Is. 19:20 says that God will send a savior and defender. ad God identifies the Savior as the Holy One of Israel ( a name of God) in Is. 43:3. In 43:11 God says that apart from Him there is NO Savior. Also Hos. 13:4
God calls Himself Savior in Is. 45:21; 49:26; 60:16. Jesus is called the Savior of the world John 4:42; Acts 5:31; 13:23, 1 Tim. 4:10,
the Father sent the Son to as Savior ( 1 Jn. 4:14)
and Jude 1:25 says that Jesus our only God and Savior and He should be glorified and honored the SAME as the Father who is God ( Jn. 5:23) thus claiming equality with the Father. (also see Jn. 5:18; Jn. 10: 30-38; 8:58)
So, in light of these truths of Scripture, It is fact that God alone is our Savior, and the Father sent His Divine Son into the world to save sinners.
Hallelujah! Because every human that has ever lived needs to be saved from their sins, and Jesus, God the Son, is this Savior, and no mere man can save anyone.
God alone is the Savior of men.
Is. 19:20 says that God will send a savior and defender. ad God identifies the Savior as the Holy One of Israel ( a name of God) in Is. 43:3. In 43:11 God says that apart from Him there is NO Savior. Also Hos. 13:4
God calls Himself Savior in Is. 45:21; 49:26; 60:16. Jesus is called the Savior of the world John 4:42; Acts 5:31; 13:23, 1 Tim. 4:10,
the Father sent the Son to as Savior ( 1 Jn. 4:14)
and Jude 1:25 says that Jesus our only God and Savior and He should be glorified and honored the SAME as the Father who is God ( Jn. 5:23) thus claiming equality with the Father. (also see Jn. 5:18; Jn. 10: 30-38; 8:58)
So, in light of these truths of Scripture, It is fact that God alone is our Savior, and the Father sent His Divine Son into the world to save sinners.
Hallelujah! Because every human that has ever lived needs to be saved from their sins, and Jesus, God the Son, is this Savior, and no mere man can save anyone.
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