"By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?"
The triumphal entry of Jesus moved the city of Jerusalem and the commotion brought chief priests and elders to see it for themselves. "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?"(13:55) In his own country the townsfolk were offended and in Jerusalem he was all the more a question mark. "Who gave thee this authority?"
Jesus could have given the same answer he gave John, "Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see/ The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them."(11:4-6) What blessedness was in reducing the power and glory of God into some theorem to be proved? It is what serpent gave Eve asking her to prove God by some established truths. Knowledge of good and evil without the truth was neither here nor there. Ever since the world has been wrestling with it and to what purpose?
Man raises razor-wire fencing to keep migrants out while within wildfires menacingly spread into an inferno does man see any connection? Of course not. His mind has been corrupted by undue stress on reason to see his folly from evidences. Minds that devise nuclear bombs to halt a war in far-off Pacific theater of war may not have foreseen space based nuclear weapons but it has become the reality.
The chief priests without faith could not determine if John's baptism was from heaven or not. They also wanted to please man so they were stumped by the question of Jesus. They were like the proverbial salt having lost savor was good for nothing. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."(He.11:6)
"Minds that devise nuclear bombs to halt a war in far-off Pacific theater of war may not have foreseen space based nuclear weapons but it has become the reality." Don't you think this is God's will. Nothing for true believers to be worried about, except to be praying for our lost loved ones.
Just a little bit of true history:
You're talking about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This would not have happened if the Japanese leaders had been willing to surrender but instead they refused, even after we bombed Hiroshima, which, by the way, was detonated high above the city because we didn't want it to hit the ground, it would be much much more devastating. We had to bomb Nagasaki too, because the Japanese, military and civilians, were getting ready to continue to fight, which would have taken years as a ground war and millions of more people would have been killed. We gave them plenty of warning including the first bombing and they still refused to surrender until after we bombed Nagasaki. Also, I advise you to read "Life Atomic: Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine" by Angela Creager to see the many wonderful discoveries that we have today; gleaned from Atomic Technology. The United States could have very easily taken over Japan to "colonized" it but instead we reached out a very large helping hand to help it become the country it is today. That's the TRUE American way.
I love this quote from G. K. Chesterton: "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." God always brings about His will in these things, I'm sure, Bennmkje, you must realize. God Bless :)
Minds that devise nuclear bombs refer to the mind of man. It is all caught up in ideas, and cutting short time and motion. Such reliance on reason than morality takes line of least resistance. His foresight does not match hindsight. So we have micro-plastics even in oceans and in our bodies. Space junk not to mention the garbage left behind the Himalayas and so on. Then we have forever chemicals.
Since you mentioned history Nazi Germany was well advanced onto making a nuclear bomb as well as Japan. One of the last acts of the former was to send all that enriched uranium through a sub- 325 if I remember correctly, to Tokyo which en route was intercepted by the US before Canada could. On the way Germany had surrendered to the Allies. So the crew of the sub readily surrendered to the US. At that time the US were run by decent and morally upright men like FDR,Truman George Marshall. FDR politically savvy could not have got his New Deal through so he packed the Supreme Court with social minded Justices like Brandeis and few others. The same idea in our times have created way for the present impasse. In whichever case God is in control. No nation has been given a blank check to do what it will. Man takes shortcuts while history runs slowly so man often fails to see the connection. Have you seen any policies run to its happy outcome? Did the Civil war free the slaves and the people lived happily ever after?
Hi Bennymjke: I agree with you to a certain extent and God did have a much better man in the White House then, then we have now. Anybody would be better than who we have now but God put him there so I guess we just have to endure. Do you think progress is important?It's true there are plastic bottles in our oceans but there are people a lot healthier, also, because of the strides made in medicine since then. What do you think of what we've been told that the bomb took a lot less lives than if the war had gone on as a ground war? Do you believe that was true? I think you know a lot about history so I look forward to reading your reply. God Bless :)
Certainly. the USA has so much to give credit for but politics everywhere is the art of the impossible made to look possible. Whichever government Russia UK or China may follow it is same. Satan has drawn a shroud over man who says, "I will" God has made the US prove what they vow,"In God we Trust".
In the previous post I mentioned Wehrner von Braun. His group consisted of 120 + scientists and not 20 as I mentioned.
Finally in my youth I grew up reading the lives of so many, Truman, Thoreau among so many. But at the fag end of my life scales have fallen off my eyes and glory of man is like grass.
After the post WWII the Allies wanted to punish the Nazi regime in such an exemplary manner so a Tribunal was set up to punish the criminal regime at Nuremburg the place where the torchlight parades took place making it as the spiritual birthplace for the regime. Halfway through the US realized that the Russians were their actual enemies than a regime that was dead already. The US found out the USSR was racing ahead with V-2 missile program so the scientists like Werner von Braun ans some 20 scientists from Nazi Germany were spirited away secretly, without even the western allies knowing it, to set up the US space program. Naturally Nuremburg did not complete what it set out to do. This how plans of men and mice go awry.
Yesterday enemy is today's ally and man keeps changing his tune. It is sin that makes the grandiose vision of nations very ludicrous. Does God simply lets them play drucks and drakes with his holiness?
There was Tulsa Massacre in 1921, and the Black Wall street was torched with impunity. Did it lead to the Wall Street crash of '29? It is thus man plays with God's laws as he pleases. God shall call to account every injustice without exception. What advances of Science man may crow about he cannot let them sink in to advantage of all? It is like Reagan's trickle down economy. Did fattening the super rich help the poor? About $42 trillion in new wealth was created in the first two years of the pandemic. Two-thirds of that has gone to the richest 1% of the world's people. The poor became poorer.
Actually it is not about POTUS of then and now. The problem ia with sin and man, the Founding Father for an instance has had slaves when the US wrote their constitution. The Fathers belonging to the class of gentlemen lived by certain rules. They would not have allowed a blackguard to come in.So the Constitution was written for a class that honoured a certain conduct and principles. But sin was in keeping a throughly bad principle of race and master and slave run on/ Sinful man is afraid not only in Zion but also elsewhere. Britain freed slaves before they left but had to hand over all possession to the new masters as they left. Thus slavery was allowed to continue. If the Founding Fathers were truly building a New Canaan they could have publicly declared them free. They did not.
Sin never remains single but affects the entire union. Neither a civil war or three of its kind shall not cure this problem. Total cleansing is what one would need. POTUS in the post Civil war tried to appease the South which only added to the problem Jim Crow laws were under Southern democrats which are the GOP of present days. The parties keep changing shapes and names but the heart of a sinful man is ever in ferment. Whence did these deep-state and conspiracy theories originate? Fear of course. Is South happy because many Presidents like Nixon for instance had a southern agenda to win their support? As Adam was fearful after sin of disobedience they shall never be happy always suspecting danger. It is this fear that politician use 'fermongering ' is very useful for the blackguards. Without Christ nations scatter whatever blessings they were given.
Hi Bennymkjr: You already sent me this reply. I was wondering, as I asked in my last reply, if you can tell me if you believe the USA has done any GOOD since it's founding. I know about the bad even in very recent history. God Bless :)
America is merely a showcase for the Age of Enlightenment. The Founding Fathers were product of it. Making wealth is not unique for the nation. Vanderbilt Carnegie could exploit the vast resources of a virgin continent. Opening the west for the pioneers was an adventure but Prairies becoming dust bowl and reducing the native Americans to reservation and to squalor shows the bad side of individualism. There is nothing heroic about nations whichever way you look at it. Christianity was systematically used to whitewash the Simon Legrees of the new mercantile class. The Bible Belt has their Lots and daughters. What has the Bible taught these?
Capitalism spawned banana wars and the migration from the South is one of its consequences and hunger for sugar made Cuba go red and its aftershocks has not left the nation completely. Similarly the foreign policies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Cambodia still reverberate. Fear of Communism and exploitation of natural resources are not unique to the USA. But much of wealth created has went into the pockets of a few while the opioid crisis has made much of manpower thrown into ineffectual. Momsage, it is rather waste of time to dwell too long in social fabric of a nation steeped by its own funk and stupidity. Let us stop the topic.
You can always move to another area of the world that would work better for your mindset. As for me, I will stay in the U.S.A. because it offers the greatest amount of personal freedom and inalienable rights than ANY other country. None are perfect, but some are better than others for every tier of society. Those who are in poverty in America would be shocked to know the depth of poverty in other parts of the world and see that their own poverty is not near as difficult as billions of others.
I am long on America, with all of its warts and wounds, it is still a great place to live. Focusing on all the negative things you bring up is certainly your prerogative, but for me, I will look at the good as well as the bad. In doing this, I know that U.S.A. is far from a perfect republic of the people and by the people and for the people, but it has offered opportunities for advancement that no other country can say they possess. I come from a multigenerational legacy of poverty with ancestors coming here from Europe to get a better life. There have been much success through the generations and my generation is the first to raise our kids outside of poverty. It took 5 generations. My ancestors worked hard and faced more severe difficulties than most people alive today in our country, but they did not speak against the country that gave them opportunity and better prospects for their futures. Why do you feel a need to do this?
I have two relatives who came here from Africa through marriage. They speak of what happens today in their countries, slavery, raping of women, kidnapping of women, physical abuse of women, violence and death of relatives at young ages is more common than here. So many children are orphans due to AIDS and abandonment by their parents or children are sold to other Africans. Tribalism is very strong there and so people do not help people from other tribes or are discouraged from marrying outside of their tribe.
Sure I have been to the US a number of times but I chose to live elsewhere. I am fine. God has a purpose and I hope to follow from where He has chosen for me, Joy and peace in him,
It is as good as a country as any, and better than almost all others. Government serves its purpose allowed by God. As a citizen, I make us of my rights and freedoms in the U.S.A. to vote, speak up for what I believe and contribute to the welfare of others through taxes and through my time and monetary contributions. I get to choose where I would like to live and can move to another area of the country freely if I wished. It is a very big country with much beauty and I can travel freely anywhere here to enjoy what God has created in this land. I can worship freely in the church fellowship of my choice.
This is where God chose for me to be born and live out my life. I am thankful He chose this for me.
There certainly are things that have occurred in the U.S.A. that were wrong, but have been set aright now. There are things going on now that need correction. I pray for God to do this according to His will and plan for this country.
I really don't care that there are those who are very wealthy here. It does not affect me in my daily life. I have had the opportunity to earn a living and now retire. We are not wealthy, but have what we need. The wealthy have not wronged me.
But those who refuse to work and take welfare yet are able to work wrong everyone who works and pays their taxes. They are taking what they have not earned from those who have earned it. I do want those who are disabled and unable to work to be provided for, but able-bodied people should be working and paying their own way in life.
What can you tell me about your country? What are it's plusses and minusses?
What can I say about country which is whether in the US or in Asia or Europe are run by men in various stages of corruption? what can it offer a child of God than what God makes circumstances cushion me from reeling under? Love of my life makes my days as Jacob felt in the house of Laban see seven years as a few days. Last week a chipped enamel in tooth gave me discomfort and God healed me amazingly, and today before my visit to the dentist I felt lifted up. I still manage by God's grace my days. So I have no need compare here or there.
This is fine, Bennymkje, that you have now said that it does not matter here nor there. If this is how you feel then why did you speak so poorly about the U.S.A.? It seems that you wanted to have your say about the ills of the U.S.A. and then not enter into discussion with anyone who may think differently than you do. But I may be wrong on that. Taking "stabs" at the U. S. A. or any other country and then walking away from conversation is a cheap shot.
Yes, men do sin because of the cursed world we live in but because we are made in God's image there is good in them too. Not good to win salvation but just good in a sense of morally and ethicly. Yes slaves in America was bad but we fought a devastating war not only to keep the union whole but also th abolish slavery and we did. Do you think America has done any good here or abroad since her founding?
"By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?"
The triumphal entry of Jesus moved the city of Jerusalem and the commotion brought chief priests and elders to see it for themselves. "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?"(13:55) In his own country the townsfolk were offended and in Jerusalem he was all the more a question mark. "Who gave thee this authority?"
Jesus could have given the same answer he gave John, "Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see/ The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them."(11:4-6) What blessedness was in reducing the power and glory of God into some theorem to be proved? It is what serpent gave Eve asking her to prove God by some established truths. Knowledge of good and evil without the truth was neither here nor there. Ever since the world has been wrestling with it and to what purpose?
Man raises razor-wire fencing to keep migrants out while within wildfires menacingly spread into an inferno does man see any connection? Of course not. His mind has been corrupted by undue stress on reason to see his folly from evidences. Minds that devise nuclear bombs to halt a war in far-off Pacific theater of war may not have foreseen space based nuclear weapons but it has become the reality.
The chief priests without faith could not determine if John's baptism was from heaven or not. They also wanted to please man so they were stumped by the question of Jesus. They were like the proverbial salt having lost savor was good for nothing. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."(He.11:6)
"Minds that devise nuclear bombs to halt a war in far-off Pacific theater of war may not have foreseen space based nuclear weapons but it has become the reality." Don't you think this is God's will. Nothing for true believers to be worried about, except to be praying for our lost loved ones.
Just a little bit of true history:
You're talking about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This would not have happened if the Japanese leaders had been willing to surrender but instead they refused, even after we bombed Hiroshima, which, by the way, was detonated high above the city because we didn't want it to hit the ground, it would be much much more devastating. We had to bomb Nagasaki too, because the Japanese, military and civilians, were getting ready to continue to fight, which would have taken years as a ground war and millions of more people would have been killed. We gave them plenty of warning including the first bombing and they still refused to surrender until after we bombed Nagasaki. Also, I advise you to read "Life Atomic: Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine" by Angela Creager to see the many wonderful discoveries that we have today; gleaned from Atomic Technology. The United States could have very easily taken over Japan to "colonized" it but instead we reached out a very large helping hand to help it become the country it is today. That's the TRUE American way.
I love this quote from G. K. Chesterton: "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." God always brings about His will in these things, I'm sure, Bennmkje, you must realize. God Bless :)
Minds that devise nuclear bombs refer to the mind of man. It is all caught up in ideas, and cutting short time and motion. Such reliance on reason than morality takes line of least resistance. His foresight does not match hindsight. So we have micro-plastics even in oceans and in our bodies. Space junk not to mention the garbage left behind the Himalayas and so on. Then we have forever chemicals.
Since you mentioned history Nazi Germany was well advanced onto making a nuclear bomb as well as Japan. One of the last acts of the former was to send all that enriched uranium through a sub- 325 if I remember correctly, to Tokyo which en route was intercepted by the US before Canada could. On the way Germany had surrendered to the Allies. So the crew of the sub readily surrendered to the US. At that time the US were run by decent and morally upright men like FDR,Truman George Marshall. FDR politically savvy could not have got his New Deal through so he packed the Supreme Court with social minded Justices like Brandeis and few others. The same idea in our times have created way for the present impasse. In whichever case God is in control. No nation has been given a blank check to do what it will. Man takes shortcuts while history runs slowly so man often fails to see the connection. Have you seen any policies run to its happy outcome? Did the Civil war free the slaves and the people lived happily ever after?
Certainly. the USA has so much to give credit for but politics everywhere is the art of the impossible made to look possible. Whichever government Russia UK or China may follow it is same. Satan has drawn a shroud over man who says, "I will" God has made the US prove what they vow,"In God we Trust".
In the previous post I mentioned Wehrner von Braun. His group consisted of 120 + scientists and not 20 as I mentioned.
Finally in my youth I grew up reading the lives of so many, Truman, Thoreau among so many. But at the fag end of my life scales have fallen off my eyes and glory of man is like grass.
After the post WWII the Allies wanted to punish the Nazi regime in such an exemplary manner so a Tribunal was set up to punish the criminal regime at Nuremburg the place where the torchlight parades took place making it as the spiritual birthplace for the regime. Halfway through the US realized that the Russians were their actual enemies than a regime that was dead already. The US found out the USSR was racing ahead with V-2 missile program so the scientists like Werner von Braun ans some 20 scientists from Nazi Germany were spirited away secretly, without even the western allies knowing it, to set up the US space program. Naturally Nuremburg did not complete what it set out to do. This how plans of men and mice go awry.
Yesterday enemy is today's ally and man keeps changing his tune. It is sin that makes the grandiose vision of nations very ludicrous. Does God simply lets them play drucks and drakes with his holiness?
There was Tulsa Massacre in 1921, and the Black Wall street was torched with impunity. Did it lead to the Wall Street crash of '29? It is thus man plays with God's laws as he pleases. God shall call to account every injustice without exception. What advances of Science man may crow about he cannot let them sink in to advantage of all? It is like Reagan's trickle down economy. Did fattening the super rich help the poor? About $42 trillion in new wealth was created in the first two years of the pandemic. Two-thirds of that has gone to the richest 1% of the world's people. The poor became poorer.
Actually it is not about POTUS of then and now. The problem ia with sin and man, the Founding Father for an instance has had slaves when the US wrote their constitution. The Fathers belonging to the class of gentlemen lived by certain rules. They would not have allowed a blackguard to come in.So the Constitution was written for a class that honoured a certain conduct and principles. But sin was in keeping a throughly bad principle of race and master and slave run on/ Sinful man is afraid not only in Zion but also elsewhere. Britain freed slaves before they left but had to hand over all possession to the new masters as they left. Thus slavery was allowed to continue. If the Founding Fathers were truly building a New Canaan they could have publicly declared them free. They did not.
Sin never remains single but affects the entire union. Neither a civil war or three of its kind shall not cure this problem. Total cleansing is what one would need. POTUS in the post Civil war tried to appease the South which only added to the problem Jim Crow laws were under Southern democrats which are the GOP of present days. The parties keep changing shapes and names but the heart of a sinful man is ever in ferment. Whence did these deep-state and conspiracy theories originate? Fear of course. Is South happy because many Presidents like Nixon for instance had a southern agenda to win their support? As Adam was fearful after sin of disobedience they shall never be happy always suspecting danger. It is this fear that politician use 'fermongering ' is very useful for the blackguards. Without Christ nations scatter whatever blessings they were given.
Capitalism spawned banana wars and the migration from the South is one of its consequences and hunger for sugar made Cuba go red and its aftershocks has not left the nation completely. Similarly the foreign policies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Cambodia still reverberate. Fear of Communism and exploitation of natural resources are not unique to the USA. But much of wealth created has went into the pockets of a few while the opioid crisis has made much of manpower thrown into ineffectual. Momsage, it is rather waste of time to dwell too long in social fabric of a nation steeped by its own funk and stupidity. Let us stop the topic.
You can always move to another area of the world that would work better for your mindset. As for me, I will stay in the U.S.A. because it offers the greatest amount of personal freedom and inalienable rights than ANY other country. None are perfect, but some are better than others for every tier of society. Those who are in poverty in America would be shocked to know the depth of poverty in other parts of the world and see that their own poverty is not near as difficult as billions of others.
I am long on America, with all of its warts and wounds, it is still a great place to live. Focusing on all the negative things you bring up is certainly your prerogative, but for me, I will look at the good as well as the bad. In doing this, I know that U.S.A. is far from a perfect republic of the people and by the people and for the people, but it has offered opportunities for advancement that no other country can say they possess. I come from a multigenerational legacy of poverty with ancestors coming here from Europe to get a better life. There have been much success through the generations and my generation is the first to raise our kids outside of poverty. It took 5 generations. My ancestors worked hard and faced more severe difficulties than most people alive today in our country, but they did not speak against the country that gave them opportunity and better prospects for their futures. Why do you feel a need to do this?
I have two relatives who came here from Africa through marriage. They speak of what happens today in their countries, slavery, raping of women, kidnapping of women, physical abuse of women, violence and death of relatives at young ages is more common than here. So many children are orphans due to AIDS and abandonment by their parents or children are sold to other Africans. Tribalism is very strong there and so people do not help people from other tribes or are discouraged from marrying outside of their tribe.
Sin is worldwide.
Sure I have been to the US a number of times but I chose to live elsewhere. I am fine. God has a purpose and I hope to follow from where He has chosen for me, Joy and peace in him,
I thought you lived in the U.S.A.
It is as good as a country as any, and better than almost all others. Government serves its purpose allowed by God. As a citizen, I make us of my rights and freedoms in the U.S.A. to vote, speak up for what I believe and contribute to the welfare of others through taxes and through my time and monetary contributions. I get to choose where I would like to live and can move to another area of the country freely if I wished. It is a very big country with much beauty and I can travel freely anywhere here to enjoy what God has created in this land. I can worship freely in the church fellowship of my choice.
This is where God chose for me to be born and live out my life. I am thankful He chose this for me.
There certainly are things that have occurred in the U.S.A. that were wrong, but have been set aright now. There are things going on now that need correction. I pray for God to do this according to His will and plan for this country.
I really don't care that there are those who are very wealthy here. It does not affect me in my daily life. I have had the opportunity to earn a living and now retire. We are not wealthy, but have what we need. The wealthy have not wronged me.
But those who refuse to work and take welfare yet are able to work wrong everyone who works and pays their taxes. They are taking what they have not earned from those who have earned it. I do want those who are disabled and unable to work to be provided for, but able-bodied people should be working and paying their own way in life.
What can you tell me about your country? What are it's plusses and minusses?
What can I say about country which is whether in the US or in Asia or Europe are run by men in various stages of corruption? what can it offer a child of God than what God makes circumstances cushion me from reeling under? Love of my life makes my days as Jacob felt in the house of Laban see seven years as a few days. Last week a chipped enamel in tooth gave me discomfort and God healed me amazingly, and today before my visit to the dentist I felt lifted up. I still manage by God's grace my days. So I have no need compare here or there.
You are free to form your conclusions whichever way you want. I used the example of the US to explain my passages and not the other way about.
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