I Cor. 10:21--I would welcome some discussion and thoughts on this verse relative to the local church partaking in FEMA grants that are available to 501c3 organizations for security enhancements to their facilities. I am adamantly opposed to this prospect as I take this verse very seriously. For purposes of this discussion, I see the Federal Government as a "demon" and therefore, we as believers should have nothing to do with this "free money" for building enhancements no matter how bad they may be needed. Please help me understand this verse and whether this is an appropriate example of it's application.
Dear all-believers, chosen ladies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When we build a church.
Our adversaries are building a synagogue.
Our friends are often the ones the ppl who resists the most. When an authority that is according to the words of the Bible inserted to govern one country. Will there be resistance to all that is just.
Even in a court, unfair judgments can happen. Whor, then, is he who judges righteously.
Amen.. . As I mentioned to GiGi, please read our American Bill of Rights. You'll be amazed just what our government has already allowed to happen to us all, not just Christians.! Yet what I forgot to say was, God is in control, let Him do His will in our lives & give each & everyone of us strength to stand up for His truth. Thnx for your time.
My only thought is where in the Scripture does it say that governments are necessarily evil or demonic?
If Scripture does not designate governments this way, then we must take the view of Scripture. If governments are not so designated, then I would support the church taking the FEMA money as it is designed to help restore communities or make our communities more safe.
Jimbob, No I do not think that this verse in Ephesians is speaking about fighting against our government or for us to see our government as an adversary. the verse is speaking of spiritual powers, principalities, rulers and authorities that are evil and fight to harm our faith and dedication to our Lord.
I do think that there are politicians and government officials that are enacting laws and policies that are harmful to our country and individual citizens, and we should oppose these through legal and lawful means.
FEMA is designed to help people in need when disaster happens or, as in the case of money to churches, to help make places where people gather regularly safer. There is nothing evil in such measures.
GiGi I have to respectfully disagree. ( Eph. 6:10) Tells us "Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might". Its written to True Believers in Jesus Christ. ( Eph. 6:11) Tells us to "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the (wiles) of the devil. The word (wiles) is #3180; it means (trickery). (The devils trickery will be very deceptive and in many ways) ( Eph. 6:12) Tells us (True Believers) "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, (demonic powers) against the rulers of the darkness of this world, (The rulers of the darkness) against spiritual wickedness in high places. (True Believers are in a spiritual war today against ((demonic powers)) against the ((rulers of the darkness)) of this world, and against ((spiritual wickedness in high places)). High places more than likely would be those leaders, or even the higher ups in the nations who are preparing for the one world system that must come to be so the antichrist can control all nations). ( Eph. 6:13) Tells us if we don't put on the full armour of God we will not be able to stand against the wiles of the devil in the evil day. (If we don't see it we will surely be deceived and not stand against it) Corruption and deception are in almost everything today, most don't see it because they hide it or mask it, they cover it up in pretending its a good thing. (Isiash. 5:20) This verse shows us what is happening today. ( 2 Cor. 4:4) Is another verse that shows us what is happening today. Also we should remember all the warnings of Jesus, and also of Paul about not being deceived in the Lastdays. I believe we are living those Lastdays now. Do you GiGi? Thank you for your reply. God Bless you.
Jimbob, I understand where you are coming from, but I believe that this verse is strictly speaking of spiritual powers, not humans in power. And yes, there wickedness is pervasive in this world, as it has been since before the flood and after. This generation on earth is not any more wicked than past generations. But we are far more aware of it due to media, so we find out about so much more than people in the past.
But I do believe that God is at work in HIS world and all creation, restraining evil so that mankind does not destroy the planet and all people and life on it. He has an end that His will shall accomplish in the time He determines. So, while I do believe that we need to be aware, wise, and godly in our wicked generation, I am confident that God will see all believers through to glory. So, I am ready to fight the battles He lays out for me, I will not go out looking for a fight. These verses speak to us being on defense, not offense with spiritual powers. But there may be times we need to go on offensive with other humans. And we should know how to gird up our loins and ready our "weapons" to stand up for what is right and godly when God brings us to a battle.
We are to have hope in this life, grounded in Jesus and the promises He has made to be with us always. He is stronger within us than any in the world. So I do not take a dismal view of tis life. It is full of opportunity to serve others, share the word, and alleviate suffering in our sphere of influence. I leave the rest of the world up to those who God calls to work while it is day in their spheres. I know the end-WE WIN!
GiGi Thank you for your response. We need to see where those powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places are during this time period, which is the time we are living right now. (So we have to assume they are somewhere today, Right?) Jesus would cast out devils in many places in the gospels. The word (devils) is #1140; in Greek: it means a demonic being, a demon or supernatural spirit (of a bad nature) Those devils or supernatural spirits didn't stop possessing people after Jesus left this earth, there are many of these demonic spirits on this earth right now. The Bible doesn't say anything that I have seen about them leaving the earth at any time. I think they will be manifesting themselves more and more as we get closer to the antichrist receiving power for forty two months. Thats also the time period Satan is cast out of heaven to the earth. I believe this will happen very soon. I find it hard to believe you said this generation is no more wicked than past generations GiGi. It seems to me that the evil, the violence, just cold hearted people, the deception and corruption, and just really bad things happening to people and them having troubles in their lives has greatly increased in the last 2 or 3 years. I believe we are living ( Mt. 24:4-8) right now with great tribulation just around the corner! I agree GiGi we should have hope in this life grounded in Jesus. Thats the only hope we have in this life or even after this life. Those living without Jesus Christ today are living in a world that's getting more evil everyday with no hope at all, unless they find Jesus. How sad is that to think about? God Bless you GiGi.
AKY is correct.! Love ya GiGi yet, you either don't know, don't understand or refuse to believe what our government has been doing for years & what they are capable of & Bible has warned us of many times. Beings we, as believers, are to rely on God..taking money from evil for good is a slap in the face to Him. They already have us deep in dept & things are only getting worse, daily. They allow GMOs in our food that's slowly killing us, they spray the air we breath with chemicals that not only cover our sun light & is harmful to us as it slowly seeps in us & our land. And now want to hand out 'evil' money. I say this cuz it will only cause more believers to cower to them, conforming to Satanist ways as their doing already. Like our Bill of Rights. And I'm willing to say..many don't even know what Rights they are abusing & taking from us right under our noses, making us to scared & or unaware of as we spend thousands of hard earned dollars for things we, as Americans, do Not have to.! I will share if anyone cares to know. Or hey, read B of R for yourselves & use a Blacks Law dictionary cuz it alone can explain the true meaning of the word 'driving'.! Heavenly Father, be w/everyone who has an ear & yerns to hear and learn your truth. Amen.!
Haven't heard from you in a while. Glad to hear from you!
You have characterized me in a way that is untrue. I am very aware of what is happening in our country. I've been keeping myself informed for at least 30 years. I understand far more than you give me credit for.
But that aside. We may not have the same outlook here, just opinions that may differ, which is allowable.
I hope you are doing well. Are you still living with your son?
I'm truly sorry, I truly did not mean for you to take it that way. that's why I said.. 'you "either" don't know, "don't understand" or refuse to believe". just in case. Because so many ppl including myself (up to a few months ago) lived in the dark of their wrong doings. Heck sweetie, I'm still in shock of things I learn almost daily. It pert near brings me to tears & we're even helping to pull any kids we know out of school at this years end. Pray your well or get better real soon. Please read what I sent (our American B of R being sure to use the Black Law dictionary that was used when it was written). If you don't already know about this as well, you may want to sit down. I tried to mention it on here before yet I don't think they allowed it. I wish there was a way we could be in touch off this site. I don't do any form of electronic junk but this and a game I play with my Lil brother. We play WORD CHUMS. My name is Laminin3 *** I pray everyone out there reads what I've posted here (as far as the Bill of Rights that is) and does something about it. I for one am saving over $400 a month knowing the truth.! God is in control and only wants the best for us. Love & Prayers
When we build a church.
Our adversaries are building a synagogue.
Our friends are often the ones the ppl who resists the most. When an authority that is according to the words of the Bible inserted to govern one country. Will there be resistance to all that is just.
Even in a court, unfair judgments can happen. Whor, then, is he who judges righteously.
We know where to find God in Jesus name. Amen
Hope you guys understand what I mean.
My only thought is where in the Scripture does it say that governments are necessarily evil or demonic?
If Scripture does not designate governments this way, then we must take the view of Scripture. If governments are not so designated, then I would support the church taking the FEMA money as it is designed to help restore communities or make our communities more safe.
I do think that there are politicians and government officials that are enacting laws and policies that are harmful to our country and individual citizens, and we should oppose these through legal and lawful means.
FEMA is designed to help people in need when disaster happens or, as in the case of money to churches, to help make places where people gather regularly safer. There is nothing evil in such measures.
But I do believe that God is at work in HIS world and all creation, restraining evil so that mankind does not destroy the planet and all people and life on it. He has an end that His will shall accomplish in the time He determines. So, while I do believe that we need to be aware, wise, and godly in our wicked generation, I am confident that God will see all believers through to glory. So, I am ready to fight the battles He lays out for me, I will not go out looking for a fight. These verses speak to us being on defense, not offense with spiritual powers. But there may be times we need to go on offensive with other humans. And we should know how to gird up our loins and ready our "weapons" to stand up for what is right and godly when God brings us to a battle.
We are to have hope in this life, grounded in Jesus and the promises He has made to be with us always. He is stronger within us than any in the world. So I do not take a dismal view of tis life. It is full of opportunity to serve others, share the word, and alleviate suffering in our sphere of influence. I leave the rest of the world up to those who God calls to work while it is day in their spheres. I know the end-WE WIN!
Haven't heard from you in a while. Glad to hear from you!
You have characterized me in a way that is untrue. I am very aware of what is happening in our country. I've been keeping myself informed for at least 30 years. I understand far more than you give me credit for.
But that aside. We may not have the same outlook here, just opinions that may differ, which is allowable.
I hope you are doing well. Are you still living with your son?
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