Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, and he was the son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Jephthah.
The Spirit sets Jephtha the Gileadite in the mold of Gideon by addressing him with the title God had used earlier."And the angel of theLordappeared unto him, and said unto him, TheLordis with thee, thou mighty man of valour(6:12)". This sets continuity which by the Law of Gradation invites comparison with God and we shall begin with this verse,"The right hand of theLordis exalted; the right hand of theLorddoeth valiantly(Ps.118:16-KJ21). This takes us all the way to the Son the Alpha Omega, the beginning and the ending. So when Jesus announces "but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.( John 16:33b)"what are we to assume? Is it not that the final outcome of the battle is already determined? For those who entrust their lives unto him, He is the King of kings Lord of Lords who is shown arrayed in all white and on a white horse. He bears this inscription, -"And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords(Re.19:16)". Predestination by the word of God which is eternal, has covered us. It is a decree Ps.2:7-8. When John speaks of him reveals, "Who has made us kings and priests 'unto God and his Father(Re.1:6)"
Jephtha was the son of a harlot for which his brethren had cast him out. But God raises him out of exile as he did with Moses. God did not hold against Gideon for his Father's idol worship. God had already found him an extension of His sword and also sets events,- as we might say God multitasks, that we cannot refuse but take up our cross as mighty men of valor. As teachers, helps, administrators or as influencers God can make use of every Christian for His kingdom. God chose Jephtha despite of what shame he might have carried among his brethren."Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?/And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother!"
Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, and he was the son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Jephthah.
The Spirit sets Jephtha the Gileadite in the mold of Gideon by addressing him with the title God had used earlier."And the angel of theLordappeared unto him, and said unto him, TheLordis with thee, thou mighty man of valour(6:12)". This sets continuity which by the Law of Gradation invites comparison with God and we shall begin with this verse,"The right hand of theLordis exalted; the right hand of theLorddoeth valiantly(Ps.118:16-KJ21). This takes us all the way to the Son the Alpha Omega, the beginning and the ending. So when Jesus announces "but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.( John 16:33b)"what are we to assume? Is it not that the final outcome of the battle is already determined? For those who entrust their lives unto him, He is the King of kings Lord of Lords who is shown arrayed in all white and on a white horse. He bears this inscription, -"And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords(Re.19:16)". Predestination by the word of God which is eternal, has covered us. It is a decree Ps.2:7-8. When John speaks of him reveals, "Who has made us kings and priests 'unto God and his Father(Re.1:6)"
Jephtha was the son of a harlot for which his brethren had cast him out. But God raises him out of exile as he did with Moses. God did not hold against Gideon for his Father's idol worship. God had already found him an extension of His sword and also sets events,- as we might say God multitasks, that we cannot refuse but take up our cross as mighty men of valor. As teachers, helps, administrators or as influencers God can make use of every Christian for His kingdom. God chose Jephtha despite of what shame he might have carried among his brethren."Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?/And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother!"
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