Bible Discussion Thread

  • Letha78 - 1 year ago
    I hope someone can help me understand something. I have been married 2 times. I have been married for 13.yeats to my 2nd husband. I have been told 2 different answers when it comes to being married more than once. My 1st husband and I divorced becsuse he cheated on me with another woman.. I got remarried after a couple of years of being divorced. I was told that my marriage to my 2nd husband is a sin. Bit I was also.told by another preacher that my marriage to my 2nd husband is not a sin but we were living in sin before we got married. We both are torn an tormented when it comes to this question. I also was told that I can't read the amplified version of the bible is this true?
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Letha & Husband

    As you have already experience, they're many who will gladly give you their opinions, thus leaving you both torn & tormented with them,

    Friends; you must go to God Himself to seek your answer, it's the only Way you'll have peace on this issue.

    Your openness & honesty in revealing that you & your husband were living in sin before marriage is noted. This is what God is looking for, truthfulness Hebrews 10:22 as you both come before Him.

    Here are some Scriptures.

    Matt 10:19 "except for fornication"

    John 4:10-18, here we have Jesus offering eternal life to a woman who had been married 5 times & presently living in sin

    Scriptures does not reveal what all Jesus Christ spoke to the Samaritan's those two day He stay with them, but you can be sure it was on the lines of John 8:11 Hebrews 10:26

    God's grace teaches us the knowledge of His will & we are to exercises it until we become more than conquerors through Him that loves us & continually gives Himself to us through His Spirit of Grace. This is putting Him on & what we receive from Christ is our inheritance in Him.

    The simplest & purest definition of a Christian, is Christlikeness, to be like Jesus.

    Its true we all come into this world as sinners, but it not true that we must remain sinners.

    Jesus name declare His works, Matt 1:21 "saves them from their sin, not in their sins". Titus 2:14, "cleanse us all iniquity" for how else can we be Col 1:22 "present you holy, unblameable & unreproveable in His sight.

    Concerning the reading of the amplified bible this is another man made opinion, throw it out the window along with the rest of the dirty water.

    in love & truth
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Scriptural mistake, Matt 19:9
  • RoseDaisy - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The kjv is what I use. After a personal study for 5 years on which Bible to use. Read kjv Matthew 19:3-9 Matthew 5:31-32 1Corinthians 7:15. You are not sinning. I've been divorced 2 times too. Looking at a 3 and final mart now- it's scriptural. God bless you
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Letha78 , the first thing i noticed in your post is just how quick people are to tell you that you are sinning . And then I noticed how unsure you are about where you stand in this matter . As Christian you must get to know your God through reading His Word and speaking to Him in prayer . All Christians understand that we are not under any laws other than , to love God and each other . It sounds simple but those two things are not always easy to do , if they were , none of us would ever feel insecure in our faith . Our sins are forgiven through Christ , we must believe this and not dwell on our past failures or we won't be able to move on in our relationship with our God . All Christians sin . Our faith must be in : God's love for us and in the work that Christ did for us that we might have forgiveness through him . You say your first husband was unfaithful to you , if that's true , under the 'law' you are free to divorce him and marry again . We are not however under the law . We are forgiven , as long as we believe in Christ and what he accomplished we are forgiven . Guilt is a monster than can ravage us and tear our hearts and minds apart , it can paralyze us and stop us from moving forward , we must trust in God's love and mercy , we must have faith in God's forgiveness , if we don't we are sunk ! I believe that God brings people into our lives and He removes them also . If you and your second husband are commited Christians then you are both forgiven for all your sins . You must move forward together in love for each other and in faith of the love that God has for you two . Read your Bible , say your prayers and thank God every day for the blessings He bestows on you . Don't allow anyone to sear your consciences , it's so easy for us to judge ourselves harshly and have our faith shaken if someone keeps telling us that we are sinning . WE ARE ALL SINNERS . The test we trust in God's mercy through Christ ? That's our faith , in Him .

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