One last thought :) . The king James version is actually a translation , are any other modern versions actual translations ? Or have they just replaced some words with others ? If in doubt , look up the definition of the word ' translation ' .
We all have a past while God saw future in us. Growing under the rod and thumb of a stern father I know what it is having to give account for my days. So I bristled whenever my woman would want to know. Luckily it never showed up. I thought to myself, "I am a fool to reply to love as I did to my father, in defensive mode". God made me see difference so the stern attitude I learned now to apply where it require, So I would rather please God. Both ways I am content with love of being a husband and a son who ought to give glory to our Father which art in heaven. It is all how we look at things outside of ourselves. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
It's hard work shaking off those old chains :) . Our parents can load us with baggage but Christ takes it off us and shows us a better way , I'm glad he found you , I can't imagine what would have become of me if he hadn't dragged me out of the fire . He's worked wonders for you , keep up the good work .
In the 80s I woke up in the wee hours with a voice and a verse. Immediately I woke up and referred the passage, " And of Benjamin he said, The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders."(De.33:12) I am the youngest son so named Benjamin. "And he shall dwell between his shoulders"I took it as "I am in his will." I have three other younger sisters. How did my father think that I' m the yougest son. But looking back I can see that I was foreknown. So let us say, each child of God shall find there was no coincidence or luck but His grace.
On Dec.28 2021 while I dressed up for the day I heard a small voice prompting me to begin a dictionary, comparing the spiritual with spiritual. Straightaway I began the day with entries. OnMay 8,2022 I finished the entire work which since then went through editing and I took it up lately knowing that my work was not in void but blessed by the Lord. He that has begun a good work shall see to it whether I am still around or not. I have not put my name as the author since God is the author and finisher of it.
To answer your question, most of the modern Bible editions are translations-meaning that the translators used texts that were written long before the present time. And these translations have been updated, edited and revised.
The KJV used the Received Text which included about 7 manuscripts written in the middle ages-The Latin Vulgate, the Catholic priest, Erasmus' translation of the Vulgate into a Greek translation, the Masoretic Jewish OT text from the middle ages, and the codices from the Byzantine and Syrian sources. They also used the Septuagint at times. The KJV was revised probably about a dozen times since 1611.
The Revised Version translation is a revision of the KJV where the translators went back to the same sources as the KJV. In the U.S. the American Standard Version was a re-translation of the KJV using the same sources as the KJV. These came out in the late 1800's.. Both the RV and ASV have been revised a few times since then now going by the Revised Standard Version and the New American Standard Version. These came out around the 1950's and 1960's.
The New International Version is a translation using texts from codices Sinaiticus and Latin that are dated far earlier than the Received Tests the KJV used. Some of these codices date back to as early as 125. A.D. up to about 500 A.D. The translators used the Septuagint and also reviewed the Received Text as well. This translation came out in the 1970's and has been revised a few times since then.
The New King James Version is a re-translation of the KJV using the same Received Texts and Masoretic Jewish OT texts as the KJV. I am not sure if this version used any of the documents that the NIV used that were newly discovered in the 1800 after the 1611 KJV was translated. The NKJV came out in the 1980's or 1990's.
The English Standard Version also is a translation using the more recently discovered and older codices that the NIV used that date back much farther than the TR and MS.
Thanks for your post , I know all of that info from the internet also . I use a 1611 KJV . I don't mind what other people choose to read , that up to them . This is however a KJV site . So I don't see why people can be surprised if that's the version most people on here want to talk about and refer to . Maybe I'm being foolish but as I said , this isn't just a Christian site or a Bible site only , it's a KJV site .
Jema, It seemed to me like you were asking an honest question that I attempted to help answer. That's all. If you already know the information I presented, why ask the question you posed? Maybe I missed something.
I think everyone on here knows that this is a site that hosts the KJV Bible to be read and offers a forum for people to share their biblical ideas. There is nowhere on this site that states that only the KJV can be discussed to the exclusion of any other translation. I think it is erroneous to insist that this is so. I also think that it does not promote peace among us when some insist on this site being something that it does not claim to be.
Jema, I enjoy conversing with you when you do respond to me. I hope we can continue to do so even when we disagree on some things. I keep you in my prayers often along with most people that post here. What a blessed opportunity to intercede for one another!
I haven't insisted that anyone do anything and I didn't realise that my posts were so provocative . This is a KJV site , so I merely reminded people that it's not unreasonable for people to expect this site to be KJV based . People should not be made to feel as if they are some how wrong in that expectation , given the fact that this site is called the King James Bible site . It's as simple as that . I'm done with talking in circles now and don't enjoy stating the obvious over and over again so I'm going to stop .
OK Jema, thanks for you input on this discussion. I, too, post from the heart, as you do and do not plan out my posts. They are for the most part, spontaneously written, but also done prayerfully. Take care and I look forward to discussing other topics with you.
I am not sure what point you are trying to make concerning translations? Are you saying that we should only trust a bible that is a translation, and that any bible that is not a translation should not be trusted? Over the past few weeks, this topic seems to have been the most dominant topic for discussion. I only recently decided to comment on this and was hoping the discussions would move on to something more edifying. To be fair, you asked a question, so I would like to give an answer.
The answer is yes, there are other English Bibles that have been produced after the KJB that are translations of the original languages. Should they be trusted? There have also been multiple King James versions produced since the original 1611.
I think most would agree with you that the 1611 KJB is a translation as it was translated into English using the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts available at that time. If you are referring to the 1611 KJB, your statement would be factual. However, all other KJB versions produced after 1611 are not translations but updated versions to correct the errors found in previous KJB versions. Should all other KJB versions be trusted if they are not translations? I ask this because I own a few different King James Bibles. I do not own a 1611.
As you know, if you have followed any of my posts, I also, like you, read and study from the KJB even though I do not view it as being perfect. I guess I'm just trying to understand your point about the definition of the word translation when it comes to which bibles we should trust. Can you please elaborate?
By translation I mean , people qualified to translate , sitting down and going from Genesis to Revelation , reading it in its original language and translating it into another . That's what I understand to be a translation . I'm sorry if you don't understand what I was saying . I always try to use as few words as possible and I never intend any hidden meanings in anything that I say . Sorry if I've cause you confusion , I certainly don't mean to .
Thank you for the reply, but I was not asking what the word translation means. I understand what it means, so you have not caused me any confusion about the definition. What I was wondering about was the point you were trying to make? Your reply gives me your understanding of the word translation but I'm still not understanding your point. That's what I was asking about.
I don't believe you're being foolish at all. You are correct, as the title of this website says, it is a King James Bible Online website. That's what it is. But what (it is not) is a KJB Only website. I truly believe that the owners of this site are very welcoming to all believers, regardless of what bible they read.
Did you know that there are 9 other bible translations that have been graciously shared by the owners of this website that we are encouraged to use for scripture comparison? Very good translations if I might add. I think they chose well. I may have added a few more but I have no say so in that, but I do thank them for putting those versions on this site. If any of those bibles are not trustworthy (or corrupt as some say), I don't think they would be sharing them and encouraging us to use them for our studies.
I have read the "Comment Guidelines" and "Specific Rules" section, and I see nothing that would discourage anyone from reading, sharing, or discussing other bibles. I also see nothing telling others to go find other websites that are only specific to the bible they read because this is a KJB site only.
Please don't take any of this the wrong way. I truly mean no harm. You and I both read and study from the KJB, although I do not own a 1611 copy. The KJB is my bible of choice but there are others that I also trust to read from.
As I've said to Gigi , I had no idea that my posts are so provocative , at least to a couple of people for sure . I'm sorry if I provoke you , I just say what I'm thinking at the time , I'm a spontaneous person and I don't sit and think about it or work out my posts before I post them . Maybe that's a fault in me but I'm just not that kind of person . I like spontaneous discussion , that's how I talk and that's how I post , straight from the heart to my mouth . That's how I like to discuss and I like spontaneous responses , from the heart not from a book ( unless it's the Bible ) or the internet etc . If my posts get on your nerves please just ignore me :) . I say what I think in the moment .
Provoked me? It depends. If you're using that in a good way, then yes. If in a negative way, as in you have provoked me to become angry or given me any reason whatsoever to ignore you, then absolutely not!
Please know that none of your posts have ever "gotten on my nerves," so no, I will not ignore you or anyone that comes here for discussion. I consider everyone here to be my brothers and sisters in Christ unless they give me reason to believe otherwise. I consider you a sister as I know your love for the Lord is genuine.
I don't think it would be right for me to ignore you or anyone for that matter just because I disagree with them, or they disagree with me on something. What good does that do and how would that be showing "brotherly love?" I have seen this happen here on this forum where someone has told another person that they are never going to read any more of their posts," or someone being told that they only discuss things with a couple of people.
Those types of comments do not violate the guidelines set forth on this discussion forum, and we are free to speak our minds, but my thoughts are that if there is a disagreement with another person on something, even if the other person was perceived as being rude, and they are told that their posts will never be read again, what if that person came back to apologize to the person who told them they will never read any more of their posts?
Jema, if you recall not so long ago, I had some very good things to say about you. My impression and thoughts towards you have not changed. Thank you for being honest and open with me. I will continue to read the things you have to say here. Your input is just as valuable as anyone else's here, and very much appreciated. I have no plans of "ignoring you." Hopefully you have no plans of ignoring me either!
May the Lord continue to draw us all to His word in order that we might grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
Thanks for your very nice reply to me Jesse , I appreciate it very much .
By explanation , I despise conflict . I lived with it as a child from my parents and I'm still putting up with it from my mom and step dad . My first instinct , if I see it coming in the distance , is to remove myself .
I am also very firm in my beliefs and haven't come to them quickly or lightly and I've heard the trinity argument over and over and over again and I just don't want to go there anymore , I would rather talk about something edifying , something interesting , beautiful etc . Not interested in going round and round the same old arguement again and again . I don't try to persuade anyone to believe what I do so why do others want to try to persuade me ? I want to enjoy my time on here , maybe learn something new about the Bible , maybe I can help someone else's understanding of it . I want my time on here to be enjoyable to me and I don't enjoy big circular debates that don't end , I don't change my mind or anyone elses , that's not why I'm here . Can you understand that ? We all have different personalities on here and different reasons for coming on here , I'm not here to argue / debate / defend my beliefs . I'm not trying to convert anyone . Just want to read some Christian posts and maybe respond if I'm moved to do so . That's me in a nut shell :) . Thanks again for your kindness .
You are spot on, Jema. We speak because we belief in the Word of God and express in an open forum. Here too I have noticed that what was so obvious to me is for another, nonsense. It must be so. God has poured the same Spirit but how another one treats it at their own risk. I hope to express what the Spirit has revealed to me and not to please opinions of others."For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."(Gal.1:10)
I do admire your self control and determination :) , I wish I had some of those traits . Thanks for your great effort and interesting posts , keep it up please :) .
On Dec.28 2021 while I dressed up for the day I heard a small voice prompting me to begin a dictionary, comparing the spiritual with spiritual. Straightaway I began the day with entries. OnMay 8,2022 I finished the entire work which since then went through editing and I took it up lately knowing that my work was not in void but blessed by the Lord. He that has begun a good work shall see to it whether I am still around or not. I have not put my name as the author since God is the author and finisher of it.
To answer your question, most of the modern Bible editions are translations-meaning that the translators used texts that were written long before the present time. And these translations have been updated, edited and revised.
The KJV used the Received Text which included about 7 manuscripts written in the middle ages-The Latin Vulgate, the Catholic priest, Erasmus' translation of the Vulgate into a Greek translation, the Masoretic Jewish OT text from the middle ages, and the codices from the Byzantine and Syrian sources. They also used the Septuagint at times. The KJV was revised probably about a dozen times since 1611.
The Revised Version translation is a revision of the KJV where the translators went back to the same sources as the KJV. In the U.S. the American Standard Version was a re-translation of the KJV using the same sources as the KJV. These came out in the late 1800's.. Both the RV and ASV have been revised a few times since then now going by the Revised Standard Version and the New American Standard Version. These came out around the 1950's and 1960's.
The New International Version is a translation using texts from codices Sinaiticus and Latin that are dated far earlier than the Received Tests the KJV used. Some of these codices date back to as early as 125. A.D. up to about 500 A.D. The translators used the Septuagint and also reviewed the Received Text as well. This translation came out in the 1970's and has been revised a few times since then.
The New King James Version is a re-translation of the KJV using the same Received Texts and Masoretic Jewish OT texts as the KJV. I am not sure if this version used any of the documents that the NIV used that were newly discovered in the 1800 after the 1611 KJV was translated. The NKJV came out in the 1980's or 1990's.
The English Standard Version also is a translation using the more recently discovered and older codices that the NIV used that date back much farther than the TR and MS.
I think everyone on here knows that this is a site that hosts the KJV Bible to be read and offers a forum for people to share their biblical ideas. There is nowhere on this site that states that only the KJV can be discussed to the exclusion of any other translation. I think it is erroneous to insist that this is so. I also think that it does not promote peace among us when some insist on this site being something that it does not claim to be.
Jema, I enjoy conversing with you when you do respond to me. I hope we can continue to do so even when we disagree on some things. I keep you in my prayers often along with most people that post here. What a blessed opportunity to intercede for one another!
I am not sure what point you are trying to make concerning translations? Are you saying that we should only trust a bible that is a translation, and that any bible that is not a translation should not be trusted? Over the past few weeks, this topic seems to have been the most dominant topic for discussion. I only recently decided to comment on this and was hoping the discussions would move on to something more edifying. To be fair, you asked a question, so I would like to give an answer.
The answer is yes, there are other English Bibles that have been produced after the KJB that are translations of the original languages. Should they be trusted? There have also been multiple King James versions produced since the original 1611.
I think most would agree with you that the 1611 KJB is a translation as it was translated into English using the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts available at that time. If you are referring to the 1611 KJB, your statement would be factual. However, all other KJB versions produced after 1611 are not translations but updated versions to correct the errors found in previous KJB versions. Should all other KJB versions be trusted if they are not translations? I ask this because I own a few different King James Bibles. I do not own a 1611.
As you know, if you have followed any of my posts, I also, like you, read and study from the KJB even though I do not view it as being perfect. I guess I'm just trying to understand your point about the definition of the word translation when it comes to which bibles we should trust. Can you please elaborate?
Thank you!
Thank you for the reply, but I was not asking what the word translation means. I understand what it means, so you have not caused me any confusion about the definition. What I was wondering about was the point you were trying to make? Your reply gives me your understanding of the word translation but I'm still not understanding your point. That's what I was asking about.
I don't believe you're being foolish at all. You are correct, as the title of this website says, it is a King James Bible Online website. That's what it is. But what (it is not) is a KJB Only website. I truly believe that the owners of this site are very welcoming to all believers, regardless of what bible they read.
Did you know that there are 9 other bible translations that have been graciously shared by the owners of this website that we are encouraged to use for scripture comparison? Very good translations if I might add. I think they chose well. I may have added a few more but I have no say so in that, but I do thank them for putting those versions on this site. If any of those bibles are not trustworthy (or corrupt as some say), I don't think they would be sharing them and encouraging us to use them for our studies.
I have read the "Comment Guidelines" and "Specific Rules" section, and I see nothing that would discourage anyone from reading, sharing, or discussing other bibles. I also see nothing telling others to go find other websites that are only specific to the bible they read because this is a KJB site only.
Please don't take any of this the wrong way. I truly mean no harm. You and I both read and study from the KJB, although I do not own a 1611 copy. The KJB is my bible of choice but there are others that I also trust to read from.
God Bless!!!
Provoked me? It depends. If you're using that in a good way, then yes. If in a negative way, as in you have provoked me to become angry or given me any reason whatsoever to ignore you, then absolutely not!
Please know that none of your posts have ever "gotten on my nerves," so no, I will not ignore you or anyone that comes here for discussion. I consider everyone here to be my brothers and sisters in Christ unless they give me reason to believe otherwise. I consider you a sister as I know your love for the Lord is genuine.
I don't think it would be right for me to ignore you or anyone for that matter just because I disagree with them, or they disagree with me on something. What good does that do and how would that be showing "brotherly love?" I have seen this happen here on this forum where someone has told another person that they are never going to read any more of their posts," or someone being told that they only discuss things with a couple of people.
Those types of comments do not violate the guidelines set forth on this discussion forum, and we are free to speak our minds, but my thoughts are that if there is a disagreement with another person on something, even if the other person was perceived as being rude, and they are told that their posts will never be read again, what if that person came back to apologize to the person who told them they will never read any more of their posts?
Jema, if you recall not so long ago, I had some very good things to say about you. My impression and thoughts towards you have not changed. Thank you for being honest and open with me. I will continue to read the things you have to say here. Your input is just as valuable as anyone else's here, and very much appreciated. I have no plans of "ignoring you." Hopefully you have no plans of ignoring me either!
May the Lord continue to draw us all to His word in order that we might grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
By explanation , I despise conflict . I lived with it as a child from my parents and I'm still putting up with it from my mom and step dad . My first instinct , if I see it coming in the distance , is to remove myself .
I am also very firm in my beliefs and haven't come to them quickly or lightly and I've heard the trinity argument over and over and over again and I just don't want to go there anymore , I would rather talk about something edifying , something interesting , beautiful etc . Not interested in going round and round the same old arguement again and again . I don't try to persuade anyone to believe what I do so why do others want to try to persuade me ? I want to enjoy my time on here , maybe learn something new about the Bible , maybe I can help someone else's understanding of it . I want my time on here to be enjoyable to me and I don't enjoy big circular debates that don't end , I don't change my mind or anyone elses , that's not why I'm here . Can you understand that ? We all have different personalities on here and different reasons for coming on here , I'm not here to argue / debate / defend my beliefs . I'm not trying to convert anyone . Just want to read some Christian posts and maybe respond if I'm moved to do so . That's me in a nut shell :) . Thanks again for your kindness .
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