Bible Discussion Thread

  • DawnHadden - 1 year ago
    Jesus said after one called Him good master, there is none good but God, this is Jesus speaking who was tempted but never sinned, the sinless spotless lamb of God. Why would he say that? My take on it is he was referring to the flesh, flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, Only those born again of the spirit shall enter in. The word also says, "If we walk in the spirit we will not fulfil the lust of our flesh" , then if we continue in our old sinful nature fulfilling the lust of the flesh have we truly been born again. And yes our righteousness is as filthy rags , the old man trying to justify ourselves , oh I'm a good person , I don't steal, lie or commit adultery, one is trying to get by on obeying the commandments, yet if we are guilty of one, we are guilty of all, however the new man that has been born of the spirit, we obey righteousness from our heart, because we have received the spirit of Christ. Does that mean that it is impossible to sin, No, but at the same time it is possible to walk a clean holy life before God, with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Did Jesus come to save us from sin? Yes He did, but being set free from the old creature that we was, it is possible to obey The Lord, when He says go and sin no more, however God made a way that "IF" we sin we have an advocate with the father The Lord Jesus Christ, we must repent and trust The Lord, His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. God made provision if we sin, thank God He did, if not none could be saved. AFTER ALL, sin is what separated us from God in the beginning. But our Lord and Savior , His mercy and grace is greater than all our shortcomings. I'm so glad He loved me while I was yet in my sin, amen God bless us all as we share our hearts and thoughts, and the Goodness of God. amen

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