Bible Discussion Thread

  • Texsis - 1 year ago
    Not approximately 2,000 yrs was exactly 2023, going on 2024 yrs ago. His resurrection IS the beginning of our new time line..hence 2023 years ago Christ resurrected for ALL our sins should we choose to believe *He is the ONLY way truth & life being the bridge to see heaven (God) not spending eternity in the lake of fire. (Hell). For without Jesus we will not get there. Therefore we are to now live by faith thru God's grace, Rightly divide the word of truth. Old testament is prophecy, history & Peter speaking to the Jews. New testament is Jesus birth, life, teachings of new ways (not 613 laws), & Paul teaching to gentiles, or ANY one who repents & believes, that He is the ONLY way to heaven. *Love God w/All your being (commandments 1-4) & neighbor as yourself (5-10). God knows if the world did this, we wouldn't have wars, arguing, hate or sin. Pray for our enemies. God will provide the rest.! Plus, Hebrew, Greek & other languages it was originally written in, have totally different meanings then English meanings so, as God said, we are to read His word daily, study it ourself..not merely believing others & continue to grow in His strength & wisdom to be more like Jesus. Those that stupidity chose to change even a single word are the ones that confused the true meaning God intended. I have several books dating back to 16-1800s. You'd be amazed how the wording is different even in last 200 yrs. (Compared to any translations even kjv) therefore..*=key objectives of life & nothing else matters.! Let go & Let His job. :) Amen
  • Jackleviduran17 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi guys, I wrote a very long comment, and It did not post since it has links and I forgot what I wrote. By the way, thank you for your inputs. I think I should not really rely on one Pastor to teach me doctrines. I mean, it's really important to search and seek in our own. Now I'm starting to get confused, and I felt that I really need to go deeper and deeper in my walk with God.

    Now I want to ask if you believe in Once Saved, Always Saved? Where you are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, and by accepting it, you are saved and not of your good works. Secondly, do you believe in one true bible? A final authority? And that's KJV? I believe KJV is the one true Bible since I've done my research also about Tyndale, King James and the Translators. We believe KJV is the Final Authority, not because it's perfect in translation, but because it was translated with 100% honesty and the translator was inspired by God. Lastly, do you guys believe that we don't need the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic scriptures since there's KJV, the final Bible that was inspired by God. Also, we can't rely on concordance and dictionary since Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Aramaic were totally different from Modern Hebrew, Modern Greek and Modern Aramaic. People back there have different understanding and interpretation of ancient languages compared to modern ones.

    Anyway, I'm sorry if my words are confusing since English is my second language. I really appreciate on what you've shared.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jackleviduran 17.

    1) STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD. That's studying scripture as your primary.

    Not man's doctrinal biblical history.

    2) RIGHTLY ( DIVIDING ) THE WORD OF TRUTH. Take all 66 books and let them synchronize and divide them self.

    Note: All scripture is to you for your learning and some as example but all scripture is NOT for you.

    Scripture should not be taken out of context nor twisted to say what we would like it to say,

    God's message to us is unified as a whole which unveils the nature and character of God and the devastating effects of sin.

    This is seen throughout the Word.

    The message spans from creation to the eternal ages to come.

    It declares God's wider plan of salvation and Identifies the enemy of the faith. "Satan".

    But it also distinguishes between many important concepts and periods of time.

    For instance, being saved must be differentiated from growing in the Christian life.


    Passages that were specifically written to Israel should not be confused with those that were written to the Church. Example; Was the Church exiled? Will the Church be re-gathered? No that's Israel!

    Literal passages must not be twisted into spiritual passages, and vice versa.

    Scripture is its own interpreter, and the Holy Spirit should be the teacher of the believer.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hiya S. Spencer love ya my man....Remember what Jesus said there is gonna be only 1 shepherd and 1 sheepfold....Not 2 So there is no more Jew of Gentile... Gal. 3:28 we are all 1 in Christ Jesus....1 st COR 12 :13....By 1 spirit are we all baptised into the body of Christ, Jew or or free ....There is only 1 bridegroom thus the church has to be one....God so loved the world etc

    He took of the twain and made 1 new man....Which is our new innerman the H.G. that new Creature...our new hearts etc
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks Alex.

    However not in context of my reply.

    God bless
  • Texsis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, thank you. I just learn, after being faithful to kjv for yrs, the word murder & kill have 2 totally different meanings so for Dueteromomy 5 to say "thou shall not kill" is wrong. Should say murder. This is the main reason I stopped my daily prayer time & reading on this site. I want to learn His truth before saying/praying incorrectly. So thank you for clearing this up as well as So many other discussions I've read from you. God has truly blessed you w/wisdom & knowledge.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Tanks for the kind words Texsis and you're welcome.

    God bless you.
  • Jackleviduran17 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "Rightly divide the word of truth", does it mean Dispensationalism? I've heard it from Dr. Gene Kim and Pastor Jae Joo ( 2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.)

    In your opinion, should we learn Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to understand the Bible? Does God intend to have a one Final Bible? I mean God created the KJV as the one true bible since not all people can understand Hebrews, Greek and Aramaic. There are people who can't even fathom KJV without internet, since the internet is very important in researching about the Bible. Also, what about those that reads KJV Bible translation from their mother tongue? For example, my mother is reading a bible that's a local translation.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey Jackleviduran17,

    I agree with GiGi it does not mean Dispensationalism. This is my understanding and may others give theirs. Studying the Bible is not always easy, sometimes the meaning of a passage seems clear and others we can spend hours and it still is not clear. First, I will say pray that the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and then clear your mind of all preconceived ideas you have.

    You may notice some parts of the New Testament are capital letters, these are quotes from the Old Testament. Go back and read those from the Old Testament and the whole chapter maybe the one before and the one after to get the full context. Like what Jesus said on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me", Matt. 27:46, this is a quote from Psalms 22:1.

    At first, it may seem Jesus doubts God feeling He has forsaken Him but if we go back and read this Psalm, we can get a better understanding of what Jesus was saying, we see the connection between His crucifixion and this Psalm that was written long before. Same with the other quotes from the OT we should go back and study those quotes they are there for a reason.

    In Luke 14:26, the word hate is the Greek word miseo it does not mean hate as we use it today as an emotional feeling it has a meaning of action, to do we love more we choose which centers on moral choice, elevating one over another.

    Just a couple of examples of my understanding of the meaning of 2 Timothy 2:15 I hope this helps, If we do not clear our minds of all we hear and what we think we cannot hear the truth from the Spirit of truth.

    God bless,

  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Jackie,

    You have posed several different questions here in your post. I will speak to your first question regarding 2 Tim. 2:15. This verse is NOT speaking of Dispensationalism. It is not talking about the way Dispensationalists divide up the Scriptures. This was NOT the understanding of this verse before John Nelson Darby and the early Dispensationalists in the 1800's began to interpret it in a Dispensational way so that it would fit with their newly developed theological approach to Scripture called Dispensational Premillennialism.

    For the most part, this verse is speaking of studying the Scriptures:

    * carefully and prayerfully,

    *being teachable and learning from those the holy Spirit has placed in our lives to guide us in our spiritual growth,

    *being "tight" as to how we interpret the Scripture by not bringing in wild and sensational interpretations of a verse by inserting things that are not really spoken of in the context of the verse. (This is adding to Scripture)

    *and as a "workman" (preacher, teacher as Timothy was) be careful to (rightly divide), that is -preach and teach from the Scriptures with fidelity and faithfulness to the context, genre, wording, and authority of the Scriptures because others are depending on you doing so as a leader.

    This verse has NOTHING to do with Dispensational theology. It has nothing to do with dividing the Scriptures up into dispensations and/or designating some Scriptures being to/for the Jews and other Scripture being strictly to/for the Church. To think that this verse DOES teach these ideas of Dispensationalism is to overlay a set viewpoint onto Scriptures to make it mean what it was never intended to mean. Dispensationalism DOES NOT rightly divide this particular Scripture and should not be taught to mean so by them. It is false teaching.

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