At Gal. 3:11 It is written that the just shall live by faith.
At Habakkuk 2:4. It is written that the just shall live by his faith?
Should the scriptures say: (live by faith). or should it say: (live by his faith)?
I trust that you understand what it is that I'm asking; so if you have an answer, please inform me as to what the true meaning of these Scriptures are?
Hi Benjamin. In Habakkuk 2:4, the subject is the "just" person, the one who is righteous & lives carefully before God; as opposed to the one described in that verse & following verses (here, the Babylonians are intended): one who is haughty, given to drink, uses unethical practises, & with an unsatiable appetite. So in Habakkuk, and looking up the Hebrew for that verse, it seems that the righteous one will live his life with stedfastness & faithfulness, unlike the proud & haughty who is self-centered, lusting for more wealth, power & kingdoms (as were the Babylonians).
Then in Galatians 3:11, I believe the focus is on the Faith that is acceptable by God which is not law-dependent. When the Law was given to Israel, they had to obey it to the letter, coupled with various sacrifices offered to cover them whenever they failed - and fail they did. But when Jesus came, the Law that only led to the Jew's condemnation & death, was cast aside, simply because the Sacrifice of Jesus was God's Sacrifice & Gift to us and not man's sacrifice to God for pardon. The shed Blood of Jesus that required the sinner to accept & believe (i.e. coming to God in faith), could never be mixed in with the Law that had no saving power & could never give life ( Galatians 3:21,22).
Therefore, when the Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:11 quotes from Habakkuk 2:4, I feel that he is highlighting the main point of that verse - that of the righteous living by the faith that is in him, and not specifically about the origin of that faith, even as he referred to Abraham's faith (that was apart from the Law).
Great way of putting it , thankyou you are so right. One thing that I think is important to remember is this : the Bible is a perfectly faithful account of events , it's full of people , all the people in it , except for Jesus , are imperfect and , even the good ones sometimes do and say wrong things . No matter what these imperfect people do or say , God's plan and purpose is always fulfilled . He is in charge of all these people and they end up where He wants them to be . Also , all these people have thoughts , feelings , motives , fears etc , it's very rare indeed for the Bible to speculate on what is going through their hearts and minds but , that should not stop us from recognising ( as we are also imperfect humans ) that they would all have had thoughts , feelings, motives etc . I feel we need to spare a thought for the ladies of the Bible . Many of these women could be judged harshly by us , let us try to remember that very many women , especially in O.T. days ,but even in N.T. days , would have had very limited , if any at all , choices in how to live their lives . Even women of wealthy families would have been pawns in their fathers or grandfather's or brothers or husband's lives . Married off to men they might not have wanted , in order to cement political alliances . Ephraim and Mannaseh were children of an Egyptian princess . Merab and Michal , caught between their father the king and the future king David . How much power over their own lives do we think these women had ? All people, with one exception , are imperfect , think of Gideon . If you don't know his story , read it in Judges chapter 6-8 . In ch 6 he destroys an altar of baal , in ch 8 he rebuilds it . Why ? I think it was because it was in his home town . He annoyed everyone there very much by destroying it . At the end of the day he wanted to continue living there with his family . So he built it up again . He was weak , human . We must not judge , leave that to God ,He is righteous .
Alex 1939...Hiya Benjamin...Good question, hope i can help you...But its in the spritual realm...As Faith is the result of his word planted in our hearts...The living word is that good seed that forms Christ in us...In the spiritual realm ....As the scripture says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word ( the living word ) of God...His voice,...Today if you will hear his voice...Its like a spritual pregnancy the Child is the H.G...The kingdom...Unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in Thats y Hebrews 11:1 tells us Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen....Jesus tells us unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...Thats y he has to know us so he can plant his incorruptible seed in our hearts initiating a spritual pregnancy of Christ in us...But there is a time of gestation thats when we walk by faith and not by sight...We have the substance of things hoped for the Spirit the H.G...But we also have the evidence of things not seen Faith....Faith is truly a spritual pregnancy that preceeds a heavenly birth of Christ in us... Gal 4:19 my lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you...We cannot see the Child the H.G that Child of Promise he is just a spritual infant that cannot speak for a while...But he is the anointing that spirit of truth that is gona rule all nations As in John 16:13
......But until the Kingdom comes we walk by faith and not by sight...As jesus said the kingdom comes not with observation simply b/c its in the spritual realm.
.....She brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all nation and her Child was caught up to God and to his Throne... Rev 12:5.....This woman in Rev. 12 is the best example of faith... b/f her Child came she had the subtance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen ISAIAH 66:7..B/F she traviled she brought forth, b/f her pains came she was delivered of aman Child.
At Habakkuk 2:4. It is written that the just shall live by his faith?
Should the scriptures say: (live by faith). or should it say: (live by his faith)?
I trust that you understand what it is that I'm asking; so if you have an answer, please inform me as to what the true meaning of these Scriptures are?
Then in Galatians 3:11, I believe the focus is on the Faith that is acceptable by God which is not law-dependent. When the Law was given to Israel, they had to obey it to the letter, coupled with various sacrifices offered to cover them whenever they failed - and fail they did. But when Jesus came, the Law that only led to the Jew's condemnation & death, was cast aside, simply because the Sacrifice of Jesus was God's Sacrifice & Gift to us and not man's sacrifice to God for pardon. The shed Blood of Jesus that required the sinner to accept & believe (i.e. coming to God in faith), could never be mixed in with the Law that had no saving power & could never give life ( Galatians 3:21,22).
Therefore, when the Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:11 quotes from Habakkuk 2:4, I feel that he is highlighting the main point of that verse - that of the righteous living by the faith that is in him, and not specifically about the origin of that faith, even as he referred to Abraham's faith (that was apart from the Law).
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......But until the Kingdom comes we walk by faith and not by sight...As jesus said the kingdom comes not with observation simply b/c its in the spritual realm.
.....She brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all nation and her Child was caught up to God and to his Throne... Rev 12:5.....This woman in Rev. 12 is the best example of faith... b/f her Child came she had the subtance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen ISAIAH 66:7..B/F she traviled she brought forth, b/f her pains came she was delivered of aman Child.
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