I suppose you have a far better handle on this situation than I could imagine. I seem to be wordy with you as I am with everyone but it seems best just to say I will keep you in prayer. Best thing I can do is pray the Spirit comes on you in a powerful way.
The only thing I can think of is seeking the Lord for wisdom to say what he needs to hear; whether or not it corresponds with what you feel should be said; although I am sure that I know you well enough to say nothing flippantly or even overly controlled by emotions.
As ill equipped as I feel most of the time I hate to even suggest anything but I wouldn't be surprised if God uses someone else to reach him but I also know that He could have you as a primary source of spiritual wisdom. It is hard of course being so burdened over his situation I am sure-to remain steadfast when worn down I am sure has taken its toll.
I gather from before his domestic environment is dangerously unstable; is he still with his father or with other relatives at present? Sorry I forgot the latest on that. I am sure it is hard with your own family as to a prayer involving eliminating those who are causing issues; but of course all these individuals have to stand before God in the judgment day. Would be great of course for some of them to have a "Damascus Road" experience.
Enough said; at present. I will add one more thing as a suspicion; I just wonder how much worldly music in particular is affecting him? This is a PRIMARY way for the demonic to attach itself; not sure if there is any way to get him some solid Christian music; even if it has to be a style you may not like.
My nephew is at his Dad's home (my brother). I had a long conversation (listen to, actually) with my nephew last night. I was only able to ask him a few questions because he wanted to go through the past happenings in the last 8 months that precipitated this severe downturn for him. I did ask him if he is good with staying with his dad and he said he is fine with that. I asked him if his dad is a trigger for him and he said no. So for now, that may be a good place. My brother does not believe in psychiatric treatment, nor psychiatric meds. He does not recognize mental illness as a medical issue, rather he sees it as a spiritual issue and so, in that way, he isn't in a place to help my nephew very much. He is a believer, and his son, my nephew, abandon his belie in the Bible and in God last fall. He probably felt so down and miserable and hopeless then that he could not see how God would allow this to occur in his life. I do think that much of this rejection of God and faith is the mental illness speaking in a loud way to him. In our phone conversation I did tell him that I continue to pray for him.
He revealed this serious situation to me and so far to one of my other brothers. My nephew told me not to tell anyone. And I can understand this since most members of my family really do not know him at all and my one rother and myself know him very little. I did text my his dad early this week to get an update and he said that his son came home from the hospital last Wednesday. I offered my love, prayers, and support to my brother. This must e agonizing for him as our own sons mental illness is difficult for us as parents. two of our three sons have anxiety/depressive disorder and one is responding well to treatment after a few years of finding the right meds. My other son is not having much success with medications or the brain stimulation treatment he tried early this year. He tells us that he has felt no real significant improvement yet.
Dear Gigi: I guess I didn't have any great insight on your brother's situation. If I understand correctly his dad was abusive but now is a believer; not sure if that is correct.
I thought about your situation and other ones at my Nursing Home study which I started up again; some lady was seeking how to deal with an estranged sister as she put it. Apparently her OLDER sister was a believer when she was into "fen shui" or however you say it. This lady I talked to today had a stroke recently and she says God spoke to her about slowing her down to hear His voice. (nuts just forgot her name good thing I wrote it down). Another lady there "Margaret" is from a Catholic background but seems to have some true faith; a few others just stood around. We determined after an end times study which some expressed interest in before to focus once again on Psalms which I think I started last year. The other woman wants to learn scripture so that is good.
I suppose it isn't any great revelation to you but speaking encouragement I can say that you certainly aren't alone with..well to put it delicately a family with many "idiosyncrasies". I can't say that I am not burdened that you have so much on your plate.
Hopefully your husband's family isn't so troubled so as to have some solace and feel you can be close to some others. Again I am glad you have a decent marriage as a support.
Getting a new lawnmower tomorrow. Hope your home turmoil with repairs comes to a landing in the not too distant future.
Praise God my Christian friend is an electrician and plumber..there is a lot eventually needing to be done in this home.
I'll admit that sometimes I probably like hearing myself talk; and of course a forum like this perpetuates that concept. I loathe the idea; although would like to use whatever skills I have for God's glory. With further opportunities like today for Bible study and evangelism perhaps I'll reduce the time on this site. I again appreciate your support.
yes, my family is very irregular in so many ways. I have weathered the dysfunction well over the years. But others in my family have not. The problem of mental illness is a generational issue on my Mom's side, so genetics plays a part in the recurrence in my sons, my siblings, my cousins, and my nieces and nephews.
With all of this said, I am very concerned for my nephew since he told me that he spends his day thinking about killing himself even after 3 months of hospital stays. I don't know if his dad will be one who can truly help him and I have not spent much time with his dad over the years because my husband and I always have felt that he was a bit creepy and when his former wife informed m about the abuse 30 years ago we just didn't want him to be around our boys at all. So he and I are not very close.
Thank you for your prayers and concern for me and my nephew. I hope to speak with him again today or tomorrow. I will text him and let him know he can call me in the evenings. I know that at this time, I really need to be a good listener to him and avoid anything that my sound to him to be critical, judgmental, or even hyper-spiritual. It is sad to me that he has abandoned his faith in God but I can understand how a severely depressed person can "give up" on God since it would seem that God has given up on the depressed person. Since I really only barely know my nephew, I cannot advise him very well, but I know that I am called to pray for him, especially as he reveals more and more to me. Trust is a BIG issue for anyone in his state and so I wand to tread lightly with him and hopefully he will feel supported and that I am trustworthy.
I think for people who have abandoned their faith it is hard to get close to someone who is a strong, life-long believer because they don't want to e judged or admonished, or be given many "biblical" platitudes and especially not a plethora of Bible verses.
Please continue to pray that I am wise in my words.
My brother (nephew's dad in this conversation) has been a believer since high school. But he got involved with the Way International and then the Church of Christ while married and with his children. Since he moved away from his family 30 years ago due to being abusive to his step daughters, he kind of morphed the Church of Christ culture into his own brand of Christianity. When my nephew moved in with him when he turned 18 my nephew was totally dependent on his dad and having been "fake homeschooled" by his lazy mother, he never had a normal social life, nor an education past being able to sound out words,(which is K to 1st grade reading level),o n top of being very neglected by her. He was not able to get work because of his lack of literacy and severe allergies to most things one would come in contact with at a job which results in severe asthmatic and allergic reactions. He has been with my brother for a little over 10 years and so my brother has greatly influenced him with his "brand" of Christianity (which is very legalistic and tightly narrowed in regards to the "world" as he sees it. So my nephew has not been exposed to so much of what is everyday living for most people, including Christians. We are to be in the world but not of the world, as Jesus said. This sheltering has been detrimental to my nephew.
Since began to play in a blues trio around the area, he has become well known in the blues community and was making his own money finally with the gigs the trio did weekly. This music scene IS his social life now and his means of making money. But now that he cannot play the definitely feels the loss of that outlet for his talent. His depression began to get bad last fall, and came to a crisis level in February. Since then he has been in and out of several hospitals being held there in psych ward and still attempting to commit suicide in each one. He really has no power in and over his life and that is a terrible place to be.
I have asked in recent weeks for prayer for my nephew who was hospitalized for severe depression and suicidal intentions.
He has been released and is at home. Please continue to pray for him. he still thinks about committing suicide many times each day.
Also, pray for me to have wise and compassionate words for him when I speak to him on the phone.
The only thing I can think of is seeking the Lord for wisdom to say what he needs to hear; whether or not it corresponds with what you feel should be said; although I am sure that I know you well enough to say nothing flippantly or even overly controlled by emotions.
As ill equipped as I feel most of the time I hate to even suggest anything but I wouldn't be surprised if God uses someone else to reach him but I also know that He could have you as a primary source of spiritual wisdom. It is hard of course being so burdened over his situation I am sure-to remain steadfast when worn down I am sure has taken its toll.
I gather from before his domestic environment is dangerously unstable; is he still with his father or with other relatives at present? Sorry I forgot the latest on that. I am sure it is hard with your own family as to a prayer involving eliminating those who are causing issues; but of course all these individuals have to stand before God in the judgment day. Would be great of course for some of them to have a "Damascus Road" experience.
Enough said; at present. I will add one more thing as a suspicion; I just wonder how much worldly music in particular is affecting him? This is a PRIMARY way for the demonic to attach itself; not sure if there is any way to get him some solid Christian music; even if it has to be a style you may not like.
Agape Rich P.
My nephew is at his Dad's home (my brother). I had a long conversation (listen to, actually) with my nephew last night. I was only able to ask him a few questions because he wanted to go through the past happenings in the last 8 months that precipitated this severe downturn for him. I did ask him if he is good with staying with his dad and he said he is fine with that. I asked him if his dad is a trigger for him and he said no. So for now, that may be a good place. My brother does not believe in psychiatric treatment, nor psychiatric meds. He does not recognize mental illness as a medical issue, rather he sees it as a spiritual issue and so, in that way, he isn't in a place to help my nephew very much. He is a believer, and his son, my nephew, abandon his belie in the Bible and in God last fall. He probably felt so down and miserable and hopeless then that he could not see how God would allow this to occur in his life. I do think that much of this rejection of God and faith is the mental illness speaking in a loud way to him. In our phone conversation I did tell him that I continue to pray for him.
He revealed this serious situation to me and so far to one of my other brothers. My nephew told me not to tell anyone. And I can understand this since most members of my family really do not know him at all and my one rother and myself know him very little. I did text my his dad early this week to get an update and he said that his son came home from the hospital last Wednesday. I offered my love, prayers, and support to my brother. This must e agonizing for him as our own sons mental illness is difficult for us as parents. two of our three sons have anxiety/depressive disorder and one is responding well to treatment after a few years of finding the right meds. My other son is not having much success with medications or the brain stimulation treatment he tried early this year. He tells us that he has felt no real significant improvement yet.
I thought about your situation and other ones at my Nursing Home study which I started up again; some lady was seeking how to deal with an estranged sister as she put it. Apparently her OLDER sister was a believer when she was into "fen shui" or however you say it. This lady I talked to today had a stroke recently and she says God spoke to her about slowing her down to hear His voice. (nuts just forgot her name good thing I wrote it down). Another lady there "Margaret" is from a Catholic background but seems to have some true faith; a few others just stood around. We determined after an end times study which some expressed interest in before to focus once again on Psalms which I think I started last year. The other woman wants to learn scripture so that is good.
I suppose it isn't any great revelation to you but speaking encouragement I can say that you certainly aren't alone with..well to put it delicately a family with many "idiosyncrasies". I can't say that I am not burdened that you have so much on your plate.
Hopefully your husband's family isn't so troubled so as to have some solace and feel you can be close to some others. Again I am glad you have a decent marriage as a support.
Getting a new lawnmower tomorrow. Hope your home turmoil with repairs comes to a landing in the not too distant future.
Praise God my Christian friend is an electrician and plumber..there is a lot eventually needing to be done in this home.
I'll admit that sometimes I probably like hearing myself talk; and of course a forum like this perpetuates that concept. I loathe the idea; although would like to use whatever skills I have for God's glory. With further opportunities like today for Bible study and evangelism perhaps I'll reduce the time on this site. I again appreciate your support.
yes, my family is very irregular in so many ways. I have weathered the dysfunction well over the years. But others in my family have not. The problem of mental illness is a generational issue on my Mom's side, so genetics plays a part in the recurrence in my sons, my siblings, my cousins, and my nieces and nephews.
With all of this said, I am very concerned for my nephew since he told me that he spends his day thinking about killing himself even after 3 months of hospital stays. I don't know if his dad will be one who can truly help him and I have not spent much time with his dad over the years because my husband and I always have felt that he was a bit creepy and when his former wife informed m about the abuse 30 years ago we just didn't want him to be around our boys at all. So he and I are not very close.
Thank you for your prayers and concern for me and my nephew. I hope to speak with him again today or tomorrow. I will text him and let him know he can call me in the evenings. I know that at this time, I really need to be a good listener to him and avoid anything that my sound to him to be critical, judgmental, or even hyper-spiritual. It is sad to me that he has abandoned his faith in God but I can understand how a severely depressed person can "give up" on God since it would seem that God has given up on the depressed person. Since I really only barely know my nephew, I cannot advise him very well, but I know that I am called to pray for him, especially as he reveals more and more to me. Trust is a BIG issue for anyone in his state and so I wand to tread lightly with him and hopefully he will feel supported and that I am trustworthy.
I think for people who have abandoned their faith it is hard to get close to someone who is a strong, life-long believer because they don't want to e judged or admonished, or be given many "biblical" platitudes and especially not a plethora of Bible verses.
Please continue to pray that I am wise in my words.
My brother (nephew's dad in this conversation) has been a believer since high school. But he got involved with the Way International and then the Church of Christ while married and with his children. Since he moved away from his family 30 years ago due to being abusive to his step daughters, he kind of morphed the Church of Christ culture into his own brand of Christianity. When my nephew moved in with him when he turned 18 my nephew was totally dependent on his dad and having been "fake homeschooled" by his lazy mother, he never had a normal social life, nor an education past being able to sound out words,(which is K to 1st grade reading level),o n top of being very neglected by her. He was not able to get work because of his lack of literacy and severe allergies to most things one would come in contact with at a job which results in severe asthmatic and allergic reactions. He has been with my brother for a little over 10 years and so my brother has greatly influenced him with his "brand" of Christianity (which is very legalistic and tightly narrowed in regards to the "world" as he sees it. So my nephew has not been exposed to so much of what is everyday living for most people, including Christians. We are to be in the world but not of the world, as Jesus said. This sheltering has been detrimental to my nephew.
Since began to play in a blues trio around the area, he has become well known in the blues community and was making his own money finally with the gigs the trio did weekly. This music scene IS his social life now and his means of making money. But now that he cannot play the definitely feels the loss of that outlet for his talent. His depression began to get bad last fall, and came to a crisis level in February. Since then he has been in and out of several hospitals being held there in psych ward and still attempting to commit suicide in each one. He really has no power in and over his life and that is a terrible place to be.
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