I just watched this last night and found it to be very detailed with lining up signs, times, seasons, starsRobert Breaker's Revelation series chapter 12 literally taken from the KJB and can't elaborate enough on taking everything from KJB, no drifting.
Not sure if links are allowed but I couldn't believe the work done with math and dates and his charts
I found to be amazing.
No links allowed but you can find it on yt, open your Bible because he does move fast.
It's hard to put it down because it goes so deep there's no endthe Bible is amazing
I watched the video you listed and like you said it is detailed, and he tied a lot to his charts with many dates and signs that would be difficult to verify. Is he correct? I cannot say, I will just point out a couple of things. When he used Virgo and Leo to describe the woman, he said the sun was at her head and the moon was at her feet and above her head were 12 stars using Leo and three planets coming up with the date of Sept. 23, 2017.
The things he said happened Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and Trump did that in December not on Sept. 23, Israel made Jerusalem its capital in 1980. The Rabbi said 10 jubilees until the Messiah, and he tied that to 2017 but Jesus has not returned, I could list more.
In Rev. 12 The woman is clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and 12 stars was upon her head. You can find in Gen. 37:9 a good description of Israel. He called the woman Israel but did not explain why he thought the woman was Israel.
I would only say beware of those setting dates when only God the Father knows, he did not come out to say a date but he was tiptoeing around it. We can put together signs and dates that are mesmerizing.
I hope you take this as my opinion of this video and not of you and please study for your understanding.
PS I cannot recall where but we were given a time of return 1000 years on earth is like 1 day to God and you probably know where it says something about dawn on day 3?
1000 years here = day 1
2000 years here = day 2
30 AD ? Don't quote me it's from my memory
2030 is the end of day #2
Sorry I cannot remember where this is in the Bible but Jerren Lewis had a video on this on
AoC network which is good for younger teens
(some visuals for their understanding )
The variety of each enhance each other.
What's sad is most Christian churches don't teach this, especially Revelation. My go to is Pastor Gary Hamrick if anything is questionable for the final word. (For me)
Thanks for your comments and there's never any offense taken, the main point is we all believe Jesus Christ is our Prince of Peace and He suffered on that cross for our sins
He has dozens of videos and that's a class he's teaching so I think it's just a misunderstanding
Perhaps he already mentioned things in his previous 11 chapters. He specifically mentions it's a lot to get into and this is only one chapter out of 22.
I didn't post this for anyone to get the entire story in one hour
He also stated clearly about signs and wonders stars, etc.
Go to 25:00 on Trump is. "Recognizing the capital of Israel" not being in Tel Aviv and moved the embassy.
Do you know how long the Armenian Genocide had not been recognized for? That's the point
The sign of recognition
The constellation on Sept 23, 2017 is just a sign or wonder whatever you want to call it just as the North Star was ahead of the birth of Jesus .
If he were to teach it all in one chapter he would omit ch1-11 and spend 12-24 hours teaching straight.
Please don't take offense but when I comment,
My intent is to share an interesting find and assuming we all have basic common sense
(sense of humor :)
I'm not a Bible scholar but I know who teaches directly from the Bible and who does not.
Nobody knows the day or the hour of Jesus' return but we were given the signs and seasons and if the scholars got the math correct (not one I listen to will give a date) just so you y'all know that I know better!
I'll take a wild guess. From previous guidance
I'm watching Israel closely ;)
Persecution of not only Jews but Christians
Demonic entertainment on the world stage
Lawlessness (the US is a disgrace)
Rebellion? Wow is there, globally
I'm a descendant of a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, that jab is Genocide
(I'm also a 25 yr retired medic, DHS, Nuke inspector, and more)
I can go on and on but I'll stop with this;
I'm watching for a 3rd Temple
Good Bless everyone here and hope to see you all up there (2030-2033) maybe.? Maybe not! lol
Good day and peace Lisanne. When Moses was in Egypt and the first born were killed, God gave instruction to mark the door posts and the top, a sign of the cross? They were spared from trial by following God's instruction. The point I am trying to make is God protected the Israelites (chosen ones) from his wrath. Yes, I believe we will be changed and raised to meet Him in the air; no one knows the hour. Christian's will go through some form of tribulation, and by following God's instruction, we will also be spared from His wrath. God is with us.
I can answer these in detail but not sure you'll understand me unless you listen to him in detail.
I am so detail oriented that I have to watch and listen 3 times, with that said, I would have to go back again to answer each of your points.
He never gives dates, he speaks of signs, wonders and clearly states saying things like; could this be, is it a sign? idk, etc.
The woman referred to in the Bible depends on the context.
The view is best seen from Israel, because these signs are for Israel.
Jesus will return to Israel
I might ask if that's true? Clearly some things are written so easily to understand and others are not so easy but nothing as far as dates are etched in stone.
If I see a sign and put some other info together from Old Testament and New, it's left for me to decide whether it's coincidence or how many coincidences until I begin to see something more ?
Gary Hamrick also mentions this being Israel but I'd have to go back to search exactly where and I have no doubtswho I listen to as I pick out pretty much the best.
Breaker is simply demonstrating some possibilities for the open minded.
I don't need to do chemistry to prove Jesus existed because my faith is strong since a child, we were never taught all this perhaps because when I was young we are talking DOB in 1956. Ouchonly that if you doubt, what's true or not, you can research it.
I never have one source but the KJB is the root of my other sources.
I do remember clearly the September and December part and it was clearly stated a warning several months before.etc. so I don't have to look that up.
The understanding is for others not to take dates literally, listen carefully to details, he never stated that Sept 17 to be more than a possible sign.
He does move fast, that's why I stop the video and go back.
The weather on a certain day is recorded 10 years ago so it would only be time consuming but doable to find out.
My understanding is, the woman in Revelation 12 is Israel, Genesis 37:9. The woman brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations, this is Jesus, Rev. 2:27Rev. 19:15. Jesus will return to Israel, Zech. 14:4Isaiah 11:11-12Jeremiah 23:3-8Ezekiel 37:21-25Rev. 14:1.
Please do not take offense, Robert Breaker is interesting but like I said before some of the things do not line up. Like the Rabbi says 10 jubilees until the Messiah comes and that is calculated to the year 2017. How can that be a sign of what Trump did by moving our embassy to Jerusalem?
My understanding of what John saw in Revelation 12, was the woman, a dragon, and a war in heaven. The woman is Israel who brought forth Jesus, Jesus ascended back to heaven and is on the right side of the Father on the throne, this was almost 2000 years ago. The dragon is Satan, and the war that Satan and his angels are cast down out of heaven to earth and no more place in heaven for them, this is in our future, this will happen when the fulness of the Gentiles become in Romans 11:25.
So, if part of Revelation 12 is in our past, the way Breaker used the images in Rev. 12 to me does not fit. I hope this makes sense and is not offensive. You may have received good information from his video that helps your study.
I love your reply, open dialogue. Because I'm unable to detail what I post due to the rapture would happen before I finished. I could go on forever as this is like hunting for a treasure with limitless treasures to be found and no ending.
Pertaining to Robert Breaker teachings, if you listen closely, he will state and demonstrate with charts in his opinion and ask how many coincidences to make one think; is it or isn't it?
Then he will make comments saying he doesn't know, could it be, etc. he does move fast and is definitely a critical thinker.
I put things together from several sources , each Bible teacher, pastor, phd, scholar, etc., that I choose to listen to must fit my criteria and that is teaching from this book, period.
What Robert Breaker does with his math & charts would most likely be meaningless to me if I didn't listen to Sr. Pastor Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel, Dr David Jeremiah, the late Dr Ed Hindson, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Jerren Lewis (AoC network) and, David C. Pack's video "Understanding the Book of Revelation"(rcg.org), was a powerful video for me by explaining how one needs the "Keys" to unlock the "Codes"
otherwise the reading is meaningless.
Being a bit slow at "getting it" this video should be the first thing for newer Christians or old ones like myself who didn't read the Bible because as Pack stated in the video, one needs for understanding
Hamrick's Revelation_Series Intro, he states this is one of the hardest subjects to teach, he clearly states it's heavy stuff.
For me, all the above compliment each other. *Strangely* on one of Breaker's videos about end times, he stopped at 1997 (the church ages) He started at 0 (crucifixion) IDKY, *something* made me add "33" to 1997. Jesus' age at death, it came to *2030*. Breaker is demonstrating, not etched in stone, he only displays charts of his own critical thinking (CT)raises some decoding possibilities.
Nobody knows the day or hour but the signs & seasons are given.
Thanks Lisanne for the heads up. I had a quick look at it (first few minutes) since each of his messages are over an hour long, & I can see from his interpretation of the Revelation that many here will turn it off quickly. But I shall go through his messages as time permits. Thanks again.
I get lost online but time constraints are understandable. I'm retired but because I'm more busy now than I was when working, and don't want interruptions I watch from midnight on!
Robert Breaker videos are only one component
More for open minded and possible decrypting
Seeing charts, ideas , math , codes, signs, wonders, etc.
In college : 2 minds are better than one, 3 better than 2 and so on.
This is in my opinion only about people turning it off or walking away and not from this video but any teachings of the word.
They may be turning away because they are too busy with other things.
Would that be a falling away? Idk.
This is an add on in chart form, more detailed look at it from the "Keys & Codes" to understanding of the signs and wonders, nothing etched in stone all possibilities for the open minded to ponder.
AoC network, Jerren Lewis does the visual, great for my grandchildren's understanding and younger crowd, teens.
I started with Gary Hamrick Revelation_Series
I tend to stay with Gary Hamrick, Jack Hibbs, Dr David Jeremiah who has many brief analysis videos for time restricted and a few others I mentioned in a recent post.
AoC network Jerren Lewis makes awesome videos for the younger ones, my teen grandkids and also teaches how to interpret the lingo, Greek, Latin, etc.
I loved Breaker's videos because they are open to the decrypting of the signs, wonders, the math cosmic, again no exact dates they are estimated close enough for one to accept or brush off.
The choice of faith is ours to believe or not and when we believe and are let down, this is the test of our faith, IMHO.
I believe Jesus is coming around 2030 ish.
If he doesn't come, I'm not joining Satan's cult.
I may even be off by a 1000 years but according to His word and Bible prophecy, the signs are here, the Heifers are in, waiting for the trumpet to sound or perhaps a 3rd temple first, idk but my lamps are full
Not sure if links are allowed but I couldn't believe the work done with math and dates and his charts
I found to be amazing.
No links allowed but you can find it on yt, open your Bible because he does move fast.
It's hard to put it down because it goes so deep there's no endthe Bible is amazing
Rapture Ready
I hope you don't mind my reply.
I watched the video you listed and like you said it is detailed, and he tied a lot to his charts with many dates and signs that would be difficult to verify. Is he correct? I cannot say, I will just point out a couple of things. When he used Virgo and Leo to describe the woman, he said the sun was at her head and the moon was at her feet and above her head were 12 stars using Leo and three planets coming up with the date of Sept. 23, 2017.
The things he said happened Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and Trump did that in December not on Sept. 23, Israel made Jerusalem its capital in 1980. The Rabbi said 10 jubilees until the Messiah, and he tied that to 2017 but Jesus has not returned, I could list more.
In Rev. 12 The woman is clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and 12 stars was upon her head. You can find in Gen. 37:9 a good description of Israel. He called the woman Israel but did not explain why he thought the woman was Israel.
I would only say beware of those setting dates when only God the Father knows, he did not come out to say a date but he was tiptoeing around it. We can put together signs and dates that are mesmerizing.
I hope you take this as my opinion of this video and not of you and please study for your understanding.
God bless,
1000 years here = day 1
2000 years here = day 2
30 AD ? Don't quote me it's from my memory
2030 is the end of day #2
Sorry I cannot remember where this is in the Bible but Jerren Lewis had a video on this on
AoC network which is good for younger teens
(some visuals for their understanding )
The variety of each enhance each other.
What's sad is most Christian churches don't teach this, especially Revelation. My go to is Pastor Gary Hamrick if anything is questionable for the final word. (For me)
Thanks for your comments and there's never any offense taken, the main point is we all believe Jesus Christ is our Prince of Peace and He suffered on that cross for our sins
He has dozens of videos and that's a class he's teaching so I think it's just a misunderstanding
Perhaps he already mentioned things in his previous 11 chapters. He specifically mentions it's a lot to get into and this is only one chapter out of 22.
I didn't post this for anyone to get the entire story in one hour
He also stated clearly about signs and wonders stars, etc.
Go to 25:00 on Trump is. "Recognizing the capital of Israel" not being in Tel Aviv and moved the embassy.
Do you know how long the Armenian Genocide had not been recognized for? That's the point
The sign of recognition
The constellation on Sept 23, 2017 is just a sign or wonder whatever you want to call it just as the North Star was ahead of the birth of Jesus .
If he were to teach it all in one chapter he would omit ch1-11 and spend 12-24 hours teaching straight.
Please don't take offense but when I comment,
My intent is to share an interesting find and assuming we all have basic common sense
(sense of humor :)
I'm not a Bible scholar but I know who teaches directly from the Bible and who does not.
Nobody knows the day or the hour of Jesus' return but we were given the signs and seasons and if the scholars got the math correct (not one I listen to will give a date) just so you y'all know that I know better!
I'll take a wild guess. From previous guidance
I'm watching Israel closely ;)
Persecution of not only Jews but Christians
Demonic entertainment on the world stage
Lawlessness (the US is a disgrace)
Rebellion? Wow is there, globally
I'm a descendant of a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, that jab is Genocide
(I'm also a 25 yr retired medic, DHS, Nuke inspector, and more)
I can go on and on but I'll stop with this;
I'm watching for a 3rd Temple
Good Bless everyone here and hope to see you all up there (2030-2033) maybe.? Maybe not! lol
Open dialogue is awesome and my lamps are full!
I am so detail oriented that I have to watch and listen 3 times, with that said, I would have to go back again to answer each of your points.
He never gives dates, he speaks of signs, wonders and clearly states saying things like; could this be, is it a sign? idk, etc.
The woman referred to in the Bible depends on the context.
The view is best seen from Israel, because these signs are for Israel.
Jesus will return to Israel
I might ask if that's true? Clearly some things are written so easily to understand and others are not so easy but nothing as far as dates are etched in stone.
If I see a sign and put some other info together from Old Testament and New, it's left for me to decide whether it's coincidence or how many coincidences until I begin to see something more ?
Gary Hamrick also mentions this being Israel but I'd have to go back to search exactly where and I have no doubtswho I listen to as I pick out pretty much the best.
Breaker is simply demonstrating some possibilities for the open minded.
I don't need to do chemistry to prove Jesus existed because my faith is strong since a child, we were never taught all this perhaps because when I was young we are talking DOB in 1956. Ouchonly that if you doubt, what's true or not, you can research it.
I never have one source but the KJB is the root of my other sources.
I do remember clearly the September and December part and it was clearly stated a warning several months before.etc. so I don't have to look that up.
The understanding is for others not to take dates literally, listen carefully to details, he never stated that Sept 17 to be more than a possible sign.
He does move fast, that's why I stop the video and go back.
The weather on a certain day is recorded 10 years ago so it would only be time consuming but doable to find out.
I have no doubts he did his homework
My understanding is, the woman in Revelation 12 is Israel, Genesis 37:9. The woman brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations, this is Jesus, Rev. 2:27 Rev. 19:15. Jesus will return to Israel, Zech. 14:4 Isaiah 11:11-12 Jeremiah 23:3-8 Ezekiel 37:21-25 Rev. 14:1.
Please do not take offense, Robert Breaker is interesting but like I said before some of the things do not line up. Like the Rabbi says 10 jubilees until the Messiah comes and that is calculated to the year 2017. How can that be a sign of what Trump did by moving our embassy to Jerusalem?
My understanding of what John saw in Revelation 12, was the woman, a dragon, and a war in heaven. The woman is Israel who brought forth Jesus, Jesus ascended back to heaven and is on the right side of the Father on the throne, this was almost 2000 years ago. The dragon is Satan, and the war that Satan and his angels are cast down out of heaven to earth and no more place in heaven for them, this is in our future, this will happen when the fulness of the Gentiles become in Romans 11:25.
So, if part of Revelation 12 is in our past, the way Breaker used the images in Rev. 12 to me does not fit. I hope this makes sense and is not offensive. You may have received good information from his video that helps your study.
God bless,
I'll find it!
Thank you
Pertaining to Robert Breaker teachings, if you listen closely, he will state and demonstrate with charts in his opinion and ask how many coincidences to make one think; is it or isn't it?
Then he will make comments saying he doesn't know, could it be, etc. he does move fast and is definitely a critical thinker.
I put things together from several sources , each Bible teacher, pastor, phd, scholar, etc., that I choose to listen to must fit my criteria and that is teaching from this book, period.
What Robert Breaker does with his math & charts would most likely be meaningless to me if I didn't listen to Sr. Pastor Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel, Dr David Jeremiah, the late Dr Ed Hindson, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Jerren Lewis (AoC network) and, David C. Pack's video "Understanding the Book of Revelation"(rcg.org), was a powerful video for me by explaining how one needs the "Keys" to unlock the "Codes"
otherwise the reading is meaningless.
Being a bit slow at "getting it" this video should be the first thing for newer Christians or old ones like myself who didn't read the Bible because as Pack stated in the video, one needs for understanding
Hamrick's Revelation_Series Intro, he states this is one of the hardest subjects to teach, he clearly states it's heavy stuff.
For me, all the above compliment each other. *Strangely* on one of Breaker's videos about end times, he stopped at 1997 (the church ages) He started at 0 (crucifixion) IDKY, *something* made me add "33" to 1997. Jesus' age at death, it came to *2030*. Breaker is demonstrating, not etched in stone, he only displays charts of his own critical thinking (CT)raises some decoding possibilities.
Nobody knows the day or hour but the signs & seasons are given.
I get lost online but time constraints are understandable. I'm retired but because I'm more busy now than I was when working, and don't want interruptions I watch from midnight on!
Robert Breaker videos are only one component
More for open minded and possible decrypting
Seeing charts, ideas , math , codes, signs, wonders, etc.
In college : 2 minds are better than one, 3 better than 2 and so on.
This is in my opinion only about people turning it off or walking away and not from this video but any teachings of the word.
They may be turning away because they are too busy with other things.
Would that be a falling away? Idk.
This is an add on in chart form, more detailed look at it from the "Keys & Codes" to understanding of the signs and wonders, nothing etched in stone all possibilities for the open minded to ponder.
AoC network, Jerren Lewis does the visual, great for my grandchildren's understanding and younger crowd, teens.
I started with Gary Hamrick Revelation_Series
I tend to stay with Gary Hamrick, Jack Hibbs, Dr David Jeremiah who has many brief analysis videos for time restricted and a few others I mentioned in a recent post.
AoC network Jerren Lewis makes awesome videos for the younger ones, my teen grandkids and also teaches how to interpret the lingo, Greek, Latin, etc.
I loved Breaker's videos because they are open to the decrypting of the signs, wonders, the math cosmic, again no exact dates they are estimated close enough for one to accept or brush off.
The choice of faith is ours to believe or not and when we believe and are let down, this is the test of our faith, IMHO.
I believe Jesus is coming around 2030 ish.
If he doesn't come, I'm not joining Satan's cult.
I may even be off by a 1000 years but according to His word and Bible prophecy, the signs are here, the Heifers are in, waiting for the trumpet to sound or perhaps a 3rd temple first, idk but my lamps are full
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