Please help me fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. A fellow Christian told me that anyone who had a covid test has been given the mark of the beast. He tried to support his claim with evidence through videos etc. that I did not view. However, he kept on and on, and was adamant that he was correct, that this was part of the deception. I was not deceived at all, I was trying to prove to others that it was all a lie.
I'm shaken up by this, but I know that we have not been given a Spirit of fear. That makes it even worse, wondering why has this given me extreme anxiety about feeling that I'm "unredeemable" and my soul is lost. Thank you for your help. God bless you all.
John 14:1"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
Don't be trouble by what people say Trust in The Lord Jesus Christ. anything any man says to you. You need to Gurd your heart with all diligent for out of it the issues of life arise so Check by the scriptures at all times.
Please understanding this Satan main agender is to attack your faith and he will use all means Just to get to you, but you need to go before the Lord and pray against unbelief and renounce its by proclaiming. The Scripters cannot be broken.
Pray and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ He Knows all you need is to trust in the Lord
For its written in ROMANS 8:35-37.
35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written,
For thy sake we are killed all the day long;
we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
I don't think the covid test is the number of the beast. It's non invasive and similar to other tests. The at home tests you're only taking a swab to your nose. Some you spit and don't even have to inject or touch anything.
Maybe you're thinking of the MRNA injection? Some thought that could have been receiving the mark of the beast. I'm convinced it's bad and has killed people, but I don't think its the mark of the beast because it doesn't totally fit. People were blackmailed to get it, such as through jobs, otherwise they get laid off, but most were not forced to get it and didn't get a mark on the forehead or hand. So, I don't think we're there yet. Some tech companies were talking about the idea of a chip plant in us with a unique id that is used for digital payments. And many are pushing for a one world currency and government. To me, that sounds very close to the mark of the beast. We are seeing wars and rumors of wars between the US, Russia and China and it seems the current administration craves war for whatever reason. There's zero upside and all downside, but they're all marching that direction. The only explanation why someone would do this is that they're following satan. There's no other reason for the things I'm seeing done. Giving billions of weapons to the world's most dangerous terrorist group is one example. A normal person with a normal brain who values life would not do that.
I would not worry. The Bible says to not worry about physical harm others can do to us, but fear God alone.
The mark of the beast is not a separate event from all the other occuring during the period the antichrist will rule on earth. So before the mark, the antichrist has to reveal himself and rule on earth through his kingdom, a union of nations/kingdoms/countries. At the same time the planet will go through many catastrophies, like earthquakes, wars, etc. Christians will suffer persecutions, they will be slaughtered etc. Before that the 2 prophets will preach against the mark, also an angel from the sky will do the same, etc, etc. So you see there is a whole series of events that will accompany the mark of the beast. Have you seen any of those? No you haven't, so just lay back on your coach and relax and don't listen to anybody who says whatever comes into their head. But what that vaccine may be ( and this is just an assumption, not a certainty) is a pretrial to see how masses respond to something which is going to be forced to them in a universal degree. But don't misunderstand me, the virus is real, it is also fatal, the vaccine protects, those are real things. But they maybe created by ? on purpose. Just an assumption, who knows. GBU
Yes, I have been fervently praying about this issue. It is scary. My eternal life with Jesus is the only thing that I care about, and just the thought of this being taken away from me is the worst horrible feeling I have ever experienced in my life.
I suggest that you pray about this. I agree with you that the test nor the vaccine are the "mark" or Revelation. That mark will be an assertion of worshipping the antichrist. People will know that the mark they are taking is in allegiance to this antichrist. Revelations does not say that it is a medical test or treatment in any way. So, be assured that you are redeemed by grace. God will calm your heart and uplift your spirit when you come to Him for comfort.
The mark has to have all three attributes. The name of the beast, the image of the beast and the number of the beast. The vaccine has all three. The name of the beast is Luciferace which is the name, the image of the beast (we are made in God's perfect image with 144000 genomes. The Luciferace DNA adds 72000 Chimera DNA which equates to 216000 genomes (600x60x6) this is the image of the beast. There is already the Microsoft patent microchip within the vaccine with the patent number WD060606. There is no need for an extra chip, that is the cover story. The elect will be deceived with pharmakeia which is self explanatory. The mark is visible, you just cannot see it hence why they are putting blue LED lights which are ultraviolet. The Luciferace is also a bioluminescent which provides that for the government to know who is jabbed or not. When the vaccine came out, the whole world had mandates to take it to buy or sell. 5 billion people have had it so no need to push it anymore. The daily sacrifice is done.
This is my understanding. I feel like because I have not been injected, I did not take the mark. However, now this fellow Christian has tried to bring evidence that the swab from a test was actually a nasal vaccine, therefore has the mark. I feel like the test was not required to buy or sell, therefore it is not the mark. But this mans comments on the issue have frightened me.
"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."
thank you, you speak the truth, may those with eyes to see and ears to hear, hear what the Spirit says in these last days! Most do not want the truth because the truth is hard to bear! There is much evidence that the vaccine is the mark! In scripture and with the info you have provided, may many be saved and the Lord Jesus find faith on the earth when He returns!!
Matthew 24:22
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
Monica Don't worry about the Covid test....Humanity has a much greater problem then any kind of an injection...The beast is our carnal minds...As that which is born of the flesh is mans carnal minds and is the very enemy of God... Romans 8...Satan is the god of this present world and its mans carnal minds that is the beast that he rides....All the wars and sence less killing is the direct result of mans carnal minds....Thats y God wants to give us all a new heart and a new spirit....Thats y Jesus is telling us we need to be bornagain of an incorruptible seed....Jesus said outta of the hearts of MAN proceeds all manner of evil....mans carnal mind is the beast.
......When they brought Josephs bloody coat to Jacob he said a wild beast has done this....And he was right...The 10 brothers that done this horrible thing were born of the flesh....That which is born of the flesh is in rank with satan....And is the beast....Jacob wanted none of those woman like Leah and Zildah and Bilhad they were just put in his tent...He only loved Rachel thus it was only Joseph and Bejamin that were born of the will of God....The 10 evil ones were born of the flesh.
......Thats y Jesus was saying outta of the hearts of man proceeds all manner of evil....And thats y Jesus had to die....We have a heart problem....But b/c of his death we will all get a new heart and a new spirit....Which is the gift of God the H.G.
.....iF I be lifted up i will draw all men unto me...All the beasts of the world has been tamed by man but the tongue (our carnal minds) cannot be tamed by man... James 3:7 kjv....We need to birth that new creature the H.G....No man can tame that beast that lives with in us which is our carnal minds....Its only Jesus that can tame the beast that lives with in us...Thats y he called Peter satan simply b/c Peter had not been bornagain just yet of that incorruptible seed....But Jesus said if ye drink of any deadly thing it will not hurt you...Don't worry about any Covid
I'm shaken up by this, but I know that we have not been given a Spirit of fear. That makes it even worse, wondering why has this given me extreme anxiety about feeling that I'm "unredeemable" and my soul is lost. Thank you for your help. God bless you all.
Don't be trouble by what people say Trust in The Lord Jesus Christ. anything any man says to you. You need to Gurd your heart with all diligent for out of it the issues of life arise so Check by the scriptures at all times.
Please understanding this Satan main agender is to attack your faith and he will use all means Just to get to you, but you need to go before the Lord and pray against unbelief and renounce its by proclaiming. The Scripters cannot be broken.
Pray and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ He Knows all you need is to trust in the Lord
For its written in ROMANS 8:35-37.
35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written,
For thy sake we are killed all the day long;
we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
I don't think the covid test is the number of the beast. It's non invasive and similar to other tests. The at home tests you're only taking a swab to your nose. Some you spit and don't even have to inject or touch anything.
Maybe you're thinking of the MRNA injection? Some thought that could have been receiving the mark of the beast. I'm convinced it's bad and has killed people, but I don't think its the mark of the beast because it doesn't totally fit. People were blackmailed to get it, such as through jobs, otherwise they get laid off, but most were not forced to get it and didn't get a mark on the forehead or hand. So, I don't think we're there yet. Some tech companies were talking about the idea of a chip plant in us with a unique id that is used for digital payments. And many are pushing for a one world currency and government. To me, that sounds very close to the mark of the beast. We are seeing wars and rumors of wars between the US, Russia and China and it seems the current administration craves war for whatever reason. There's zero upside and all downside, but they're all marching that direction. The only explanation why someone would do this is that they're following satan. There's no other reason for the things I'm seeing done. Giving billions of weapons to the world's most dangerous terrorist group is one example. A normal person with a normal brain who values life would not do that.
I would not worry. The Bible says to not worry about physical harm others can do to us, but fear God alone.
God bless u.
The mark of the beast is not a separate event from all the other occuring during the period the antichrist will rule on earth. So before the mark, the antichrist has to reveal himself and rule on earth through his kingdom, a union of nations/kingdoms/countries. At the same time the planet will go through many catastrophies, like earthquakes, wars, etc. Christians will suffer persecutions, they will be slaughtered etc. Before that the 2 prophets will preach against the mark, also an angel from the sky will do the same, etc, etc. So you see there is a whole series of events that will accompany the mark of the beast. Have you seen any of those? No you haven't, so just lay back on your coach and relax and don't listen to anybody who says whatever comes into their head. But what that vaccine may be ( and this is just an assumption, not a certainty) is a pretrial to see how masses respond to something which is going to be forced to them in a universal degree. But don't misunderstand me, the virus is real, it is also fatal, the vaccine protects, those are real things. But they maybe created by ? on purpose. Just an assumption, who knows. GBU
I suggest that you pray about this. I agree with you that the test nor the vaccine are the "mark" or Revelation. That mark will be an assertion of worshipping the antichrist. People will know that the mark they are taking is in allegiance to this antichrist. Revelations does not say that it is a medical test or treatment in any way. So, be assured that you are redeemed by grace. God will calm your heart and uplift your spirit when you come to Him for comfort.
The mark has to have all three attributes. The name of the beast, the image of the beast and the number of the beast. The vaccine has all three. The name of the beast is Luciferace which is the name, the image of the beast (we are made in God's perfect image with 144000 genomes. The Luciferace DNA adds 72000 Chimera DNA which equates to 216000 genomes (600x60x6) this is the image of the beast. There is already the Microsoft patent microchip within the vaccine with the patent number WD060606. There is no need for an extra chip, that is the cover story. The elect will be deceived with pharmakeia which is self explanatory. The mark is visible, you just cannot see it hence why they are putting blue LED lights which are ultraviolet. The Luciferace is also a bioluminescent which provides that for the government to know who is jabbed or not. When the vaccine came out, the whole world had mandates to take it to buy or sell. 5 billion people have had it so no need to push it anymore. The daily sacrifice is done.
This is my understanding. I feel like because I have not been injected, I did not take the mark. However, now this fellow Christian has tried to bring evidence that the swab from a test was actually a nasal vaccine, therefore has the mark. I feel like the test was not required to buy or sell, therefore it is not the mark. But this mans comments on the issue have frightened me.
"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."
What are your thoughts on this?
Matthew 24:22
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
......When they brought Josephs bloody coat to Jacob he said a wild beast has done this....And he was right...The 10 brothers that done this horrible thing were born of the flesh....That which is born of the flesh is in rank with satan....And is the beast....Jacob wanted none of those woman like Leah and Zildah and Bilhad they were just put in his tent...He only loved Rachel thus it was only Joseph and Bejamin that were born of the will of God....The 10 evil ones were born of the flesh.
......Thats y Jesus was saying outta of the hearts of man proceeds all manner of evil....And thats y Jesus had to die....We have a heart problem....But b/c of his death we will all get a new heart and a new spirit....Which is the gift of God the H.G.
.....iF I be lifted up i will draw all men unto me...All the beasts of the world has been tamed by man but the tongue (our carnal minds) cannot be tamed by man... James 3:7 kjv....We need to birth that new creature the H.G....No man can tame that beast that lives with in us which is our carnal minds....Its only Jesus that can tame the beast that lives with in us...Thats y he called Peter satan simply b/c Peter had not been bornagain just yet of that incorruptible seed....But Jesus said if ye drink of any deadly thing it will not hurt you...Don't worry about any Covid
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