Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 year ago
    With just a few days left until Christmas, my prayer is that everyone here is uplifted in Christ, remembering how He, the divine Son of God, humbled Himself to become man, beginning his humanity as a zygote in Mary, developing in her womb until He was ready to be born of this godly virgin who submitted readily to what God had eternally planned to occur within her. She did not do one thing to make this happen. It was all of God Most High and the bringing to the World His Son as Savior to mankind. He humbled Himself to become one of us, though we are created in the image of God, we are more unlike Him than like Him. But God's everlasting covenant was fulfilled in the Son becoming altogether like us, except without sin. How amazing is that! Nothing is impossible for God, even having the eternal Son become human as we are to live and die for our salvation.

    Celebrating His miraculous and God ordained birth, that in the fullness of time, was accomplished by the power of the Most High, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The greatest miracle of all time next to the Resurrection. It is good to celebrate this event that changed the world for the better. We all benefit from this, the birth of our Savior, who grew up like we all did, but resisted sin in the flesh like we cannot. He lived from the time of His conception in obedience to His Father in order to fulfill the law for us as a human AND as God. Only God in the flesh is able to fulfill all of what God requires for righteousness. Jesus did that for us as well as showing us that we, as mere humans with only one nature cannot live as God desired. But, Hallelujah, God made flesh could and did!

    My husband and I have greatly simplified how we celebrate Christmas over the past decade or so. And by doing so we eliminated so much stress and busyness that focus on things other than our Lord. We are present to enjoy His presence.

    May each of you find joy in celebrating the mighty work of God in Christ, peace in knowing God with us!
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    That's nice having a multifamily dinner on Christmas Eve. Also, very nice that your grandchild will be born next year. Talking about 10 in your family, there were nine in my family. My parents did their best to bring us up healthy, food, beds, clothing and their love for us. It was a treat when we would go out for burgers, fries and coke. It did not happen often. They passed away before Covid and we thank God that they did not go through that terrible time.

    I agree with you. 2024 will be hard times, I'm not the gloom and doom type, but Jesus Christ is coming soon, and we must be prepared.

    I will pray for your sons to come back to Jesus Christ. Please pray for four of my family members to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. God bless you sister.
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Sister Amen. God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pnovello, Merry Christmas to you and yours, too.

    Will have all our sons and daughters-in-laws here for dinner tomorrow night. We do this every Christmas Eve. We have a big multifamily dinner with My husband's family on Christmas. There are about 25 family members that attend.

    Next Christmas we will have our grandbaby here to add to the bunch!

    Been reading some writings by some who are purposely trying to live a more simplified and, shall I say, "old-fashioned" life. I had to laugh a bit at some of the younger ones who listed suggested changes because our family has been doing all of those things all along!

    It has only been in the last 10 years that we have had any sort of "means" to have a more comfortable daily life. But now we are both retired and need to tighten up our lifestyle some and go back to some things we had done in our lifestyle for decades.

    When I think of this, I am thankful for the example my parents lived for us. They parented 10 of us and never were above the poverty line. But they lived simply, stayed out of debt, paid their bills, no frills, always had food on the table, but didn't have all the fancy things our neighbors were able to have. We faired well because of the sacrifices they made daily for us.

    In our society today where "self-fulfillment" is so valued, I know that living for the good of others is much more valuable. We give of our lives and livelihood for our families willingly and lovingly. That is a worthy way to live Being good stewards over our own households is important.

    I think that times are going to get hard this next year. Just have this feeling that we need to prepare for financial hardships. So, we are trying to live more frugally than before and hope to plant a bigger garden so we can help others when the Lord gives us the harvest. Same is true as far as spiritually. I pray daily for God to bring my prodigal sons back to Him in faith and love. I attempt to live a life that reflects the godly life Jesus lived for us

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