Bible Discussion Thread

  • SolaScrip - 1 year ago
    The 10 Commandments remain paramount for all Christians today.

    They were given to all present at Mt. Sinai, including the strangers who were present, as well as all who were not present that day.

    Jesus came teaching and obeying all of them and His followers who walked along side Him on this earth also followed all of them immediately after His death and for 300 years thereafter until the Catholic church was instituted and changed everything.

    John teaches that sin is the breaking of the 10 Commandments and that we are to obey all of them just as Jesus Christ did.

    Christian MEANS follower of Christ.

    Christ obeyed the 10 Commandments,

    Christ taught the 10 Commandments

    and Christ's followers obeyed them all

    AND ...

    all Christ's true followers today CONTINUE to obey the 10 Commandments of God Almighty.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    If Jesus returned to earth today and did healings and works on the Sabbath, would we accuse Him of violating this commandment?

    Because that's what Pharisees did in Jesus's time, and Jesus had a response to that which was interesting. Did Jesus actually violate that commandment? No, and He explained why, including Mark 2:27. He said he didn't come to abolish the law but fulfill it. Notice it wasn't other commandments He was accused of breaking, just that one. It should be no surprise that Christians have different takes on this and it doesn't automatically mean each has impure motives. Picking grain or helping an elderly person on Saturday seems very different in severity than committing adultery. So, I think well meaning Christians who only follow 9 of the 10 commandments will be judged fairly, and I think Christians who follow 10 of 10 commandments will be judged fairly. God knows our heart.

    The sabbath commandment is a little bit in question based on what Jesus said and did during that time. Had this not been included in the Bible, I think 10 of 10 commandments would be seen as equal. I personally try to honor the sabbath, but am not 100% clear on what 'work' is sometimes. For example some may view typing a comment as a 'work' and some may not. I also think that being too consumed with analyzing this if it results in losing focus on following Jesus would defeat the purpose. We are to obey Jesus, but not like pharisees. That is my opinion. God bless.
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Adam, hey.. one thing to keep in mind concerning the pharisee view of the sabbath. Jesus didn't "violate" the sabbath, he did however, violate their man made restrictions added on to the commandment. He intentionally walked through the discouraging "traditions" that they were requiring people to obey, causing it to be a burden rather than the blessing it was intended to be.
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    May I ask, do you set aside Saturday as the sabbath as the 4th commandment says? I am not part of an denomination that worships on Saturday. I actually can't go to church because of my disabilities but, even if I could, I don't know of any church that has services on Saturday and that teaches ,what I believe, is true doctrine. I certainly wouldn't condemn any one who worships on

    Sunday, that wouldn't be Christ like, but I honestly believe that in the end times God's true believers will use the KJV and worship, maybe even in secret, on Saturday. (not prophesying, just wondering :))
  • SolaScrip - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "Momsage - in Reply

    May I ask, do you set aside Saturday as the sabbath as the 4th commandment says? I am not part of an denomination that worships on Saturday."

    Yes, I set aside Saturday as the Biblical Sabbath and treat it much differently than any other day that I worship according to Gen. 2:2-3 and many other passages in Scripture, including Jesus' definitive teachings of the 10 Commandments and His keeping of them in alignment with 1 Jn. 2:6.

    I'm not part of any organized denomination as I have found that very few, if any, align their doctrines accurately with the Bible. I believe the ONLY way to find Truth in Scripture is to study it diligently on our own and pray for guidance via the Holy Spirit.

    Regardless of what anyone believes, when one does that, they come to very different conclusions about what the Bible teaches concerning most of the main doctrines of modern mainstream churches today. That alone should lead most to want to find out for themselves what God actually teaches in His Word.

    "I honestly believe that in the end times God's true believers will use the KJV and worship, maybe even in secret, on Saturday. (not prophesying, just wondering :))"

    I believe we are living in that time now. It is difficult to live by the 10 Commandments in this day and age, but it is not impossible as nothing is impossible with God and with strong faith and conviction. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that True Christians will have it easy, at any point in history.
  • Lee the Follower - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Greetings and grace be to you from God our Father.

    You say "I set aside Saturday as the Biblical Sabbath and treat it much differently than any other day that I worship" How so?

    Do you sleep in all day or lounge around the house? No sarcasm intended here I am curious as to what you mean by how you "set aside and treat it differently". Although I do agree with 4th commandment in Exodus 20:8 "Remember the sabbath day, to Keep it holy." I still preach the Gospel on this day just as I do every other day. Am I wrong here? Also is Sunday service not advised? I thought I'd make you aware that I have no 'job' so I either preach the gospel, read the bible or fellowship with other bible believers.

    I thank you kindly in advance. peace be with you in Jesus name.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I believe that the Seventh Day Adventists have their services on a Saturday .
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes they do. Thank you.
  • SolaScrip - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "Bro dan - in Reply


    True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament."

    Well, God's 10 Commandments are identical to Christ's Commandments. Christ didn't change, minimize or abbreviate them in any way. Christ is the Creator of all things and He created the Commandments - there would be no reason for Him to change or rescind any of them.

    Christ speaks of obeying the Law, the 10 Commandments, just as they are taught by the scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 23:1-3. He says to "do as they say, but not as they do" because the teachers of the Law at that time were all hypocrites. They taught the 10 Commandments, but kept none of them. That passage proves that Jesus taught the literal keeping of the 10 Commandments, not just the essence, or spirit, of them in our hearts, etc.

    Jesus stated, as you pointed out, that He kept all of the Father's 10 Commandments physically when He declared it in John 15:10.

    We see that 1 John makes clear that we are to live as Jesus lived, obeying what He obeyed, in 1 John 2:6. That does not support the modern popular teaching that we are only to obey them in spirit. And if Jesus had any intention of teaching that Christians did not need to keep them literally, we would not have the record of the disciples keeping the Saturday Sabbath immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56. We also would not see Paul being labeled by the elders as a "Keeper of the Law" in Acts 21:24.

    "IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments."

    I would agree with this, but that just means that the vast majority of professed Christians today are not filled with the Holy Spirit because most Christians do not obey the 10 Commandments.

    Jesus says that it is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that is pre-requisite for receiving 'HIM' as the Holy Spirit in John 14:21.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament.

    Luke 9:23"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."

    John 14:15"If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    Keeping God's 10 Commandments - plus the additional commandment that Jesus emphasized - to Love each other.

    John 15:10 "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love."

    Jesus warns all of us that we will not enter into Salvation without keeping God's Commandments.

    Revelation 22:14 "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

    IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments.

    It's IMPOSSIBLE to live a worldly life and be a Christ follower.

    Happy Sabbath Day!
  • SolaScrip - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "Bro dan - in Reply


    True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament."

    Well, God's 10 Commandments are identical to Christ's Commandments. Christ didn't change, minimize or abbreviate them in any way. Christ speaks of obeying the Law, the 10 Commandments, just as they are taught by the scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 23:1-3. He says to "do as they say, but not as they do" because the teachers of the Law at that time were all hypocrites. They taught the 10 Commandments, but kept none of them. That passage proves that Jesus taught the physical keeping of the 10 Commandments, not just the essence, or spirit, of them in our hearts, etc.

    Jesus stated, as you pointed out, that He kept all of the Father's 10 Commandments physically when He declared it in John 15:10.

    We see that 1 John makes clear that we are to live as Jesus lived, obeying what He obeyed, in 1 John 2:6. That does not support the modern popular teaching that we are only to obey them in spirit. And if Jesus had any intention of teaching that Christians did not need to keep them literally, we would not have the record of the disciples keeping the Saturday Sabbath immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56. We also would not see Paul being labeled by the elders as a "Keeper of the Law" in Acts 21:24.

    "IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments."

    I would agree with this, but that just means that the vast majority of professed Christians today are not filled with the Holy Spirit because most Christians do not obey the 10 Commandments.

    Jesus says that it is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that is pre-requisite for receiving 'HIM' as the Holy Spirit in John 14:21.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Yes, I agree, we are on the same page here. Jesus taught the same 10 Commandments. Jesus came not to take away the law but to fullfil and he even emphasized the law (10 Commandments) to an even higher level here: Matthew 5:28 "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Very strong verse emphasizing that Jesus expects us (Christians) to follow these commandments.

    When Jesus was asked which commandment is the most important He responded: Matthew 22:37-40 This confirms the importance for us to follow God's Commandments and Jesus includes another: that we should love our nieghbor as ourself.

    I also agree, that Jesus and his apostles, including Paul followed God's 10 Commandments and taught the early church body to follow them. True Christ followers will adhere to these teachings as they will be encouraged by God's Holy Spirit to live in the light and serve Him in Spirit!

  • SolaScrip - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes and don't forget Matt. 5:19-20 which not only states that those who obey and teach the 10 Commandments will be considered greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, but also states that our righteousness must 'exceed' that of the scribes and Pharisees of that day. Sadly, today's modern pastors and preachers don't even come close.

    The teachers of the Law in Jesus' day taught the 10 Commandments but didn't follow any of them ( Matt. 23:1-3), but our woeful excuse for teachers today teach that we should NOT keep God's Law - that it is some form of sin to do so.

    What a shame. They shall in 'no way' enter into the Kingdom of Heaven as they teach that those who obey will be, heaven forbid, sent to hell by God ... 'for obeying Him.'

    They are given a massive stage and a forum to reach many, many people and do they feed them? No, they do not. They poison them with lies of the devil and lead hundreds of millions, if not billions, to their destruction.
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago

    God's commandments are EVERY WORD that proceeds out of his mouth,not just TEN written in stone.

    1 Timothy 4:10 ....... who is the SAVIOUR of ALL MEN, specially those that BELIEVE......

    1 Timothy 4:11 These things COMMAND and TEACH.

    How many BELIEVE these WORDS of Christ and FOLLOW those words.

    The word of God contains about 750,000 words, they all APPLY as a commandment.

    God BlessYOU!
  • Koosees - In Reply - 1 year ago
    When they first called those who taught and followed Christ, Christians.

    Acts 11:26

    And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."

    Lots of people, church goers, different denominations. All saying they're are Christians, when there is only One Christ.

    Glory to God on earth as it is in Heaven. God Bless and keep striving.
  • SolaScrip - In Reply - 1 year ago
    There is only one True type of Christian.

    Those who follow the ways of Christ. ( 1 Jn. 2:6)

    The followers of Christ who obeyed the 10 Commandments immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56 were True Christians even if the term wasn't recorded yet. Those who walked along side Christ were Christians while Christ was still alive physically upon the earth.

    Yes, many profess to be, and call themselves, Christians today.

    Yet True Christians obey the 10 Commandments as Christ obeyed and taught them. ( Jn. 15:10)( Matt. 23:1-3)
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Not on this site, I have seen very long theological "dissertations" on why the "Law".. doesn't apply to them. Nevermind the God of all creation wrote them in stone and now are written in our hearts. Never mind Paul's differentiation of the ceremonial law and the moral law. Nope, not on this site, did you know there are only 9 commandments now?.. oh yes, that one that starts with "Remember".. yeah, that one, these highly educated theologins say it's the one we should "forget". Yep, must be right because some of these people are well learned.. I mean, why else would they write pages and pages of their massively infinite spiritual knowledge? Yep, sad but true.
  • SolaScrip - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Exactly right. All modern Christians are hypocrites, they just have no awareness of it. They ALL adhere to 9 of the 10 Commandments of God, the Commandments that Jesus Christ Himself taught and obeyed, but the 4th Commandment is repulsive to them. They ALL believe in keeping and obeying all the 9 Commandments, and even expect all other professed Christians to do the same, but they condemn Commandment-keeping and preach that nobody should ever keep the 10 Commandments or they will somehow be sent to hell by God - for obeying His Commandments mind you!

    The issue is a woeful lack of knowledge of the Scriptures. God says that His very own people, those who call themselves by His Name - Christians - will be destroyed for a lack of knowledge ( Hos. 4:6). He says that it is a failure on their part to develop a love for the Truth that will be their downfall. He says that He will afflict them with a strong delusion causing them to believe in grievous lies (2 Thes. 2:10-11) which will lead them far astray from Him and His reward of Eternal Life in Paradise where He and all the heavenly angels reside. He defines what it means to be a saint and what it truly takes to receive Salvation when He refers to the saints who patiently endured misery and hardship in their lives due to their steadfast obedience to the 10 Commandments.( Rev. 14:12)

    Yes, there are few Christians who live today as Jesus lived ( 1 Jn. 2:6), obeying the 10 Commandments and enduring whatever hardship may come as reward for their efforts. They walk the narrow path with Jesus Christ at their side and they carry a message of Truth, a message of obedience and endurance for all to witness so that no one will have any excuse of ignorance when the time comes to say "Lord, Lord ..." and they will be rejected by the Great Judge for their working of sin into the surrounding society.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I love a bit of sarcasm :) thank you , you made me smile this morning .

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