sight, and the new man is brought forth, and the creating in Christ Jesus unto good works is known, and the birth, which is heir of Gods Kingdom is witnessed, and unto this man is the Lord become an everlasting light and a sure hiding place, for he is not the servant of sin but of righteousness, nor an offence to God in any of his works, but for his names sake is well pleased with him; he is his teacher in all the ways of peace, he is his helmet, and his shield, and his hope of salvation, and his Shephard to feed him and preserve him at all times; though he may be tempted, yet he is not overcome, for God is his strength, though he may be tried, yet not forsaken of the Lord; though he may be cast into the fire it is not to consume him, for the Lord is with him; all things he receives as from the hand of God, & all creatures he enjoys in the Covenant with God, and peace is in all his ways, for it is the Lord that works in him both to will and to do of his own good pleasure; and this is the state of the new man brought forth in conversion, which is a turning of the creature from the power of Satan (which rules in every man before conversion), to the power of God which is the ruler of every man that is truly converted; and this is the truth as it is in Jesus, which I have received from God, he that can receive it let him, and if any have an ear let him hear what the Spirit saithe; this conversion of the creature is wrought by the Spirit of God through the Ministry sent of him, and even for this cause have we received the Ministry of God, through the Holy Ghost, that we might publish these things abroad, that all people may come to the knowledge of them, and may taste, and handle, and feel of the same Word of life in themselves, which will reveal the knowledge of these things to them that they may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son.
sight, and the new man is brought forth, and the creating in Christ Jesus unto good works is known, and the birth, which is heir of Gods Kingdom is witnessed, and unto this man is the Lord become an everlasting light and a sure hiding place, for he is not the servant of sin but of righteousness, nor an offence to God in any of his works, but for his names sake is well pleased with him; he is his teacher in all the ways of peace, he is his helmet, and his shield, and his hope of salvation, and his Shephard to feed him and preserve him at all times; though he may be tempted, yet he is not overcome, for God is his strength, though he may be tried, yet not forsaken of the Lord; though he may be cast into the fire it is not to consume him, for the Lord is with him; all things he receives as from the hand of God, & all creatures he enjoys in the Covenant with God, and peace is in all his ways, for it is the Lord that works in him both to will and to do of his own good pleasure; and this is the state of the new man brought forth in conversion, which is a turning of the creature from the power of Satan (which rules in every man before conversion), to the power of God which is the ruler of every man that is truly converted; and this is the truth as it is in Jesus, which I have received from God, he that can receive it let him, and if any have an ear let him hear what the Spirit saithe; this conversion of the creature is wrought by the Spirit of God through the Ministry sent of him, and even for this cause have we received the Ministry of God, through the Holy Ghost, that we might publish these things abroad, that all people may come to the knowledge of them, and may taste, and handle, and feel of the same Word of life in themselves, which will reveal the knowledge of these things to them that they may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son.
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