The kingdom of heaven is compared to a net cast into the sea. We may assume it as dragnet, which considering the area to be scoured must be of infinite size. The Son of man deputes angels to gather the good and throw away the bad. It is not difficult to imagine it is about judgment by which God shall have the good to himself as in the case of the Parable of the tares. Basically the kingdom of heaven distinguishes two groups of people, namely children of light and children of wrath.
When Jesus of Nazareth assembled his disciples he had assured Peter and Andrew them that,". Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men(Matt.4:19)". In the parable we find the waters mentioned. The waters speak of the world. "But the wicked are like the tossing sea, which cannot rest, whose waves cast up mire and mud (Is.57:20)". In eternity no more sea shall be found (Rev.21:1
) In the Book of Genesis we read of several separations. One such separation spoke of light from darkness. Water below the firmament and above is another. Instead of sea we shall have pure water of life coming from heaven instead of the sea.
The parable of the net teaches as what it is to be found for use of God. In Christ we are new creation no longer to be lumped together with groups that wage their struggle with the world using their own weapons. (See entry under C-custom,culture)
Another aspect of separations is the fulness found only in his Son. Light is separated from darkness and the true Light is in Jesus Christ.
The kingdom of heaven is compared to a net cast into the sea. We may assume it as dragnet, which considering the area to be scoured must be of infinite size. The Son of man deputes angels to gather the good and throw away the bad. It is not difficult to imagine it is about judgment by which God shall have the good to himself as in the case of the Parable of the tares. Basically the kingdom of heaven distinguishes two groups of people, namely children of light and children of wrath.
When Jesus of Nazareth assembled his disciples he had assured Peter and Andrew them that,". Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men(Matt.4:19)". In the parable we find the waters mentioned. The waters speak of the world. "But the wicked are like the tossing sea, which cannot rest, whose waves cast up mire and mud (Is.57:20)". In eternity no more sea shall be found (Rev.21:1
) In the Book of Genesis we read of several separations. One such separation spoke of light from darkness. Water below the firmament and above is another. Instead of sea we shall have pure water of life coming from heaven instead of the sea.
The parable of the net teaches as what it is to be found for use of God. In Christ we are new creation no longer to be lumped together with groups that wage their struggle with the world using their own weapons. (See entry under C-custom,culture)
Another aspect of separations is the fulness found only in his Son. Light is separated from darkness and the true Light is in Jesus Christ.
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