light, and God alone is their glory, and this Covenant is for ever, and cannot alter nor change, but is sure unto the seed of his own inheritance, but he that is born of the flesh hath no part in it, who is shut out from the knowledge of God, who is not known to the wisdom of this World, which is foolishness' with God; and the knowledge of God is received no other way but only by the revelation of Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Spirit of the Father in the heart, he opens the blind eye, and unstops the deaf ear, and changes the heart, and causes it to understand, and he removes that which hath stood in the way betwixt God and the creature, which hath caused ignorance in the creature, that the Lord could not be seen nor perceived. Christ Jesus the second Adam lighteth every man and all mankind that cometh into the world with the true light, but some hates the light, and they will not come to the light, least their deeds should be reproved, and their deeds are evil, and they are in a condemned estate, and such cannot receive Christ nor the knowledge of God, but such who love the light with which Christ hath enlightened them, they bring all their deeds to the light, and walks in the light, and their deeds are wrought in God never to be condemned, and such as loves the light receives Christ and the knowledge of God, which is eternal life, and none comes to the knowledge of God, and of Christ any other way but through the light of Christ, and by the operation of the Spirit of God, and evil is condemned out of the heart, and the heart is made clean by the word of God, and the knowledge of God is received into the clean heart, and nor into the impure, for without holiness none shall see God; nor ever come to the knowledge of him, neither can the knowledge of God be received by the traditions of men or any outward observance in the will of man, but only by the teachings of the eternal Spirit, is the living God known in the creature
light, and God alone is their glory, and this Covenant is for ever, and cannot alter nor change, but is sure unto the seed of his own inheritance, but he that is born of the flesh hath no part in it, who is shut out from the knowledge of God, who is not known to the wisdom of this World, which is foolishness' with God; and the knowledge of God is received no other way but only by the revelation of Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Spirit of the Father in the heart, he opens the blind eye, and unstops the deaf ear, and changes the heart, and causes it to understand, and he removes that which hath stood in the way betwixt God and the creature, which hath caused ignorance in the creature, that the Lord could not be seen nor perceived. Christ Jesus the second Adam lighteth every man and all mankind that cometh into the world with the true light, but some hates the light, and they will not come to the light, least their deeds should be reproved, and their deeds are evil, and they are in a condemned estate, and such cannot receive Christ nor the knowledge of God, but such who love the light with which Christ hath enlightened them, they bring all their deeds to the light, and walks in the light, and their deeds are wrought in God never to be condemned, and such as loves the light receives Christ and the knowledge of God, which is eternal life, and none comes to the knowledge of God, and of Christ any other way but through the light of Christ, and by the operation of the Spirit of God, and evil is condemned out of the heart, and the heart is made clean by the word of God, and the knowledge of God is received into the clean heart, and nor into the impure, for without holiness none shall see God; nor ever come to the knowledge of him, neither can the knowledge of God be received by the traditions of men or any outward observance in the will of man, but only by the teachings of the eternal Spirit, is the living God known in the creature
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