I just feel like I have so much put on me at the moment. I would love for a moment where i could get a prayer towards me. I try to sit down and talk to the lord. I try and do everything right, but I dont know what it is. No matter how hard I try to be good, i just end up doing bad. I need to be forgiven. I need peace. I need love. And I need patience.
We lift up Hayle to you Lord and we ask that you remove this burden off her, whatever it is. We pray that Hayle might know that she can boldly come to the throne of grace, your throne, and with confidence know that if she asks for your will to be done in her life, that it will be done. We stop to thank you for your faithfulness. It is by your Spirit which brings conviction to our heart that we are able to confess our need for you. We are sinners, and yet we are saved by grace.
We confess our continuous need for your cleansing. We thank you for your provision. We pray that you will continue to draw Hayle and us to your word so that we might learn from you, and that we might grow in Christ our Savior. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen!
So that's what he's saying here. Don't be occupied. When you find yourself occupied, give it to the Lord. It will destroy you if you don't. And ask for God's will to be done. A lot of times we ask for specifics and if it doesn't turn out that way, we get even worse in our anxiety.
So, my suggestion to you is to give it all to the Lord. When you give it to the Lord, it's with thanksgiving. It's like the Lord is there for you to give it to. And we can be thankful for that! And then of course the command is to let your requests be known unto God. So, whatever it is, give it to Him. Let Him know about it. Stop trying to do it on your own!
There is a special Greek word used throughout the New Testament. The word is MERIMNA, and it has to do with worry, anxiety, and the cares of this world. It is a word that represents the occupation of the attention of the mind. Not the occupation of the mind, but the occupation of the attention of the mind. You're saved, and now the Lord wants to renew your mind. So, Satan keeps you occupied, tired, thinking of all these things that you have to deal with. But the Bible tells us to cast all your care upon the Lord because the Lord is concerned about you.
Philippians 4:6 says, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
The word careful is the word MERIMNAO, which is the Greek word for anxiety, or worry. So, worry about nothing. Do not let the cares of this world occupy the attention of your mind. Cast all your cares on the Lord. We are not to be anxious for one thing. That's easier said than done. But look what Paul says to do about it. He says but in every thing by prayer and supplication, and supplication means petition. Prayer is general. Petition is specific.
Everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, and then the command is: let your requests be made known unto God.
He's not saying pray about it. The bible teaches that prayer is the means by which we communicate and express our submission to God and His will. That's what the bible teaches. Most of the time we get caught up emotionally in the things of this world to the point that it has a hold of our lives. We pray for God to step in, and what God is saying is let go of that and pray and submit it to me, and you line up and pray for my will to be done in that situation.
I will also be praying for you. I agree with Carol in that this is a normal thing most every believer experiences at some point in life. Andrea also touches on two things that are very important: "do not worry," and "trust the Lord."
If I may just add a few thoughts to this. This might seem long, but it is my hope that something I share with you might bring you some comfort. I wouldn't spend a lot of time writing this if I didn't care. You did not mention if you have been born of God's Spirit (Saved), so I am just going to assume you have. As a believer, it's not about you or me "trying to do everything right." It's about surrendering ourselves to Jesus Christ and following the persuasion of His Spirit in our lives, leading us to do what is right. Have you ever heard the phrase "Let go, and let God?"
You say that you "try and do everything right, but you don't know what it is." What is the Lord leading you to do? That's your answer. You also mention that "No matter how hard you try to be good, you just end up doing bad." That's the whole point! Stop trying in your own human effort to do good. God will not recognize anything good we do apart from Him. The only good He sees in us is the work that His Spirit produces in our lives. Seek the Lord for guidance and direction and submit to His persuasion in your life. No matter how hard we try and do good in our own human effort, we will fail.
If you are feeling that you "have so much put on me at the moment," and this is causing you undue stress or anxiety, you need to take whatever it is that is burdening you and give it to the Lord. Put it on Him. Cast all your cares on Him ( 1 Peter 5:7).
hi Hayle, i just want to say that God is a forgiving God, so ask God to forgive you. If you haven't done so then also make sure to ask the lord to come into your heart and cleanse you from every sin and ask him to take control over your life, and ask him to accept you as his own child.
Pray, ask God for forgiveness and ask Him to take the desire for sin from you, tell Him you love Him so completely that you no longer want to sin, that you want to live a life fully dedicated to Him without sin. (It is the nature of Adam, the old man that we are born with that causes us to sin but sanctification can rid us of our Adamic nature, all at once completely. Be sincere and when you are sanctified you will feel a joy and peace you have never known. Then ask Him to fill you with the Holy Ghost. If it's in His will it will happen. Be worshipful and trust God. Just continue to pray and talk to God. He will begin to take over your speech and you will start to speak in an unknow tongue. This cannot be the devil, as some people may say, you are in God's hands and He is NOT going to let the devil have any power over you. Those fanatics on social media are of the devil. He is using them to keep people away from this beautiful gift form God; to malign it. Here are scriptures that I hope will help you understand that this doctrine is from God. John 5:14, Col. 3:9, Rom. 6:1-7, 2 Cor. 5:17, Rom. 12:2, John 3:1-10, Rom. 6:10-11, Rom. 8:12-13, 2 Tim. 2:15.
This reply is probably going to get a lot of comments denouncing what I have said. I have lived with the infilling of the Holy Spirit for decades and I am a true child of God who loves Him dearly and I live every day for Him without sin. I do have faults. Sins send us to hell. Faults, are minor character flaws; these do not send us to hell. People who believe in the sinning/christian doctrine refuse to see the difference. Calling someone a bad name IS a sin but if that person upsets you and you just leave while praying for them, the sinning/christian doctrine teaches that since you got upset you sinned. Jesus said darkness and light don't mix. If you have questions about my stand on the false doctrines of gradual sanctification and sinning/christian please let me know. I hope this helps you. God Bless :)
I have read your request and will be praying. I would like to highly recommend a small, simple book by Bob George called "Classic Christianity ". It would hit the spot for where it sounds like you are at. I also encourage you to frustrated, as what you are going through is normal. What helps me is to pray for others going through what you are, or for other matters. This is a perfect place for that:). Carry on in Christ! Carol
We lift up Hayle to you Lord and we ask that you remove this burden off her, whatever it is. We pray that Hayle might know that she can boldly come to the throne of grace, your throne, and with confidence know that if she asks for your will to be done in her life, that it will be done. We stop to thank you for your faithfulness. It is by your Spirit which brings conviction to our heart that we are able to confess our need for you. We are sinners, and yet we are saved by grace.
We confess our continuous need for your cleansing. We thank you for your provision. We pray that you will continue to draw Hayle and us to your word so that we might learn from you, and that we might grow in Christ our Savior. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen!
I have joined others in prayer for you.
God bless you.
(Part 3):
So that's what he's saying here. Don't be occupied. When you find yourself occupied, give it to the Lord. It will destroy you if you don't. And ask for God's will to be done. A lot of times we ask for specifics and if it doesn't turn out that way, we get even worse in our anxiety.
So, my suggestion to you is to give it all to the Lord. When you give it to the Lord, it's with thanksgiving. It's like the Lord is there for you to give it to. And we can be thankful for that! And then of course the command is to let your requests be known unto God. So, whatever it is, give it to Him. Let Him know about it. Stop trying to do it on your own!
God Bless!!!
(Part 2):
There is a special Greek word used throughout the New Testament. The word is MERIMNA, and it has to do with worry, anxiety, and the cares of this world. It is a word that represents the occupation of the attention of the mind. Not the occupation of the mind, but the occupation of the attention of the mind. You're saved, and now the Lord wants to renew your mind. So, Satan keeps you occupied, tired, thinking of all these things that you have to deal with. But the Bible tells us to cast all your care upon the Lord because the Lord is concerned about you.
Philippians 4:6 says, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
The word careful is the word MERIMNAO, which is the Greek word for anxiety, or worry. So, worry about nothing. Do not let the cares of this world occupy the attention of your mind. Cast all your cares on the Lord. We are not to be anxious for one thing. That's easier said than done. But look what Paul says to do about it. He says but in every thing by prayer and supplication, and supplication means petition. Prayer is general. Petition is specific.
Everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, and then the command is: let your requests be made known unto God.
He's not saying pray about it. The bible teaches that prayer is the means by which we communicate and express our submission to God and His will. That's what the bible teaches. Most of the time we get caught up emotionally in the things of this world to the point that it has a hold of our lives. We pray for God to step in, and what God is saying is let go of that and pray and submit it to me, and you line up and pray for my will to be done in that situation.
One more very short post, I promise!
(Part 1):
I will also be praying for you. I agree with Carol in that this is a normal thing most every believer experiences at some point in life. Andrea also touches on two things that are very important: "do not worry," and "trust the Lord."
If I may just add a few thoughts to this. This might seem long, but it is my hope that something I share with you might bring you some comfort. I wouldn't spend a lot of time writing this if I didn't care. You did not mention if you have been born of God's Spirit (Saved), so I am just going to assume you have. As a believer, it's not about you or me "trying to do everything right." It's about surrendering ourselves to Jesus Christ and following the persuasion of His Spirit in our lives, leading us to do what is right. Have you ever heard the phrase "Let go, and let God?"
You say that you "try and do everything right, but you don't know what it is." What is the Lord leading you to do? That's your answer. You also mention that "No matter how hard you try to be good, you just end up doing bad." That's the whole point! Stop trying in your own human effort to do good. God will not recognize anything good we do apart from Him. The only good He sees in us is the work that His Spirit produces in our lives. Seek the Lord for guidance and direction and submit to His persuasion in your life. No matter how hard we try and do good in our own human effort, we will fail.
If you are feeling that you "have so much put on me at the moment," and this is causing you undue stress or anxiety, you need to take whatever it is that is burdening you and give it to the Lord. Put it on Him. Cast all your cares on Him ( 1 Peter 5:7).
Part 2 to follow...
[Comment Removed]
cares for you.
This reply is probably going to get a lot of comments denouncing what I have said. I have lived with the infilling of the Holy Spirit for decades and I am a true child of God who loves Him dearly and I live every day for Him without sin. I do have faults. Sins send us to hell. Faults, are minor character flaws; these do not send us to hell. People who believe in the sinning/christian doctrine refuse to see the difference. Calling someone a bad name IS a sin but if that person upsets you and you just leave while praying for them, the sinning/christian doctrine teaches that since you got upset you sinned. Jesus said darkness and light don't mix. If you have questions about my stand on the false doctrines of gradual sanctification and sinning/christian please let me know. I hope this helps you. God Bless :)
I have read your request and will be praying. I would like to highly recommend a small, simple book by Bob George called "Classic Christianity ". It would hit the spot for where it sounds like you are at. I also encourage you to frustrated, as what you are going through is normal. What helps me is to pray for others going through what you are, or for other matters. This is a perfect place for that:). Carry on in Christ! Carol
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