I'd like to apologize to everyone for my misunderstanding of how to use this discussion site. I honestly don't know where the rules for using this site are, although I'm sure they are available. I understand now why the discussions are only allowed 2000 characters. It is important for everyone to be able to have a chance to send comments. I do want to say if anyone has felt like I have copied someone else's material without notation of who they are I, again, apologize. If I did do that it was an accident. My comments are my own. Anyway, I will be diligent to only make comments that are to the point and not overly long. Everyone have a blessed day or night depending. :)
Here is where you can find the rules (guidelines) are for this site:
- Once you get to the home page, scroll down toward the bottom and click on where it says "sitemap"
- The next page that comes up, scroll down to where it says "Bible comments and Commentaries"
- Lastly, click on "Bible comment guidelines"
Just thought I'd share this with you, God bless!!!
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