Hello Everyone: I'd like to ask what the opinion out there is of the TV show The Chosen. This subject may have alread been discussed but I'm new so I haven't seen any. Anyway, I'd like to see what the consensus is if it's a good thing, bad thing, or doesn't matter if it's watched or not thing? God Bless :)
Thanks for reaching out to Momsage. Perhaps you have read her reply to me about taking a break from here for awhile. We can pray for her to not be gone too long.
Hello Momsage, I hope you will check in with us. You are very loved on here and the bible helps on this site are good to have. I look forward to hearing from you, dear friend
Thank you GiGi. I'm just taking a vacation for awhile. I may be back soon. Please tell Jema I apologize for my terse response to her post to me. God Bless :)
Momsage, I will relay your request to Jema. she may have already read it though.
I understand that you are taking a break. Sometimes that is a good and I trust that the Holy Spirit will lead you in the best way.
Been in a soup making mode for the past few weeks. Made a curry soup today with sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, leeks, onions, fennel, coconut milk. It is tasty. Such a blessing to be able to make good food. I portion it out into single serve bowls and freeze it. I have 3 types in the freezer now. I bring them over to people who do not cook much for themselves. I will be bringing my 85 year old mother-in-law now that I have three kinds. She always love to get my soups. It is hard to make just a "little bit" of soup so I always end up with a pot.
It is a good diversion from the mess of the home due to the pipe leak a few weeks ago. We have all the new materials picked out and the contractor. So we will wait for the materials to arrive and the workers to be available to get stated on this big job. Thankful that the insurance co. will be covering most of it and that we have some extra funds from my mom's inheritance to choose upgrades that are long overdue.
I hope the weather is good where you are. It has been pretty bad in so many places. So cold and snowy and icy. Keep praying for people to drive safely and have the power stay on for folks.
Thank you for a non-discussion comment. I really enjoyed reading it. It's sounds like you are quite the soupmaker. I like to make homemade chicken noodle soup but now-a-days it takes a lot out of me so I don't do it very often. Yes, we had some really bad weather here, a lot of sever cold, snow and ice. We didn't loose any utilities but we can't get groceries until the end of next week because, I guess, trucks aren't getting through. My town is little, less then 7,000 and in the south so people here aren't use to this kind of weather at all. My son and I have a freezer and cupboards full of food so, praise the Lord, we can do fine without groceries. We may need to share with our neighbor upstairs. Walmart didn't text us until tonight about our order, so we'll check with her tomorrow to see if she's OK. She's a sweet lady. She has a little toy poodle named Monkey. LOL You didn't say, did you have any trouble with the weather? God Bless :)
It was very cold here last week 9in the 20's and teens) and there was snow in many places. We just had about an inch so driving was ok in our city. On the coldest day and night we lost power for a few hours and when it came back on our furnace was not working. It was last Sunday and being holiday weekend, no one could come to fix it. We had one cold night! But the repairman came the next day. It was a simple fix. I am thankful for that.
40 years ago I worked in a restaurant that was a "soup and sandwich shop", I made the soups for each day. So, I learned a good skill in that way. Soup making has become so sophisticated since then. It used to be that people made soups out of what was leftover and needed to be eaten up. Now many soups have specialty items in them and such which increases the cost. I try to keep it simple so I don't have to buy something I will only use once.
Going to have a massage this morning. This should help with the pain I feel in my shoulders from lack of cartilage. I cannot get another steroid shot in them until March and the one I had in November is on the decline. Please pray for this aspects for me.
Tomorrow I will have an ultrasound done on a lump on my thyroid that was discovered a few years ago. Time for a recheck. Please pray that this lump is benign.
And my blood labs came back and my white blood count is in well into the high range but I am not ill. 3 of the 5 types of white blood cells are high. So, maybe some inflammation somewhere in my body. Will go to the rheumatologist in about a week on that issue. So please pray for this that is not a blood disorder or bone marrow disorder, which is a possibility. But it may just be due to arthritis and inflammation I have from Behcet's syndrome I have.
I appreciate conversing with you. I love the discussions on the Bible. And I also like conversations like these that help us get to know each other better. Blessings to you.
Hi GiGi. The cold has finally left us, at least for now. It's supposed to be up to 60% by Thursday. I'm thankful your furnace fix wasn't a serious problem. Josh and I are from Colorado, Denver and this kind of weather is much better tolerated there because they're use to it. Everything pretty well shut down here until now but it's going to be in the 50s tomorrow so things should be back to normal. I just am so thankful we stayed cozy and warm.
Did the massage help your shoulders? I have a lot of pain in mine because of Osteoarthritis. How did your ultrasound go? I pray it came out OK for you. I looked up Behctes Syndrome. That is quit the malady. It said it's rare. Did the doctors have a hard time diagnosing it? I need prayer for my knees. I'll probably have to have both of them replaced but at 76 I really don't want anymore surgery. I've had both my hips replaced but the last one was almost 10 yrs ago and it's was rough then. I guess when I've been around this long I should expect these things. I'm just a creaky old lady. LOL Take care of yourself and let me know how things go for you. I do have something I want to discuss with you soon.
I wanted to get back to you about my ultrasound on my thyroid. The radiologist said to keep a watch on it by redoing an ultrasound in a year. So, that is good news! No fine needle biopsy needed or any further testing other than a recheck next January. Happy, Happy, Happy!
Been making more soup this week to bring to those who like to have single serve soup in a variety of types. I love doing that and it is very hard to make just a small amount of soup. Made chicken vegetable and chicken tortilla soup this week.
Next, I will make a beef and cabbage soup that is so good and a great mushroom soup I love. then I will stop for awhile since my freezer is getting crowded.
Today when I was washing a handful of grapes to have for a snack, I just stopped and thanked God for providing me with fresh fruit to eat.
The remodel of our bathrooms began on Thursday. I am glad they are starting with the baths because there are five adults living here. We can take a shower in the tub now. And when the master bath is done with the walk in shower, then they will do the other bath with replacing the bath surround and flooring and painting. The wall is patched where they had to access the plumbing. When those things get done, then they will seat the toilet and set the vanities and sinks. It is good to see progress.
Hi GiGi. It's so good to hear your ultrasound turned out so well. Praise the Lord! I'm really happy for you.
I use to watch TV shows with families remodeling their homes and the disruptions they faced. It sounds like just what your family is going through, especially with that many people in your home. LOL
Your soups sound so delicious, especially the mushroom soup-my favorite. It is so sweet of you to share your soup. My oldest son, Joshua, makes a delicious gabbage and sausage soup. I love it. He lives with me as my caretaker. He's a christian but he is going through a situation right now and needs direction. Please pray for him. Talk to you soon. God Bless:)
Yes, Behcet's is rare and most cases are in Turkey and then follow eastward along the silk road, thus it was termed the "silk road disease. It is very rare for someone of northern European descent (as I am) to have it. In the U.S. are only about 10,000-20,000 diagnosed with it. It is a lifelong vascular autoimmune inflammatory syndrome that can have some really serious complications. Most people are diagnosed in their 20's or 30's but I did not have my first flare up until 2 years ago. So that is good. Less time for the really serious complications to develop!
I do not have the results of the ultrasound yet. Should hear back in a day or two. Thank you for your prayers. I was really healthy and fine up until I turned 60 and then things started popping up. Can't really explain how that worked.
Well, we all have to age until God calls us home. So, we can face difficulties with faith and an uplifted spirt or be downhearted and cranky. I choose to be as positive as I can and of course, trust God with all of me and my life.
Glad it is warming up in your part of the country. Our little furnace problem and short power outage made us think of some additional things we can do to be more prepared for such things. So that was good.
Momsage, I pray that you will be so blessed today and that your time in the Word will grow you in multiple ways into the image of Jesus.
Wasn't sure if your health issue commentary was directed to me but I will keep you in prayer. Hope others will also lift you up in that regard. Glad you got your heat back. Thankfully we haven't lost power here lately more than a few minutes. A bit concerning we may get some ice this week as it warms up.
As always your analysis is thorough; detailed and pertinent. Much better than mine; no doubt as you have already drawn the conclusions that I am inferring. My approach I suppose tends to start with a general premise then focus in on the issue and such before coming to the resolution and conclusion. There is no doubt that many and most will not go to the meat of the word or spend much time in meditation on the Word; however. I am trying to balance doctrine with practical experience; emphasizing knowing Christ rather than a lot about Him.
What is difficult is explaining the spiritual realm as my discernment has shown me in light of scripture. I see many testimonies which are pertinent as to what is behind the scenes when a person comes out of the occult; but often are lacking in basic concepts of sin and repentance which are needed to be saved and the understanding that it is our sin that allows Satan to have legal permission to torment us much of the time. The other extreme is those who seem to have no concept of any spiritual struggle in their lives but are steeped in doctrine (usually correct as I wouldn't waste time in a congregation where false doctrines are espoused). An imbalance also often exists as to certain giftings; often emphasizing teaching gifts (which elders should have) at the expense of concepts such as spiritual warfare in conservative churches; with the opposite being true of charismatic ones (where doctrine too often is either weak or caves in to whatever emotional response is desired; or spiritual manifestations without DISCERNMENT as to what spirit (God or Satan) is behind the manifestations.
This is an interesting and perplexing subject concerning the necessity of Satan in the overall plan of God for creation. We are not capable of fully and truly comprehend God's purpose in created Satan and us ABLE to sin when He is UNABLE to sin and for us to be judged by Him (some whom will have a life of eternal anguish and separation from God suffering forever in the lake of fire) and those of us so elected to salvation to spend eternity with God in joy and love and bliss.
I have read that God's attributes are "active" in the sense of being ever expressed and that none are "latent" as to being unexpressed. So does not possess love where He can choose to love or not to do so, nor does He possess hatred for sin where He can choose to judge or not to judge. He IS all of the attributes we ascribe to Him. These attributes are His essential nature and He cannot depart from any of them nor set any aside. We are not like this.
It is hard for us to see love, hate, power etc. as being truly personified as they are in God. But He is so much greater than what we are essentially. His Essence (what He is-not what He is made of) is ALL that He is and He has not revealed ALL of WHAT or WHO He is. But Jesus has revealed God to us in Himself to the extent that we as far lesser and limited beings can know.
Richard, I love conversing with you. It is good to have someone here who values deep thoughts concerning God and His ways. In a world where most people are centered on themselves it is good to push ourselves to be God-centered, looking to Him and desiring to know Him more that we want to know ourselves, to promote Him and His ways more than promoting ourselves and our reputation or self-image to ourselves and to others. Thanks for being "in this" with me.
As I always say at church looking forward to being with the Lord if He comes before the next time we meet; and everyone else second if we are still here. Friends are hard to come by in this life; I am fortunate to have at least one praying for me daily; and others quite frequently in my behalf. Your steadfastness; again is something I treasure. I have seen; for instance since I left a church where I used to live a few years back NO one try to contact me except for the one friend that led me to another church where I fellowshipped until I came here to live with my parents. I brought up what seemed like a trivial issue to my Pastor and they probably didn't want to talk with me after that. I have seen people fall away; including one guy who literally used to weep over the state of the lost and spend as much time every week praying as he did witnessing (almost 10 hours) when working full time and supporting a family. Then he separated from his wife and acted very cruel in supporting her and his 4 or 5 kids. My best friend in High Schoo who led me to pray with him and his mom in 1982 to come to faith after multiple efforts showed no interest in getting together with me when I told him I was coming to visit. That could have something to do with the Pastor of the church his mom attends. I was looking for a church at the time and when a stranger asked the Pastor on the way out how his divorce was doing (i.e. proceeding) I realized that this wasn't the church for me. Maybe he didn't get it.
That subject of course is one of contention as I don't believe in divorce and remarriage for any reason if a spouse is alive but even if we accept the "exception clause" as meaning adultery I was in a church with another Pastor that was remarried after apparently having some substance abuse and other issues with his first wife. I feel that is my mission as a subject but can't force my view here as stated before on the subject.
It seems that most churches now a days are accepting of remarriage after divorce and many pastors do perform these remarriages "in the sight of God". I have heard the rationale for this as that the people are repentant and so their marriage is not adulterous, which doesn't make sense at all if they are still sexually involved with each other in the remarriage. It is such a touchy subject in the church now a days and most people won't speak about how Jesus prohibited re-marriage in most cases. Jesus mentioned about how the law of Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of men's hearts. It seems that the hearts of so many believers today are even more hardened to the will of God in these matters but soft-hearted towards God in so many other areas of their lives. May people be found to have a willingness to "go it God's way" in matters of marriage.
I hope you have a good evening. I was out delivering soups to people and just got home. I am always happy to pray for you, Richard.
"And they shall be one flesh".Marriage is honorable as it makes both man and woman as one. "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."(He.13:4) In the modern context when women have become equal as wage earners marriage is on a slippery ground especially when one spouse is determined to flout the sacrament. If the other for his/her conscience sake would seek separation it is tricky. "Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ." Good conversation in Christ in my opinion is what determine in such cases. (1 Pe.3:16)
I agree with you that the entrance of women into the workforce consequently caused much dissatisfaction in marriage on both husbands and wives which has led to many divorces. I do not think it is wrong for women to work outside the home, rather, as you said, to have a prideful attitude over the husband. And I think it is wrong for a husband to be arrogant, demanding, and controlling towards his wife.
I think that every married couple needs to guard their marriage from sinful influences that come from without their marriage to include improper relationships with the opposite sex. Also, when people do not stand in firm agreement with what the Lord has said about divorce and remarriage, it is much more tempting to separate, divorce and enter a new relationship that leads to remarriage.
And every married couple in Christ should guard their marriage from internal influences that are destructive to the harmony and love in a marriage. We are to do what is beneficial to our marriage rather than destructive, what builds each other up rather than tear at each other that leads to the breakdown of our love and commitment to each other.
Some of us on here have undergone divorce and, believing what Jesus has said, choose to remain single. I commend them for this. The marriage between my husband and I is healthy and loving. We have been married 44 years. I am thankful for this.
Hi Momsage , I know many Christians who do not watch T.V. at all , I watch a little bit , maybe one hour a day , so please don't be surprised if no one on here knows what you are talking about , I don't , sorry :( .
Don't be sorry! Your reply is a blessing to me because this show is a tool of the devil to destroy souls. The show is suppose to be about the life of Christ but the lead actor who, plays Jesus, who has become very famous and very well admired, is of a very false religion. He is promoting his false doctrines of idolatry to the world on a YouTube post. I know I'm telling on myself that I do watch a little tv and YouTube but I like to keep up with the conservative news and what is going on. especially the war in Israel right now. Anyway, I started to watch this evil TV program, because I wantedd to see how Hollywood would present it and, they failed miserably, except for satan. He is deceiving souls with false doctrine that can get a big hold on them thus deceiving very, very many people. I watched about the first 45 minutes of the first episode and couldn't watch any more. Again, I an thrilled to know the dear Christians on this website are probably oblivious to it. No believer should having any part with it.
Thanks for reaching out to Momsage. Perhaps you have read her reply to me about taking a break from here for awhile. We can pray for her to not be gone too long.
I understand that you are taking a break. Sometimes that is a good and I trust that the Holy Spirit will lead you in the best way.
Been in a soup making mode for the past few weeks. Made a curry soup today with sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, leeks, onions, fennel, coconut milk. It is tasty. Such a blessing to be able to make good food. I portion it out into single serve bowls and freeze it. I have 3 types in the freezer now. I bring them over to people who do not cook much for themselves. I will be bringing my 85 year old mother-in-law now that I have three kinds. She always love to get my soups. It is hard to make just a "little bit" of soup so I always end up with a pot.
It is a good diversion from the mess of the home due to the pipe leak a few weeks ago. We have all the new materials picked out and the contractor. So we will wait for the materials to arrive and the workers to be available to get stated on this big job. Thankful that the insurance co. will be covering most of it and that we have some extra funds from my mom's inheritance to choose upgrades that are long overdue.
I hope the weather is good where you are. It has been pretty bad in so many places. So cold and snowy and icy. Keep praying for people to drive safely and have the power stay on for folks.
It was very cold here last week 9in the 20's and teens) and there was snow in many places. We just had about an inch so driving was ok in our city. On the coldest day and night we lost power for a few hours and when it came back on our furnace was not working. It was last Sunday and being holiday weekend, no one could come to fix it. We had one cold night! But the repairman came the next day. It was a simple fix. I am thankful for that.
40 years ago I worked in a restaurant that was a "soup and sandwich shop", I made the soups for each day. So, I learned a good skill in that way. Soup making has become so sophisticated since then. It used to be that people made soups out of what was leftover and needed to be eaten up. Now many soups have specialty items in them and such which increases the cost. I try to keep it simple so I don't have to buy something I will only use once.
Going to have a massage this morning. This should help with the pain I feel in my shoulders from lack of cartilage. I cannot get another steroid shot in them until March and the one I had in November is on the decline. Please pray for this aspects for me.
Tomorrow I will have an ultrasound done on a lump on my thyroid that was discovered a few years ago. Time for a recheck. Please pray that this lump is benign.
And my blood labs came back and my white blood count is in well into the high range but I am not ill. 3 of the 5 types of white blood cells are high. So, maybe some inflammation somewhere in my body. Will go to the rheumatologist in about a week on that issue. So please pray for this that is not a blood disorder or bone marrow disorder, which is a possibility. But it may just be due to arthritis and inflammation I have from Behcet's syndrome I have.
I appreciate conversing with you. I love the discussions on the Bible. And I also like conversations like these that help us get to know each other better. Blessings to you.
Did the massage help your shoulders? I have a lot of pain in mine because of Osteoarthritis. How did your ultrasound go? I pray it came out OK for you. I looked up Behctes Syndrome. That is quit the malady. It said it's rare. Did the doctors have a hard time diagnosing it? I need prayer for my knees. I'll probably have to have both of them replaced but at 76 I really don't want anymore surgery. I've had both my hips replaced but the last one was almost 10 yrs ago and it's was rough then. I guess when I've been around this long I should expect these things. I'm just a creaky old lady. LOL Take care of yourself and let me know how things go for you. I do have something I want to discuss with you soon.
God Bless :)
I wanted to get back to you about my ultrasound on my thyroid. The radiologist said to keep a watch on it by redoing an ultrasound in a year. So, that is good news! No fine needle biopsy needed or any further testing other than a recheck next January. Happy, Happy, Happy!
Been making more soup this week to bring to those who like to have single serve soup in a variety of types. I love doing that and it is very hard to make just a small amount of soup. Made chicken vegetable and chicken tortilla soup this week.
Next, I will make a beef and cabbage soup that is so good and a great mushroom soup I love. then I will stop for awhile since my freezer is getting crowded.
Today when I was washing a handful of grapes to have for a snack, I just stopped and thanked God for providing me with fresh fruit to eat.
The remodel of our bathrooms began on Thursday. I am glad they are starting with the baths because there are five adults living here. We can take a shower in the tub now. And when the master bath is done with the walk in shower, then they will do the other bath with replacing the bath surround and flooring and painting. The wall is patched where they had to access the plumbing. When those things get done, then they will seat the toilet and set the vanities and sinks. It is good to see progress.
Thank you Jesus!
I use to watch TV shows with families remodeling their homes and the disruptions they faced. It sounds like just what your family is going through, especially with that many people in your home. LOL
Your soups sound so delicious, especially the mushroom soup-my favorite. It is so sweet of you to share your soup. My oldest son, Joshua, makes a delicious gabbage and sausage soup. I love it. He lives with me as my caretaker. He's a christian but he is going through a situation right now and needs direction. Please pray for him. Talk to you soon. God Bless:)
I would love to pray for your son today. Can you give me his name?
Yes, Behcet's is rare and most cases are in Turkey and then follow eastward along the silk road, thus it was termed the "silk road disease. It is very rare for someone of northern European descent (as I am) to have it. In the U.S. are only about 10,000-20,000 diagnosed with it. It is a lifelong vascular autoimmune inflammatory syndrome that can have some really serious complications. Most people are diagnosed in their 20's or 30's but I did not have my first flare up until 2 years ago. So that is good. Less time for the really serious complications to develop!
I do not have the results of the ultrasound yet. Should hear back in a day or two. Thank you for your prayers. I was really healthy and fine up until I turned 60 and then things started popping up. Can't really explain how that worked.
Well, we all have to age until God calls us home. So, we can face difficulties with faith and an uplifted spirt or be downhearted and cranky. I choose to be as positive as I can and of course, trust God with all of me and my life.
Glad it is warming up in your part of the country. Our little furnace problem and short power outage made us think of some additional things we can do to be more prepared for such things. So that was good.
Momsage, I pray that you will be so blessed today and that your time in the Word will grow you in multiple ways into the image of Jesus.
As always your analysis is thorough; detailed and pertinent. Much better than mine; no doubt as you have already drawn the conclusions that I am inferring. My approach I suppose tends to start with a general premise then focus in on the issue and such before coming to the resolution and conclusion. There is no doubt that many and most will not go to the meat of the word or spend much time in meditation on the Word; however. I am trying to balance doctrine with practical experience; emphasizing knowing Christ rather than a lot about Him.
What is difficult is explaining the spiritual realm as my discernment has shown me in light of scripture. I see many testimonies which are pertinent as to what is behind the scenes when a person comes out of the occult; but often are lacking in basic concepts of sin and repentance which are needed to be saved and the understanding that it is our sin that allows Satan to have legal permission to torment us much of the time. The other extreme is those who seem to have no concept of any spiritual struggle in their lives but are steeped in doctrine (usually correct as I wouldn't waste time in a congregation where false doctrines are espoused). An imbalance also often exists as to certain giftings; often emphasizing teaching gifts (which elders should have) at the expense of concepts such as spiritual warfare in conservative churches; with the opposite being true of charismatic ones (where doctrine too often is either weak or caves in to whatever emotional response is desired; or spiritual manifestations without DISCERNMENT as to what spirit (God or Satan) is behind the manifestations.
Thanks for prayer.
This is an interesting and perplexing subject concerning the necessity of Satan in the overall plan of God for creation. We are not capable of fully and truly comprehend God's purpose in created Satan and us ABLE to sin when He is UNABLE to sin and for us to be judged by Him (some whom will have a life of eternal anguish and separation from God suffering forever in the lake of fire) and those of us so elected to salvation to spend eternity with God in joy and love and bliss.
I have read that God's attributes are "active" in the sense of being ever expressed and that none are "latent" as to being unexpressed. So does not possess love where He can choose to love or not to do so, nor does He possess hatred for sin where He can choose to judge or not to judge. He IS all of the attributes we ascribe to Him. These attributes are His essential nature and He cannot depart from any of them nor set any aside. We are not like this.
It is hard for us to see love, hate, power etc. as being truly personified as they are in God. But He is so much greater than what we are essentially. His Essence (what He is-not what He is made of) is ALL that He is and He has not revealed ALL of WHAT or WHO He is. But Jesus has revealed God to us in Himself to the extent that we as far lesser and limited beings can know.
Richard, I love conversing with you. It is good to have someone here who values deep thoughts concerning God and His ways. In a world where most people are centered on themselves it is good to push ourselves to be God-centered, looking to Him and desiring to know Him more that we want to know ourselves, to promote Him and His ways more than promoting ourselves and our reputation or self-image to ourselves and to others. Thanks for being "in this" with me.
As I always say at church looking forward to being with the Lord if He comes before the next time we meet; and everyone else second if we are still here. Friends are hard to come by in this life; I am fortunate to have at least one praying for me daily; and others quite frequently in my behalf. Your steadfastness; again is something I treasure. I have seen; for instance since I left a church where I used to live a few years back NO one try to contact me except for the one friend that led me to another church where I fellowshipped until I came here to live with my parents. I brought up what seemed like a trivial issue to my Pastor and they probably didn't want to talk with me after that. I have seen people fall away; including one guy who literally used to weep over the state of the lost and spend as much time every week praying as he did witnessing (almost 10 hours) when working full time and supporting a family. Then he separated from his wife and acted very cruel in supporting her and his 4 or 5 kids. My best friend in High Schoo who led me to pray with him and his mom in 1982 to come to faith after multiple efforts showed no interest in getting together with me when I told him I was coming to visit. That could have something to do with the Pastor of the church his mom attends. I was looking for a church at the time and when a stranger asked the Pastor on the way out how his divorce was doing (i.e. proceeding) I realized that this wasn't the church for me. Maybe he didn't get it.
That subject of course is one of contention as I don't believe in divorce and remarriage for any reason if a spouse is alive but even if we accept the "exception clause" as meaning adultery I was in a church with another Pastor that was remarried after apparently having some substance abuse and other issues with his first wife. I feel that is my mission as a subject but can't force my view here as stated before on the subject.
Anyway God bless.
Rich P.
It seems that most churches now a days are accepting of remarriage after divorce and many pastors do perform these remarriages "in the sight of God". I have heard the rationale for this as that the people are repentant and so their marriage is not adulterous, which doesn't make sense at all if they are still sexually involved with each other in the remarriage. It is such a touchy subject in the church now a days and most people won't speak about how Jesus prohibited re-marriage in most cases. Jesus mentioned about how the law of Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of men's hearts. It seems that the hearts of so many believers today are even more hardened to the will of God in these matters but soft-hearted towards God in so many other areas of their lives. May people be found to have a willingness to "go it God's way" in matters of marriage.
I hope you have a good evening. I was out delivering soups to people and just got home. I am always happy to pray for you, Richard.
"And they shall be one flesh".Marriage is honorable as it makes both man and woman as one. "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."(He.13:4) In the modern context when women have become equal as wage earners marriage is on a slippery ground especially when one spouse is determined to flout the sacrament. If the other for his/her conscience sake would seek separation it is tricky. "Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ." Good conversation in Christ in my opinion is what determine in such cases. (1 Pe.3:16)
Thank for your reply.
I agree with you that the entrance of women into the workforce consequently caused much dissatisfaction in marriage on both husbands and wives which has led to many divorces. I do not think it is wrong for women to work outside the home, rather, as you said, to have a prideful attitude over the husband. And I think it is wrong for a husband to be arrogant, demanding, and controlling towards his wife.
I think that every married couple needs to guard their marriage from sinful influences that come from without their marriage to include improper relationships with the opposite sex. Also, when people do not stand in firm agreement with what the Lord has said about divorce and remarriage, it is much more tempting to separate, divorce and enter a new relationship that leads to remarriage.
And every married couple in Christ should guard their marriage from internal influences that are destructive to the harmony and love in a marriage. We are to do what is beneficial to our marriage rather than destructive, what builds each other up rather than tear at each other that leads to the breakdown of our love and commitment to each other.
Some of us on here have undergone divorce and, believing what Jesus has said, choose to remain single. I commend them for this. The marriage between my husband and I is healthy and loving. We have been married 44 years. I am thankful for this.
God Bless :)
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