Bible Discussion Thread

  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    Thanks Giannis.

    I haven't been able to recap on any posts, But I do agree we are to operate in a structure,

    Paul elaborates on this.

    1 Timothy 2:8

    1 Timothy 3.

    Titus 2.

    There is the universal spiritual Church and there's a place where we meet that is the Church building or field, ect ect. where we form a congregation. Paul gave instructions how we should function in those congregations "which is the church " And those congregations can be as little as 2!!

    It can be done on zoom or a site the conduct remains the same.

    What I was mentioning was God revealing truth through the Spirit and we receiving truth trough the spirit. "Devine Revelation" Also sanctification by the Spirit.

    Now when we function as a group we function as the body with Christ being the head.

    Diversity comes by lack of spiritual growth and also by tares amongst us.

    Also there has always been leaven in our midst.

    I believe a believer is best Identified by his fruit!

    Not his/her position,

    NOT how busy they seem to be.

    Not leadership "appointed or self appointed"

    Not their ability at all but the fruit of the Spirit. And when we function it should be the body following the head.

    In this manner.

    Ephesians 4:1-12

    The Church started off this way in Acts 2.

    But soon tares and leaven started to creep in.

    However we shouldn't be dismayed by the present condition because it was spoken of by several of the inspired authors.

    On another hot topic that I personally pulled out of because of lack of interest and potential tension.

    I will be posting hoping for replies on ones Millennium/end times view in detail.

    For instance I've seen one reply where it was said there is no interval between the 69th week and the 70th week.

    They believe in a literal Millennium and the rapture is at the end of the world during judgment. And they reference Matthew 24.

    It's one thing to put your "stamp of approval" on ones viewpoints its another thing to explain your own.

    God bless you.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Giannis.

    That's the way I have it as well.

    On the Matthew 24:31-46 I think I was responding to Gigi.

    Her quote;

    By GiGi

    The most consistent view in the church over the centuries was that the rapture happens on the Last Day, as Jesus said in Luke 21:27; Matthew 24:29-31. Even Daniel was told that he would arise on the Last Day in Daniel 12:13. This is why I believe that Jesus comes back only once again and will gather believers to Himself on the Last Day.

    End quote.

    My point was that Matthew 24 was not about the rapture.

    Those taken away are gathered for judgment.

    She's rapturing the wrong group!

    Some say that the tribulation is a time of testing for God's people. Who and what is being tested? God's grip?

    We must consider these verses. John 10:28-29.

    I John 4:4.

    Matthew 28:20.

    John 14:18-20.

    Ephesians 3:30.

    Jude 1:24-25.

    Philippians 1:6. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST:

    So it's obvious God is not testing a spirit filled vessel.


    This is mentioned in Daniel 12 where a specific time period is mentioned and Jesus confirms it in Matthew 24:15-21. This tribulation is to come upon the whole world. This is not the persecution ( By the world ) promised to the Church in Matthew 5:10 and other places.

    There's a huge difference between persecution by the world and tribulation ( UPON ) the world.


    Where does Christ thousand years reign here on earth fit in their theology?

    My reason for asking is they are split in this view.

    If you say the rapture comes after the tribulation and you use Matthew 24 to authenticate that, When is the thousand years reign of Christ here on earth?

    Why would you rapture people out of the Millennium?

    Some hold the view the Millennium has already begun and the Church will usher in the Millennium by preaching the Gospel.

    They say there is no rapture.

    Continue this weekend.

    God bless.
  • G - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Part 2.


    Firstly sorry about a post of mine that seems to have gone really bad, I corrected it and sent it again.

    About the millenium. I know that the Eastern Orthodox Church believe that the millenium is not litteral but figurative. They believe it started when Jesus was resurrected and gave authority to the church over devils. So figuratively satan is imprisoned in the bottomless pit. Their explanations are very complicated to bring them on here.

    About other theories about the end times I only know what I have read so far here on this post. To be honest I haven't done any research about other churches' beliefs and I do not intend to do so for the time being.

    Thanks. God bless you.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I meant 1 Jonn 4:4. in those verses to be considered.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This one has gone bad as well, ... the name.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pt 1

    Hello Spencer

    I think it was you who pointed out in an older post that Jesus' 2nd coming could not be the one described in Matthew 24:31-46 as many claim (since it seems to be a continuation of the revelation Jesus was telling to His disciples at the Temple). The reason is that there is a judgement and the righteous go to Heaven and the wicked to Hell. So who is going to inhabit the earth during the millenium? Good point. So that is not His 2nd coming but it is the Final Judgement after the millenium, the White Throne. If so ers him to appear. Time and date unknown. People are dealing with their everyday lifes as usually, unsuspected for what is coming to the worldthe rapture described in verses 36-44 can not be related to that Judgement whose time and date is known in contrast to the timehe rapture of the saints just before anticrist makes his appearance in the world. The presence of church on earth is what hinders him to appear. Time and date unknown. People are dealing with their everyday lifes as usually, unsuspected for what is coming to the world.

    b. The 7 year period that antichrist rules on earth. Tribulation, cataclysmic events, mark of the beast, persecutions and slaughterings, salvation of Israel, etc etc. People are scared to death because of all those events and the ones yet to come. Life on earth becomes litterally a hell.

    c. End of those 7 years. Jesus' 2nd coming with the church and His angels and those who were slaughtered during the great tribulation. Fight at Armaggedon. Distruction of antichrist's army.

    d. Millenium, Christ and His church rule on earth on the people survived all those events. Satan is sent to the Bottomless Pit.

    e. End of millenium. Satan is freed. People revolte against God and get distructed.

    f. Resurrection of all people of all times. The Final Judgement/White Throne. The saints also will judge, even fallen angels.

    g. New heavens and earth are created. God lives together with His people.

    h. Even better things to come...

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