Bible Discussion Thread Page 2

  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gianni's your Reference to Romans ,2:6-7 is written in the context of the

    Church Epistles those who are born again
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gianni's. You are pulling out of context, Jesus Christ came to fulfill the

    Law. The age of Grace started day of pentecost, which was end of law

    Which Paul covers grace given freely but that doesn't imply do whatever

    You want sin or broken fellowship is sin. But no amount of works

    Under the law can cleanse us from all unrighteousness that includes

    Water baptism. Personally if some one wants to be baptised in water ok

    If that helps them in their head get born again spiritually. But I'll stick with

    Romans 10: 9+10 and believing that in the heart don't see any water there.

    God bless and I'm done discussing this.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gianni's. A few questions who was John the Baptist called to and who

    Originally was Jesus Christ called too. Also in Ephesians Chapter 4:3-6

    Pretty much explains things. The book of Acts Is transition record of

    The Birthday of Church of God in Age of Grace. Not of works from all

    Judeasm legalism which Peter and a few others didn't get what Paul

    Was sharing Galatians 2:1-16. In ending in Acts Chapter 1:verses 4+5

    John truly baptised with water but (in contrast) ye shall absolute tense

    Be baptized with the holy ghost. So this sets one above the other so

    It's your privilege to believe what you will. I know people who have done both

    And I know people who were never water baptized and they are born again

    How do I know that their fruits. Now I'm on to a different topic God Bless.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Afternoon, Henry,

    We are not speaking of baptism being required for salvation here. We are talking about obeying what is commanded of us by our Lord ( Matthew 28:19). Paul was baptized. He recalls being so in Acts 22:16. No where does it say that Paul no longer instructed new believers to be baptized. It just says that he did not baptize many in the community of Corinth ( 1 Corinthians 1:14-17) because there were divisions in this community with people pridefully boasting about who baptized them. Paul avoided entering into this mess by not baptizing in that community. But he does say he was sent to preach and not to baptize. This does not mean that believers were not baptized. They were, but not by Paul. Other elders or pastors did the baptizing after Paul's preaching.

    But this does not have anything to do with Pamela's question. She is desiring to be baptized and no one should discourage her from doing so. Paul never discouraged anyone to be baptized and also he was baptized and instructed believers to follow his example as well as that of our Lord Jesus.

    I have heard your viewpoint often here on this sight about Paul superseding Jesus instructions about baptism by claiming that Jesus was teaching only to Jews and Paul was teaching to Gentiles. I firmly disagree with this viewpoint as it is not explicitly taught in Scripture and has not been the practice of the Church throughout the centuries. It is a fairly new doctrine that grew out of the Pentecostal movement.

    Jews and Gentiles are all one body in Jesus Christ and the teachings of Jesus are for Jews and Gentiles and the teachings of Paul are for Jews and Gentiles. Jesus Christ is not divided, as Paul says in the Corinthian passage. We need to not divide the ultimate revelation of God to humanity into one for the Jews and a different one for the Gentiles. I think that that is grave error.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You are right GiGi, we should not discourage anybody who wants to be baptized in water, nomatter whether we believe it is a matter of salvation or not. The early church in the Acts required everybody to be baptised in water, so we should do the same and encourage people to follow this practice.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi She never mentioned water so I'm confused so for me this bit

    Of communication is over I don't like confusion.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi Never said That Paul's calling was strictly gentiles Paul taught Jews And

    Gentiles in the same body of Christ the Church of God and His Teacher was

    Jesus Christ. It is written
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi. That's your privilege and I'm also aware of Historical background of

    Very early doctrinal beliefs and again she never ask about water she just

    Ask about baptism and their were both types individually done or together.

    Also Pauls doctrine never stated different just His was specifically given by

    Jesus Christ. Galatians 1:11+12 also Colossians 1:25-29 that's the scripture

    So I'll go with scripture. This needs no reply or defence.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank for your viewpoint. I do disagree with it, but sharing different viewpoints can be helpful. Have a good evening, Henry.

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