Bible Discussion Thread

  • Steven on Revelation 3 - 2 years ago
    I have not been much of a servant for Jesus. In my heart, I've always known he is real, but death and judgement seemed far away, and in my mind, I didn't believe 100% anyway, so its been easy just to forget about Him and do what I want. I didn't commit any terrible crimes according to man's law, but definitely have sinned according to God's.

    In these crazy times, I should have been deceived the same way millions of others have been, but it's no contest. I've been able to see the truth, and the lies, for what they are the whole time. It's like my eyelids are taped open and I can't help but see the truth.

    The only explanation is that Jesus granted me this undeserved insight, and must have done so for a reason. I just don't know what to do next.

    It's a scary time for all of us, and I want to leave darkness for good and live in the light of God. I just don't know what to do next. I know to read the Word and to pray, but it feels like I should do more. Maybe I need help finding the right scriptures to study; how to learn more about God's plan for me from here for dummies.

    Any suggestions?
  • MCF - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I recommend that you immerse yourself in the Word and prayer and biblical truth. The stage you are at makes you vulnerable to spiritual attack from the enemy and that may be why you are stuck. Contrary to the other commenters advice I believe you must be active in your defence against the enemy and that is a life long job my friend. So how? Well for a start your eyes are wide open you say, but are they open spiritually? If they were you would recognise the attempts of the enemy in stalling your spiritual growth. So first things first: 1: Pray for wisdom and discernment. Pray actively throughout the day, at random times short prayers, long prayers but always start with praising your Father in Heaven.

    2: Discern the spirits that are causing you your problems for example the spirit of anxiety, the spirit of doubt, named spirits like Leviathan and Jezebel and curses or sorcery from others or via portals like music, symbols, films or objects.

    3: Bind and cast out verbally those named spirits or curses or evil assignments in the name of Jesus Christ. Keep doing this as often as you feel the need to, cast them out with intent to the pit, in Jesus name.

    4: Listen to the spoken Bible throughout the day and night, play it as you sleep, when you walk, drive and are at the gym. Certain verses will jump out at you even wake you up, bookmark those and go back to them.

    5: Read the Bible daily, any part that interests you. The truth about the Bible is that it reads to you, just immerse yourself in it, let it wash over you, it will read to you and you will not want to watch films TV or listen to secular music many of which are demonic distractions.

    6: Walk in the spirit not in the flesh, keep your eyes on heaven and be fully armed for the spiritual battle going on around you. Find other Christians who resonate with the truths you are learning and who also walk in the spirit. Do not be fooled by those that are lukewarm, you need fire to fuel your journey and fight.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on Revelation 3 - 2 years ago

    You don't have to do anything.

    Your the pot, on the potter's wheel, it's the potter whose doing the work, you and all other men and women is that work.

    YOU WILL, become the image of the potter, Jesus will not fail.

    Isaiah 30:7 ...your strength is to SIT STILL ....

    Just endue the wheel of he potter, stop trying to think you have to do anything, when Jesus wants you to do something, he will stir up HIS SPIRIT that is IN YOU and CAUSE YOU TO DO HIS GOOD PLEASURE.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is (he spirit of) God that WORKETH IN YOU, both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.

    Haggai 1:14 And the Lord STIRRED UP the spirit .....and they came and did the work (that the spirit CAUSED them to do) in the house of the Lord ....

    Acts 17:16 Now while Paul WAITED ...... his spirit was STIRRED IN HIM .... when HE SAW the city (man) wholly given to idolatry (the works of THEIR HANDS).

    Jeremiah 25:7 You have not hearkened unto me ....that ye might provoke me to anger with the WORKS OF YOU HANDS to your own hurt.

    Free will; believing it IS YOU doing the work, and not God is an ABOMINATION.

    Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, DID WE NOT (of our own free will and our hands) .....

    Matthew 7:23 Then will I profess to them ....depart from me ye WORKERS of iniquity .....

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you, for that day (rebirth) shall not come; except there come a FALLING AWAY first (from lies and deception), and that man of sin be revealed (free will, the works of YOUR HANDS), the son of DESTRUCTION.

    Hosea 4:6 my people are DESTROYED for lack of KNOWLEDGE.

    God Bless You!

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