Bible Discussion Thread

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,

    And now be it known to all the world, and to all people in it, that the Lord hath raised up a people and brought forth a seed, to bear witness of his Name, and of his dominion, and power in all the earth, and of these truths with many more, which are but one in Christ Jesus, hath God given us the perfect knowledge of, even wrought them in us, and revealed them to us by the eternal Spirit, and as that same Spirit doth, and shall move us, do we and shall we bear witness of these truths unto all people upon earth whatsoever, both by doctrine and conversation, holding forth the testimony unto others which we have received of God, that Christ may be exalted, and his Kingdom set up in the world, and in comparison of this, that we may serve God in our generation, by bearing witness of these things, which we have heard and seen; nothing of this world, our liberty, our life, nor any other thing whatsoever, is not dear unto us; yea, even for this cause, that the Name of the Lord may be testified of, do we give up our selves continually to suffer all manner of evil in words or works; and we love not our lives unto death, that truth and righteousness may be exalted, and this is the cause wherefore we pass through many dangers on every hand, and are in perils often, and we are not, nor cannot be afraid of the face of any man, even that the Lord alone may be exalted, whose Name, and Honor, and Truth is more dear unto us than any other thing; and for it have we forsaken all, and counted it as nothing in comparison of the knowledge of Christ, and his truth herein declared and witnessed to the whole world to whom it shall come, and the light of Christ in every one shall give testimony to it unto which I do only commend my self and these truths to be witnessed.

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