There are many different subjects discussed here, some are more important than others.
This one is very, very important!
If you believe the KJB is just another translation then I challenge you to take a small amount of your time and find (Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch the video named, The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why Its A Really Big Deal)
There have been many on this site who have said the KJB is a good translation, but its just another translation.
If you believe that then you are in error, and this is a major subject to hold in error. Especially since we are living the Lastdays NOW!
If you find that video and watch it, you will see how God is the author of the KJB!
If you believe the KJB is just another translation and you don't take the time and find this video and watch it, Then it would seem by that action that you are not seeking His Truth as much as you may think you are.
Truth is much more important than pride.
God Bless those who do seek His Truth!
(Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch this video (The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why Its A Really Big Deal)
It would be interesting to hear some of your thoughts about this video. I think it is truly Amazing!
Dear Jimbob , I don't watch anything on the internet , sorry :) I believe the KJV to be a far superior translation of the Bible than any other and I believe that God's Holy Spirit helps us to understand it . I love your zeal ! :) Stay strong in the Truth.
I considered greatly whether to reply, I read and study the KJV, and I believe it is one of the best English translations. This is in love, and I am not looking to debate, I understand how high you hold the KJV and that should not be debated. I watched the video you listed, and I watched a couple more, do not know his name. You asked for other opinions on it and this is my opinion not to debate or insult but just my opinion.
My opinion is this is using numerology to prove an opinion. Do not know if you remember the Torah code it was years ago. It used a program that picked every fourth or seventh letter of the Torah to predict an event or a name in history and it did. Come to find out this can be done using any book that has many pages. The symbolic numbers found in the Bible are easily identified and plainly understood.
Numerology is a part of divination that we are told not to deal with. Why would someone spend so much time going through the Bible counting words trying to prove something that does not do anything but mystify and say Wow? Acts 8:9-11 not directed at you it is just the feelings I got from watching the videos.
I have read other Bibles and I choose the KJV, but we have to admit it is a translation and it is not perfect. I will not get into what manuscripts they used but whatever Bible we study the Spirit of Truth is our only teacher and only through the Spirit, we will have understanding.
I know my opinion may not be what yours is but think about this. The KJV is an English translation, in the world today 20 percent or less of people can speak English much less read it. If the KJV is the only true translation, what about the other 80 percent of the people in the world?
This is just my opinion you asked for, please do not reply to debate it.
I do appreciate your opinion Ronald but I really do need to reply, but not to debate. I only hold the KJB high because I see it as the True Word of God. Wouldn't you if you believed that?
You said these videos are using numerology to prove an opinion. Ronald these videos are using the Words in the KJB to prove those Words are Inspired by God Himself.
These patterns work only in the KJB, and they show us God's number of perfection, the #7 or 77, or 777 connecting in many many different ways with His name. In ( Ps 138:2) It says "for thou hast magnified (THY WORD) above all thy name".
Why is it so hard for people to believe that God would Inspire and preserve His Word in a Bible for the last generation just like He did in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts?
If the preservation is only in the manuscripts then what good does that do us today?
I think the Spirit of truth is the KJB! ( Jn 16:13-15) "when the Spirit of truth is come "he will guide you into all truth"; for he will not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come".
The Comforter is the Holy Ghost in ( Jn 14:26) "he will teach you all things".
If the Spirit of truth is the KJB then the only way for the Holy Ghost to teach us all things is for us to have or be using the Spirit of truth!
John chapters 14 through 16 are very worthy of deep studies.
The English language is the second language of pretty much every single nation in the world. If God did preserve His Words doesn't it make sense it would be in the English language which also is connected with the greatest Christian nation in the world?
( Mt 24:14) "And this gospel of the kingdom SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come".
The greatest Christian nation in the world is the only way this verse could be fulfilled in this world today!
Dear Jimbob , I know that Ronald , like everyone else on here , loves the KJV , be assured of that . After reading this thread , I understand his concern about numerology . Numbers are very significant in the Bible , I am well aware of this . Sadly , this is taken to extreme with some people and it almost becomes a religion in itself . Jimbob , you are very much loved on here and because of that , any of us would express concern for you if we thought that maybe you were going down the wrong path with regard to numerology . Please understand our concern for you comes out of our love and appreciation of you :) .
Jema thank you so much for your concern and kind words. I understand the reason for your concern, as well as Ronald's.
But Jema I have been a believer that the KJB is the pure preserved Word of God for many years, I just recently found that channel (Truth is Christ) and the one thing it did for me was confirm that the KJB is the Inspired Word of God! God has put His signature throughout the KJB, and only in the KJB. If God did preserve His Words in a book then don't you think He could, or would leave proof in that book in ways we really don't understand with our human minds? ( Dan 12:4) says "shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased". The book is sealed until the time of the end, then knowledge shall be increased! We are living the time of the end NOW!
( Isa 55:8-9) Our thoughts cannot compare to the thoughts of God.
Here is just 2 examples of God's signature in the KJB.
1st) The words God + Jesus + Holy Spirit are mentioned 777+777+777 times in the New Testament! The word (seven) is #7650; it means to be complete, to seven oneself, i.e. swear (as if by repeating a declaration seven times) charge (by an oath, with an oath) take an oath. ( Ps 12:6-7) The words of the LORD are pure words, purified ((seven)) times!
2nd) Jesus says in ( Rev 22:13) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
The first word in the first verse of the Bible is (In) the last word in the last verse of the Bible is (Amen) these two words are mentioned in the Bible 777 times!
Do you think a man's mind did that, or do you think that God did that?
Ronald was concerned about divination, Isn't divination witchcraft? I believe this is the way God signed His Name in His pure, preserved Words, it has nothing to do with witchcraft. It is IN the Word of God!
This is Conformation that God was in control of the KJB being translated into the English language in 1611!
Copyright law dictates that any book that has a copyright cannot be copied and then obtain its own copyright unless it is worded 60% differently with 60% different meaning also which means any other book written to mimic the 1611 King James version Bible is it the very least 60% wrong that is the only way they can obtain a copyright of their very own.
I believe that would make anything other than the original a counterfeit.
My apologies if I have offended anyone with infallible truth.
( Ps 12:6-7) The words of the LORD are pure words.
( Proverbs 30:5-6) Every word of God is pure.
The word (pure) is #2889; it means pure (in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense) clean, sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated, innocent or holy.
( Deut 8:3) "that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by ((every word)) that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live".
( Mt 4:4) "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ((every word)) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God".
In ( Ps 138:2) "for thou hast magnified (THY WORD) above all thy name".
( Jn 14:23-24) v23 "If a man love me, ((he will keep)) ((my words)) and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him".
Today we are either a Bible Believer, or we are a Bible corrector.
Bible Believers believe that God preserved His Words perfectly, it is given by Inspiration of God!
Bible correctors believe that God preserved His Words in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts but then He just leaves the largest population of people ever in the history of the world without His True Words to read and study for themselves! And that would mean He leaves those without His True Words in the Lastdays, the worse possible time ever where deception is everywhere.
Would God do that? NO God would not do that!
All modern versions are counterfeit Adam, they are (perverted), they change the Words of the living God. ( Jer 23:36) (perverted) is #2015; it means TO CHANGE.
God Bless you Adam, stay strong in your Faith in the True Word of God, the KJB.
There are many different subjects discussed here, some are more important than others.
This one is very, very important!
If you believe the KJB is just another translation then I challenge you to take a small amount of your time and find (Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch the video named, The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why Its A Really Big Deal)
There have been many on this site who have said the KJB is a good translation, but its just another translation.
If you believe that then you are in error, and this is a major subject to hold in error. Especially since we are living the Lastdays NOW!
If you find that video and watch it, you will see how God is the author of the KJB!
If you believe the KJB is just another translation and you don't take the time and find this video and watch it, Then it would seem by that action that you are not seeking His Truth as much as you may think you are.
Truth is much more important than pride.
God Bless those who do seek His Truth!
(Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch this video (The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why Its A Really Big Deal)
It would be interesting to hear some of your thoughts about this video. I think it is truly Amazing!
I considered greatly whether to reply, I read and study the KJV, and I believe it is one of the best English translations. This is in love, and I am not looking to debate, I understand how high you hold the KJV and that should not be debated. I watched the video you listed, and I watched a couple more, do not know his name. You asked for other opinions on it and this is my opinion not to debate or insult but just my opinion.
My opinion is this is using numerology to prove an opinion. Do not know if you remember the Torah code it was years ago. It used a program that picked every fourth or seventh letter of the Torah to predict an event or a name in history and it did. Come to find out this can be done using any book that has many pages. The symbolic numbers found in the Bible are easily identified and plainly understood.
Numerology is a part of divination that we are told not to deal with. Why would someone spend so much time going through the Bible counting words trying to prove something that does not do anything but mystify and say Wow? Acts 8:9-11 not directed at you it is just the feelings I got from watching the videos.
I have read other Bibles and I choose the KJV, but we have to admit it is a translation and it is not perfect. I will not get into what manuscripts they used but whatever Bible we study the Spirit of Truth is our only teacher and only through the Spirit, we will have understanding.
I know my opinion may not be what yours is but think about this. The KJV is an English translation, in the world today 20 percent or less of people can speak English much less read it. If the KJV is the only true translation, what about the other 80 percent of the people in the world?
This is just my opinion you asked for, please do not reply to debate it.
God bless,
I do appreciate your opinion Ronald but I really do need to reply, but not to debate. I only hold the KJB high because I see it as the True Word of God. Wouldn't you if you believed that?
You said these videos are using numerology to prove an opinion. Ronald these videos are using the Words in the KJB to prove those Words are Inspired by God Himself.
These patterns work only in the KJB, and they show us God's number of perfection, the #7 or 77, or 777 connecting in many many different ways with His name. In ( Ps 138:2) It says "for thou hast magnified (THY WORD) above all thy name".
Why is it so hard for people to believe that God would Inspire and preserve His Word in a Bible for the last generation just like He did in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts?
If the preservation is only in the manuscripts then what good does that do us today?
I think the Spirit of truth is the KJB! ( Jn 16:13-15) "when the Spirit of truth is come "he will guide you into all truth"; for he will not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come".
The Comforter is the Holy Ghost in ( Jn 14:26) "he will teach you all things".
If the Spirit of truth is the KJB then the only way for the Holy Ghost to teach us all things is for us to have or be using the Spirit of truth!
John chapters 14 through 16 are very worthy of deep studies.
The English language is the second language of pretty much every single nation in the world. If God did preserve His Words doesn't it make sense it would be in the English language which also is connected with the greatest Christian nation in the world?
( Mt 24:14) "And this gospel of the kingdom SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come".
The greatest Christian nation in the world is the only way this verse could be fulfilled in this world today!
This is not meant for debate Ronald.
And I really do appreciate your comment.
Blessings to you.
But Jema I have been a believer that the KJB is the pure preserved Word of God for many years, I just recently found that channel (Truth is Christ) and the one thing it did for me was confirm that the KJB is the Inspired Word of God! God has put His signature throughout the KJB, and only in the KJB. If God did preserve His Words in a book then don't you think He could, or would leave proof in that book in ways we really don't understand with our human minds? ( Dan 12:4) says "shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased". The book is sealed until the time of the end, then knowledge shall be increased! We are living the time of the end NOW!
( Isa 55:8-9) Our thoughts cannot compare to the thoughts of God.
Here is just 2 examples of God's signature in the KJB.
1st) The words God + Jesus + Holy Spirit are mentioned 777+777+777 times in the New Testament! The word (seven) is #7650; it means to be complete, to seven oneself, i.e. swear (as if by repeating a declaration seven times) charge (by an oath, with an oath) take an oath. ( Ps 12:6-7) The words of the LORD are pure words, purified ((seven)) times!
2nd) Jesus says in ( Rev 22:13) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
The first word in the first verse of the Bible is (In) the last word in the last verse of the Bible is (Amen) these two words are mentioned in the Bible 777 times!
Do you think a man's mind did that, or do you think that God did that?
Ronald was concerned about divination, Isn't divination witchcraft? I believe this is the way God signed His Name in His pure, preserved Words, it has nothing to do with witchcraft. It is IN the Word of God!
This is Conformation that God was in control of the KJB being translated into the English language in 1611!
God Bless you Jema.
I believe that would make anything other than the original a counterfeit.
My apologies if I have offended anyone with infallible truth.
Thank you for your comment.
( Ps 12:6-7) The words of the LORD are pure words.
( Proverbs 30:5-6) Every word of God is pure.
The word (pure) is #2889; it means pure (in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense) clean, sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated, innocent or holy.
( Deut 8:3) "that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by ((every word)) that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live".
( Mt 4:4) "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ((every word)) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God".
In ( Ps 138:2) "for thou hast magnified (THY WORD) above all thy name".
( Jn 14:23-24) v23 "If a man love me, ((he will keep)) ((my words)) and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him".
Today we are either a Bible Believer, or we are a Bible corrector.
Bible Believers believe that God preserved His Words perfectly, it is given by Inspiration of God!
Bible correctors believe that God preserved His Words in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts but then He just leaves the largest population of people ever in the history of the world without His True Words to read and study for themselves! And that would mean He leaves those without His True Words in the Lastdays, the worse possible time ever where deception is everywhere.
Would God do that? NO God would not do that!
All modern versions are counterfeit Adam, they are (perverted), they change the Words of the living God. ( Jer 23:36) (perverted) is #2015; it means TO CHANGE.
God Bless you Adam, stay strong in your Faith in the True Word of God, the KJB.
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