Bible Discussion Thread

  • PrayerNOT Contemn - 2 years ago
    I do not ask for anything (not to be finger-poibted, "yelled" at, judged, etc I just ask for prayer to not hate GOD. That is all. I know that my shoes have ONLY been walked a mile in by me. I also know that there are those who live to destroy those that the Devil would them to destroy.

    I am angry. I am NOT to blame for being abused and prevented from escaping those who abuse me, and refuse to relinquish their "right" to "my" life: to control it, stalk me, and destroy me.

    My hatred stems from GOD being ABLE...seeing EVERYTHING... knowing ALL THINGS...YET: CHOOSING...with HIS "free will," to ignore, not care,and let those who have power reign. He sets up/appoints ALL that in every high place.

    His "love..." even in Genesis, when I was younger, made me take notice: He knows what will happen to EVERY ONE OF US... yet...still forms us in the womb and of the seed of beasts! Then, for a select FEW, if we a DIRECT result of said abuse... guess who MAY get punished by GOD? Guess who's NEVER been punished, but, if GOD would, the world WOULD be a better place. GOD is brilliant. His creation illustrates thus. He us quick to forgive people, the Holy Bible illustrates this. He doesn't always punish, most times He doesn't, but when He does, He NEVER punishes those that lead the world to sin!

    How can Man blame a mortal CEO for the UNKNOWN indiscretions of an employee, or a talk show host for sone staff, but COMPLETELY absolve GOD--who is ALL-POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, The CREATOR of the Devil, and the giver of his can people attack victims for the FREE WILL acts of their abusers against them, and absolve GOD for not doing what He COULD?

    None of us have walked in GOD's "shoes," so NONE of us can speak for y He wills to NOT help victims more & y He wills to protect, cover & prosper the lies of abusers!

    People LOVE to jump up & defend GOD WHILE simultaneously ATTACKING those made "in His image." GOD has the MOST free will of all! Who hinders Him?
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pt 2.

    But in the church things change. The church consists of people who were cleaned by Jesus Blood. We are not living sinful lives, we have become righteous by Jesus' Blood. We asked God to be our King, and His Laws we are obeying. We live inside a different Kingdom, the Kindom of the Heavens, of God. We live in a another world inside this world. So God has taken, through Jesus' sacrifice, the authority on us, and He provides His protection to us. But (and this is very important to know) He hasn't placed us inside a glassy cage so that nothing touches us, we will go through what goes through all people's lives, but this time things go according to His plan for us (which means that He doesn't let everything in ones life) and also He places limits to what we go through according to how much we can take. And He doesn't do that because He just feels like doing it, but because there is always a plan in His mind, there is always a reason for letting something in our lives. And the reason is to transform our character to be like His. His Will is not just saving us but making us in his likeness. So there is a path to follow until we arrive at the end, and that road is narrow and the gate to that road is also narrow. If one wants to go the wide highway, they are free to do so but they should know that the end is destruction, the hell. Judas and many other took that way.

    So as I said I don't know you. So I would advice you to stop complaining, start reading the Bible, start praying, follow God's Laws, repent when you fail and rely always on God's Love for you, Him who gave His only Son for you won't He give you what is needed to you? Join a christian congregation. Christians must live in a christian community. There you will find support, help and and good advice from people that have probably spent their whole lives following God and have a huge experience, and listen, listen, listen to what they advice you. And God will bless you. I am sure about that..
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pt 1

    Hello PrayerNot Condemn

    You ask yourself many questions, like all of us do. Job was confused about why God allowed so many bad things occuring in his life, but he didn't have the answers. Many times we are revealed some things, some other times we get the answers from our lives, and some times things remain usanswered. We will never get to know everything in our lives, we have to wait untill we go up there.

    I don't know you and I will say some general things.

    God is not the King of this world, satan is. Not because God doesn't have the power to be a King, but because His Justice tells Him that authority on sinful people only the satan can have. Satan is the King of this world and drives people to death making them sinning. And if God tries to put him aside he will tell God, "Look they are like me, they are my children, please step aside", and God is compelled to do so, this is what His righteousness tells Him to do. He can not do otherwise. And so the world is driven by the devil,... crime, wars, murders, etc, etc. God is never going to stop those, 80 years ago a world war occured with more than 50 million victims and God didn't stop it, and would never do. You know why? Because people have sent Him away from their lives, they don't want Him, and God doesn't want to violate people's free will, so he goes away and let people living the way they want. But the devil is not polite as God is, neither he cares about free will and this sort of things, he forces people into sinning and destroys them. This is something we must understand and stop blaming God for those, it it us to blame, who even without knowing it, we let devil into our lives. And as long as the church is still on earth, satan is prevented from setting a literal kingdom on earth and rule the world. After the rapture of the church he will put his man, the antichrist on the throne and sinful people will get him whom they always wanted, a man like them. And the end for them will be distruction.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Giannis, Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Father, ruling and reigning over all creation. God is the King of Creation. Satan has derived power that has been allowed him by God. God does not have to step aside for any being for any reason. He is sovereign over all.

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