Oh God, how wonderful is Your love for us sinners. Have mercy on President Trump and show him your will for his life. Draw him close to You and lead him in Your way. We ask that President Trump will come to abandon himself to You and seek You first and foremost for the remainder of his days on this earth. We ask that the Holy Spirit will do a might work in President Trump to transform his mind, will, and actions to be like Christ Jesus. Like Paul, the change was quickly evident because the work you had for him to do was so pressing, vital, and important. May President Trump's character change be evident quickly as the work You have for him to do is also pressing, vital, important, and also, his age makes the need to be transformed all the more necessary.
We do not know your plans for his remaining days. But we trust that You will inform him of the Your calling for him. If it is to be president once again, then let it be so, and empower him to be the best president for our country at this time in history. If it is not to be president, then give him peace in knowing that his life and times are allowed by Your authority and power. Inspire Donald Trump to desire to walk the life path You lay out for him and use him in mighty ways for the good of the U.S,A.
Father, thank you for leading me to bring this prayer forward. I always want to be sure it is Your will, not mine, to do so. Thank You for the working of the Holy Spirit in my heart to be obedient. May President Trump, U.S.A. and believers across our nation be blessed by You, abounding in mercy and grace, which we all need daily, and give us courage to stand in the gap for our families, communities, and nation, to the glory of God forever and ever, amen.
Hi Gigi , I just realised that my comment about the attributes of God being a popular thing to do , might be misinterpreted as a dig at you , I promise you that's not what I intended . I'm sorry if I made you feel that way .
I am not offended at all. For me, learning more and more about God's character, nature, and glory is one study I can do again and again. He is so great and worthy of our worship, allegiance, and obedience. The more I learn about him the more I love Him and look forward to the next life!
Have you considered , that perhaps Donald Trump is being used by God to fulfill His purposes , God knows all of our hearts and minds perfectly and He always chooses the right person for the right job . God has done this throughout history with other world leaders and with lots of ordinary folk too .
All things are as God wills , in the past , in the present and in the future , we are all being judged by His Word , which was in Christ Jesus and is in the Bible , which is where we read and learn of His Word and His will , His will for us as individuals , Christ says if ye love me , keep my commandments , which are : love God and love each other . Revelation chapter 22 verses 10 to 15 .
If you don't mind , I shall pray for the peace of Jerusalem . Thy Kingdom come , Thy will be done , on earth as it is in heaven . Through Christ Jesus our Sinless High Priest in heaven . Amen .
Maybe you don't know much about Donald Trump and the things that he has knowingly done in his life . He isn't a foolish young man who doesn't know any better . He is a highly privileged adult who knows that the Bible exists . If he wants to take the time and effort to get to know God , he himself has had over 70 years to do so . I can't see him repenting in sackcloth and ashes and giving away all his possessions to feed the starving any time soon . If he does , I shall eat my own feet and you can watch me do that . Good luck with your prayers for him .
I did not want to make this prayer political in any way, so I will just respond that I do know a lot about Trump and his past. But I know God much better and affirm that nothing is impossible for God, so I have much hope for Trump being transformed, even after 78 years. I prayed as God led me to pray for him. I have obeyed the lead of the holy Spirit. All is in God's hands.
No problem Gigi , I just don't see Donald Trump as being more deserving of my prayers than anyone else . God is no respecter of persons and neither should we be . He is of course a human being ( Donald Trump is ) and I don't take any pleasure in the suffering of anyone so I wish him no ill will .
It's easy , I know , when something dramatic happens , to get caught up in it , I've done that too . But we mustn't linger too long in the things that pertain to this world , our hearts belong elsewhere and in better company . May God bless you .
To have a fool run the nation showed his mettle during the pandemic. It is more shame that Trump did not use the four years for solving the problems the nation is facing. If he did not make America great who but a fool will think who is himself 77+ shall do if he is given another four years. Retribution is what he promised. His project 25 is an ace up his sleeve. I believe God wants to teach America a lesson not to think more than what God has blessed them with in so many ways but the politics of lies has blown it all away. "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" The problem that the nation began with is still divides the country. Trump only did well for himself by the court-room packing and they are there to given him a crown as well if they could.
I know you live outside of the U.S.A. and are free to have your own opinion of Trump just as much as anyone else. Let's just leave Trump in God's hands and will, exhibit charity towards Trump and faith in what God can and will do.
My last line answers your comment. We are living in the end times and may this verse shall help you understand what you are up against and by not understanding the will of God may be you are also part of the problem. " And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." Prayerfully ask God know and understand what is His Will for you.
It seems that you think that you know who knows God's will and who does not. I think that is a wrong attitude to have concerning what is happening in our world. Only God truly knows what will come about. We do need to study Scripture to discover how we are to prepare ourselves for the events that will occur at the end of times. Anyway, I think it is best to end this conversation because it seems to me to be degrading towards me. I think it is wise to pray for those who are in positions to lead others. That is a biblical thing to do obedience and that was my aim in beginning this thread. I did not and still do not wish to make it politically charged as you are doing here. So I'll simply not respond to you again on this thread.
I believe that the first Christians suffered a huge amount of persecution , especially those who converted from Judaism and of course the Romans were vile to the first Christians . I think that is why Paul urges Christians to pray to have sympathetic leaders in power , in order to minimise the troubles that the first Christians had to endure . That's just my opinion .
I also stand with you in prayer for President Biden. We are to pray for our leaders, even those whose policies we may not agree with. And yes, I also think that applying 2 Thessalonians 2:11 towards you is very degrading. It is a complete misapplication of that piece of scripture.
If we look at the verse right before this ( 2 Thessalonians 2:10), this shows that Verse 11 cannot and should not be applied to a true believer such as yourself. It says, "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."
So, in power, in signs, and lying wonder, and in all deceivableness of unrighteousness in (them that perish); In the Greek, this is a participle, which means those who are perishing, that is, those who have rejected Christ, they are the ones who will be deceived. They are the ones being spoken of in Verse 11. No way can this be applied to any true believer.
I want to share with you this one very important phrase:
"Because they received not the love of the truth,"
God gives people the love for the truth. If a person doesn't have the love for truth, they will not pursue it. When God gives you a passion, a drive, you will pursue it. You see, they didn't reject the truth, they rejected the love of the truth. They didn't want it. They were not interested so that they might be saved. So, they rejected it. They rejected the possibility of being saved.
It is a shame for anyone to apply 2 Thessalonians 2:11 toward another believer. Keep doing what you're doing, and may the Lord continue to bless you in every way!
To have a fool run the nation and Trump showed his mettle during the pandemic. It is more of a shame that he did not use the four years for solving the problems the nation was facing. If he did not make America great who but a fool will think he who is himself 77+ shall do if he is given another four years? Retribution is what he promised. His Project 25 is an ace up his sleeve. I believe God wants to teach America a lesson not to think more than what God has blessed them with but the politics of lies has blown it all away. "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" The problem that the nation began with, still divides the country. Trump only did well for himself by the court-room packing and they are there to give him a crown as well, if they could. Thank God He is in control.
Yes , you quoted one of my favourite scriptures . All flesh is grass and none of us should think anything of ourselves , the worship of humans and the belief that any human can save this world or a particular country or even their own selves , is idolatry . I have one king and shepherd . Only he can save me and you and any and everyone else . Revelation chapter 22 verse 20 . God bless you .
Jaz, I agree that we cannot put our trust in a human because God is the only Savior and Sovereign we are to serve and worship. Yet we are told in Scripture to pray for those who are put over us in government. 1Tim 2:1-6 and this we should desire to do for it is for our good that God asks us to be prayerful in this way.
It was also put on my heart to pray for President Biden this week, too, but I sensed the need to wait until today. Now I can post a prayer for him, too. Now I know why.
I hope that there will be those here who will agree with me in prayer for President Biden today.
Dear Heavenly Father who chose me, Blessed Jesus who redeemed, Holy Spirit who leads me, today, We bring before You, God, President Biden asking You to bless him with spiritual awakening and a turning from wrong beliefs about You to the truth. We ask You to be made new in his inner man, causing him to choose You and your ways for the rest of his days. We pray that You will protect him from evil people who wish to use him for their purposes, but instead we ask You to use him for Your purposes.
We ask that President Biden will have a deep desire to learn from Your Holy Word and that his heart will be softened to the work of the Holy Spirit within him. We pray that Joe and Jill Biden will together make the best decisions in the days and months ahead that are not based on the forces of politics but based on what Your word says is right and just. Guide both in the way You would wish them to go, walking by the Spirit and not by the ways of the world.
We ask that people in President Biden's sphere will give him good counsel and direct him in ways that improve his leading of our country. Bless President Biden and his whole family with faith and wisdom that comes from Your grace and only glory to You. Give President Biden a passion to bring glory to You and to proclaim Your greatness to the world.
We ask these things of You, God, for President Biden, today. Amen.
Oh God, how wonderful is Your love for us sinners. Have mercy on President Trump and show him your will for his life. Draw him close to You and lead him in Your way. We ask that President Trump will come to abandon himself to You and seek You first and foremost for the remainder of his days on this earth. We ask that the Holy Spirit will do a might work in President Trump to transform his mind, will, and actions to be like Christ Jesus. Like Paul, the change was quickly evident because the work you had for him to do was so pressing, vital, and important. May President Trump's character change be evident quickly as the work You have for him to do is also pressing, vital, important, and also, his age makes the need to be transformed all the more necessary.
We do not know your plans for his remaining days. But we trust that You will inform him of the Your calling for him. If it is to be president once again, then let it be so, and empower him to be the best president for our country at this time in history. If it is not to be president, then give him peace in knowing that his life and times are allowed by Your authority and power. Inspire Donald Trump to desire to walk the life path You lay out for him and use him in mighty ways for the good of the U.S,A.
Father, thank you for leading me to bring this prayer forward. I always want to be sure it is Your will, not mine, to do so. Thank You for the working of the Holy Spirit in my heart to be obedient. May President Trump, U.S.A. and believers across our nation be blessed by You, abounding in mercy and grace, which we all need daily, and give us courage to stand in the gap for our families, communities, and nation, to the glory of God forever and ever, amen.
I am not offended at all. For me, learning more and more about God's character, nature, and glory is one study I can do again and again. He is so great and worthy of our worship, allegiance, and obedience. The more I learn about him the more I love Him and look forward to the next life!
All things are as God wills , in the past , in the present and in the future , we are all being judged by His Word , which was in Christ Jesus and is in the Bible , which is where we read and learn of His Word and His will , His will for us as individuals , Christ says if ye love me , keep my commandments , which are : love God and love each other . Revelation chapter 22 verses 10 to 15 .
Maybe you don't know much about Donald Trump and the things that he has knowingly done in his life . He isn't a foolish young man who doesn't know any better . He is a highly privileged adult who knows that the Bible exists . If he wants to take the time and effort to get to know God , he himself has had over 70 years to do so . I can't see him repenting in sackcloth and ashes and giving away all his possessions to feed the starving any time soon . If he does , I shall eat my own feet and you can watch me do that . Good luck with your prayers for him .
I did not want to make this prayer political in any way, so I will just respond that I do know a lot about Trump and his past. But I know God much better and affirm that nothing is impossible for God, so I have much hope for Trump being transformed, even after 78 years. I prayed as God led me to pray for him. I have obeyed the lead of the holy Spirit. All is in God's hands.
It's easy , I know , when something dramatic happens , to get caught up in it , I've done that too . But we mustn't linger too long in the things that pertain to this world , our hearts belong elsewhere and in better company . May God bless you .
To have a fool run the nation showed his mettle during the pandemic. It is more shame that Trump did not use the four years for solving the problems the nation is facing. If he did not make America great who but a fool will think who is himself 77+ shall do if he is given another four years. Retribution is what he promised. His project 25 is an ace up his sleeve. I believe God wants to teach America a lesson not to think more than what God has blessed them with in so many ways but the politics of lies has blown it all away. "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" The problem that the nation began with is still divides the country. Trump only did well for himself by the court-room packing and they are there to given him a crown as well if they could.
I know you live outside of the U.S.A. and are free to have your own opinion of Trump just as much as anyone else. Let's just leave Trump in God's hands and will, exhibit charity towards Trump and faith in what God can and will do.
My last line answers your comment. We are living in the end times and may this verse shall help you understand what you are up against and by not understanding the will of God may be you are also part of the problem. " And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." Prayerfully ask God know and understand what is His Will for you.
It seems that you think that you know who knows God's will and who does not. I think that is a wrong attitude to have concerning what is happening in our world. Only God truly knows what will come about. We do need to study Scripture to discover how we are to prepare ourselves for the events that will occur at the end of times. Anyway, I think it is best to end this conversation because it seems to me to be degrading towards me. I think it is wise to pray for those who are in positions to lead others. That is a biblical thing to do obedience and that was my aim in beginning this thread. I did not and still do not wish to make it politically charged as you are doing here. So I'll simply not respond to you again on this thread.
I also stand with you in prayer for President Biden. We are to pray for our leaders, even those whose policies we may not agree with. And yes, I also think that applying 2 Thessalonians 2:11 towards you is very degrading. It is a complete misapplication of that piece of scripture.
If we look at the verse right before this ( 2 Thessalonians 2:10), this shows that Verse 11 cannot and should not be applied to a true believer such as yourself. It says, "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."
So, in power, in signs, and lying wonder, and in all deceivableness of unrighteousness in (them that perish); In the Greek, this is a participle, which means those who are perishing, that is, those who have rejected Christ, they are the ones who will be deceived. They are the ones being spoken of in Verse 11. No way can this be applied to any true believer.
I want to share with you this one very important phrase:
"Because they received not the love of the truth,"
God gives people the love for the truth. If a person doesn't have the love for truth, they will not pursue it. When God gives you a passion, a drive, you will pursue it. You see, they didn't reject the truth, they rejected the love of the truth. They didn't want it. They were not interested so that they might be saved. So, they rejected it. They rejected the possibility of being saved.
It is a shame for anyone to apply 2 Thessalonians 2:11 toward another believer. Keep doing what you're doing, and may the Lord continue to bless you in every way!
I appreciate your support and insight into that verse.
To have a fool run the nation and Trump showed his mettle during the pandemic. It is more of a shame that he did not use the four years for solving the problems the nation was facing. If he did not make America great who but a fool will think he who is himself 77+ shall do if he is given another four years? Retribution is what he promised. His Project 25 is an ace up his sleeve. I believe God wants to teach America a lesson not to think more than what God has blessed them with but the politics of lies has blown it all away. "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" The problem that the nation began with, still divides the country. Trump only did well for himself by the court-room packing and they are there to give him a crown as well, if they could. Thank God He is in control.
It was also put on my heart to pray for President Biden this week, too, but I sensed the need to wait until today. Now I can post a prayer for him, too. Now I know why.
I hope that there will be those here who will agree with me in prayer for President Biden today.
Dear Heavenly Father who chose me, Blessed Jesus who redeemed, Holy Spirit who leads me, today, We bring before You, God, President Biden asking You to bless him with spiritual awakening and a turning from wrong beliefs about You to the truth. We ask You to be made new in his inner man, causing him to choose You and your ways for the rest of his days. We pray that You will protect him from evil people who wish to use him for their purposes, but instead we ask You to use him for Your purposes.
We ask that President Biden will have a deep desire to learn from Your Holy Word and that his heart will be softened to the work of the Holy Spirit within him. We pray that Joe and Jill Biden will together make the best decisions in the days and months ahead that are not based on the forces of politics but based on what Your word says is right and just. Guide both in the way You would wish them to go, walking by the Spirit and not by the ways of the world.
We ask that people in President Biden's sphere will give him good counsel and direct him in ways that improve his leading of our country. Bless President Biden and his whole family with faith and wisdom that comes from Your grace and only glory to You. Give President Biden a passion to bring glory to You and to proclaim Your greatness to the world.
We ask these things of You, God, for President Biden, today. Amen.
I am in complete agreement with you in prayer. A very solid AMEN!!!
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