Bible Discussion Thread

  • Oseas - 8 months ago
    1Corinthians 6:9-10KJV say:

    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of GOD? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of GOD.

    And the Lord JESUS warned: Luke 21:34-36KJV:

    34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that Day(Lord's Day, the seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium) come upon you unawares.

    35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

    36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

    Lord JESUS said more: Matthew 13:40-43KJV

    40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the END of THIS WORLD. ( 1Corinthians 15:24-26)

    41 The Son of man shall send forth His angels(mainly Michael), and they shall gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

    42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father( Revelation 11:15-18 and Daniel 12:3). Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

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