name JESUS all in caps." God Bless:)
I'm sorry I spoke in error, I use the KJV standard on here not the KJV 1611. I don't know why there is a discrepancy in our discussion, however it really doesn't matter, we all know who Jesus is.
I did want to give some more info on the other version of the 1611 bible. After the first printing several other printings were needed to correct spelling and typo errors but the actual translation was never changed, that remained the exact same one as the Holy Spirit had given it to the translators. The final revision of typo errors ONLY was done in 1789 but it has always been called the King James 1611 Bible because the translation by the group of Holy Ghost inspired, godly men was never revised. So I guess you could say I'm using the 1789 version but I still call it the KJV 1611 Bible because it is true to the translation done.Thank you for bringing this up, it encouraged me to learn more about the history of my Bible. If you are wondering why there were typo errors to
being with, you'll have to ask God when you see Him.
I feel like I am going back to our previous discussion which I don't want to do, I hope you don't either. God Bless :)
Not that it matters for doctrine but there is a mystery here. I copied the verse from your reply just so we can be sure we are looking at the same verse: " Matthew 1:21 (KJV)." in the KJB 1611 version (not the standard KJB 1611.)
This forum, mine and my son's Thomas Nelson KJB study bibles, another KJB website;" KJV Audio Bible + Gospel Films" all have the name of Jesus in caps.
Hi Jesse: You commented that " I would be wondering why your KJB 1611 is worded differently than every other KJB 1611." It isn't like that, If you recall I said "This forum, mine and my son's Thomas Nelson KJB study bibles, another KJB website;" KJV Audio Bible + Gospel Films" all have the name of Jesus in caps." This isn't just my KJB 1611 reading on this forum. I'll list them below with more information I have.
Two copies of the Thomas Nelson KJV study bible.
A plain KJB.
This forum
King James Bible with audio
You Version
Bible King James Version
All of these read with JESUS all in caps with "name all in lower case letters.
BibleGateway does have Jesus with just the "J" in caps.
In the 1611 KJV, back then they used capitalization in different ways. They used it for emphasis and to bring attention to a topic. In the revised version of what we have today, instead of Name they capitalized every letter in His name, JESUS, to shine a light on the importance of His name.
That is an interesting question, one I'm sure has been overlooked over the years. I probably never would have caught that, or even given it much thought. But that is a good question that you present. I also see in the KJB 1611 that the word name is capitalized to "Name." But what I find more interesting is that Jesus is not in all caps in the 1611, only in modern King James versions is the name JESUS in all caps.
Matthew 1:21 in the 1611 KJB:
"And she shall bring forth a sonne, and thou shalt call his Name Iesus: for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes."
Matthew 1:21 in Modern KJB:
"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
It is interesting to note that the 1611 capitalizes the word Name, but it is not capitalized in modern KJB's which most KJB readers use today. Also in the 1611, only the first letter in Jesus (Iesus) is capitalized, whereas the modern KJB capitalizes every letter JESUS.
That is a tough question to answer. I tried to do some online research but with no luck. I think brother Ronald has given you some good information. Perhaps the word Name is capitalized to bring emphasis to Jesus, as Ronald has mentioned. And then instead of capitalizing the word name in the newer KJB, they capitalized the entire name JESUS.
What do you mean by a modern KJB as opposed to just a KJB as you mentioned in your post to KayDee where you said "Jesus is not all in caps in the 1611, only in modern King James versions is the name JESUS all in caps." God Bless:)
I'm sorry I spoke in error, I use the KJV standard on here not the KJV 1611. I don't know why there is a discrepancy in our discussion, however it really doesn't matter, we all know who Jesus is.
I did want to give some more info on the other version of the 1611 bible. After the first printing several other printings were needed to correct spelling and typo errors but the actual translation was never changed, that remained the exact same one as the Holy Spirit had given it to the translators. The final revision of typo errors ONLY was done in 1789 but it has always been called the King James 1611 Bible because the translation by the group of Holy Ghost inspired, godly men was never revised. So I guess you could say I'm using the 1789 version but I still call it the KJV 1611 Bible because it is true to the translation done.Thank you for bringing this up, it encouraged me to learn more about the history of my Bible. If you are wondering why there were typo errors to
being with, you'll have to ask God when you see Him.
I feel like I am going back to our previous discussion which I don't want to do, I hope you don't either. God Bless :)
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Matthew 1:21.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
God Bless :)
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Not that it matters for doctrine but there is a mystery here. I copied the verse from your reply just so we can be sure we are looking at the same verse: " Matthew 1:21 (KJV)." in the KJB 1611 version (not the standard KJB 1611.)
This forum, mine and my son's Thomas Nelson KJB study bibles, another KJB website;" KJV Audio Bible + Gospel Films" all have the name of Jesus in caps.
Like I said, a mystery. God Bless :)
[Comment Removed]
Two copies of the Thomas Nelson KJV study bible.
A plain KJB.
This forum
King James Bible with audio
You Version
Bible King James Version
All of these read with JESUS all in caps with "name all in lower case letters.
BibleGateway does have Jesus with just the "J" in caps.
Like I said, a mystery. God Bless :)
[Comment Removed]
In the 1611 KJV, back then they used capitalization in different ways. They used it for emphasis and to bring attention to a topic. In the revised version of what we have today, instead of Name they capitalized every letter in His name, JESUS, to shine a light on the importance of His name.
Hope that helps,
God bless,
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