Thanks for this question because it brought on some answers I never considered such as it being done for just entertainment.
I see nothing wrong with that other than if it becomes a habit and you see a brother in need and you are able to help but you turn him away so you can support that habit, then I believe that that gambling/habit becomes a sin.
I can also see a scenario where you have a need met by an answered prayer and the Lord persuades you to gamble as a possibility. "You would probably know by the results".
And there is those who lust after wealth and have an uncontrollable desire that can cause anything he or she desires for to be a sin. So it's the intent in the heart is where the sin lies.
Here's where it gets tricky.
So if God does persuade one to gamble and we apply Romans 14:23.
" And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN."
If you do it and look at it as a gamble, Is that not doubt?
If you do it and have faith in God and meeting the need, Is that really a gamble?
What happens if God persuade you to do it and you don't. Isn't that sin?
It's tough to know! We can make anything a gamble by placing doubt in front of it.
To be more clear on my first statement. If a brother is in need of help and you have it and turn him away, whether you're gambling or not it's a sin. So that actually may not make gambling a sin but it put something ahead of doing what is right to do.
1 John 3:17-18. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
Thank you for answering my question. Yes my husband and son won some money and continue to do so because we have some great needs. I do not work myself and was in the hospital for three weeks with pnuemona and my husband had to look after me over 6 weeks with no pay. I truly believe that the Lord look after our needs and He sure looked after me in the hospital I was close to death and my Sovereign Lord sure took care of me surrounded by precious people bragging I've had all my shots and boosters and I haven't. The precious Holy Spirit gave me the words to say to the doctor and he never pushed anything on me to God be the glory. I'm sorry to go typing on but I want to thank you for your comment and not being judgemental. God richly bless you in all of your endeavors for His glory.
Gloria , I don't judge you either . I have Christian friends who gamble and more than once they have won just the right amount of money that they really needed . Please don't think that I judge you , we have a lot of liberty in Christ . I happen to be the kind of person who often finds money in the street , I've gone through some lean times in my life and so many times I found money just when I've needed it , thanks be to God . Just the other day , there was a young man walking slightly in front of me , he looked a little down and out let's put it that way . He stopped and sat on a wall and I walked right past him . Less than thirty seconds later on the path I found a ten dollar bill . I am financially ok at the moment and my first thought was that if the young man had just kept walking in front of me he would have found the ten dollars not me . I just knew that money was meant for him . So I picked it up turned around walked back and gave it to him . God will give us what we need , He knows each of us perfectly and He knows how to take care of us . May He continually provide generously for you and your loved ones by whatever means He sees fit .
I would say that if the Lord is putting it on someone's heart and persuading them to gamble with their money, than it should be okay for that person. I do not gamble because the Lord has put it on my heart not to gamble. I cannot speak for anyone else because if the Lord is leading them to gamble, who am I to say it is wrong for that person.
I do agree with GiGi that it can take over a person's will power and ruin a life. I have seen it happen to some people who were close to me.
In anything we do, and it doesn't even need to be gambling, it can be anything, but whatever it it, does it glorify God?
I'm probably the oddball here, but I always like to fall back on Romans 14:23 which says, "That which is not of faith is sin."
That word faith literally means persuasion. That's what faith means, persuasion. So if I keep that in mind, anything I do, apart from God's persuasion (Persuading me to do whatever it is I'm doing), for me that would be sin.
Thank you for sharing that. Yes, a need was met. Their debt was paid. I really cannot comment much on this other than to say that if God's Spirit persuaded them to place a wager to pay off a debt, and they obeyed that persuasion, then they did the right thing.
What I am seeing is that they had a need. They were in debt and they needed money to pay off their debt. I do like and agree with your previous post where you said "Here's the question if we are to believe God to supply all our needs through Jesus Christ then why gamble because God does not work by chance."
So, I must wonder, was there any other way they could have gotten themselves out of debt, other than gambling or placing a wager? Like you said, "Why gamble?" Then again, if that was the means God used to supply their need, then I have to say all is well.
There are so many ways we can look at the issue of gambling. But I think it all boils down to one thing. Is the Lord putting it on a person's heart to gamble? Is this something He would lead a believer to do? Adam has shared a link with several pieces of scripture which I do appreciate. I read through those verses shared and could not help but notice the word covetousness. To covet means to want more than you have, more than what the Lord has provided.
I think covetousness is sinful. So, why would someone want to gamble with their money? Is it because they want more money than what they have? I have gambled in the past. I gambled because I wanted more money than what I had. Was I not satisfied with what the Lord had given me? Could I have considered my gambling as a form of covetousness? By the definition, I would say yes. I gambled because I wanted more money. Isn't this the reason why anyone would gamble with their money? Was I being a good steward with what God gave me when I was gambling what He has provided me away?
Again, thanks for what you have shared. God Bless!
Great post Henry . I don't think Christians should gamble . We are to trust in God to provide for our daily needs , remember when the Israelites wandered the desert ? God provided everything they could possibly need . We are like those Israelites now , wandering in the wilderness waiting for God to bring us into His Kingdom . We must trust in Him to care for us and if we don't always get what we want we have to trust that God has witholden something from us for our own good .
I, too, think that it is ok to participate in gambling. However, like other things (alcohol intake) it can take over someone's willpower and bring ruin to one's life.
But some can gamble as a kind of entertainment and not spend more than they intend and their winnings and losings balance out. My Mom was one who was able to play bingo or other types of gambling with self-control. She kept track of her winnings and losings and pretty much stayed even. So, as entertainment, it was money spent for that. She did not go to movies, out to dinner, or most other types of entertainment.
But other people may be more prone to risk taking in many areas of their life, gambling being one of them. It is not the act of gambling that is wrong, it is the need for risk taking that leads to sin.
I personally think gambling is fine and not a sin as long as it does not come between you and God and is not a stronghold, is not an addiction or a love, and is not through "vanity." Proverbs 13:11. Strong's says vanity is something transitory or unsatisfactory. Others translate this into dishonesty or fraud. I'm currently not thinking this applies to wagering money, but perhaps tax collecting, crooked attorneys, ponzi schemes, surprise fees, billing department dishonesty, or perhaps other activities that are illegal and deceive and harm people.
My personal view on this is that all of life involves risk and not just with money, but with our time, relationships, activities, work, etc. Naturally we try to mitigate risk and seize opportunities. Investing is Biblical, but involves risk, such as the stock market. Buying insurance is betting against yourself, so that's gambling too. So does trying a new restaurant or accepting a new job or moving. So, in my current understanding I don't believe gambling is a sin, but I am open to anyone's Bible verses to support another view and specifically what someone thinks wealth through vanity means. God bless.
I never had an interest in gambling.
Thanks for this question because it brought on some answers I never considered such as it being done for just entertainment.
I see nothing wrong with that other than if it becomes a habit and you see a brother in need and you are able to help but you turn him away so you can support that habit, then I believe that that gambling/habit becomes a sin.
I can also see a scenario where you have a need met by an answered prayer and the Lord persuades you to gamble as a possibility. "You would probably know by the results".
And there is those who lust after wealth and have an uncontrollable desire that can cause anything he or she desires for to be a sin. So it's the intent in the heart is where the sin lies.
Here's where it gets tricky.
So if God does persuade one to gamble and we apply Romans 14:23.
" And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN."
If you do it and look at it as a gamble, Is that not doubt?
If you do it and have faith in God and meeting the need, Is that really a gamble?
What happens if God persuade you to do it and you don't. Isn't that sin?
It's tough to know! We can make anything a gamble by placing doubt in front of it.
God bless.
1 John 3:17-18. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
If it were Godly you would win to meet a specific need and the exact amt. Like
When Jesus prayed a fed a multitude with a few fish and bread and it was
Enough to meet immediate need. Not judging just an observation.
That's why I don't judge a. Only God knows your heart and b. He know your
Personal situation so that being said God Bless.
[Comment Removed]
I would say that if the Lord is putting it on someone's heart and persuading them to gamble with their money, than it should be okay for that person. I do not gamble because the Lord has put it on my heart not to gamble. I cannot speak for anyone else because if the Lord is leading them to gamble, who am I to say it is wrong for that person.
I do agree with GiGi that it can take over a person's will power and ruin a life. I have seen it happen to some people who were close to me.
In anything we do, and it doesn't even need to be gambling, it can be anything, but whatever it it, does it glorify God?
I'm probably the oddball here, but I always like to fall back on Romans 14:23 which says, "That which is not of faith is sin."
That word faith literally means persuasion. That's what faith means, persuasion. So if I keep that in mind, anything I do, apart from God's persuasion (Persuading me to do whatever it is I'm doing), for me that would be sin.
To wager a certain way to pay off debts and they received the exact amt.
They needed. That is meeting a need other than that I don't see it Scripturally
Being right. P.S. those believers never did it again.
Thank you for sharing that. Yes, a need was met. Their debt was paid. I really cannot comment much on this other than to say that if God's Spirit persuaded them to place a wager to pay off a debt, and they obeyed that persuasion, then they did the right thing.
What I am seeing is that they had a need. They were in debt and they needed money to pay off their debt. I do like and agree with your previous post where you said "Here's the question if we are to believe God to supply all our needs through Jesus Christ then why gamble because God does not work by chance."
So, I must wonder, was there any other way they could have gotten themselves out of debt, other than gambling or placing a wager? Like you said, "Why gamble?" Then again, if that was the means God used to supply their need, then I have to say all is well.
There are so many ways we can look at the issue of gambling. But I think it all boils down to one thing. Is the Lord putting it on a person's heart to gamble? Is this something He would lead a believer to do? Adam has shared a link with several pieces of scripture which I do appreciate. I read through those verses shared and could not help but notice the word covetousness. To covet means to want more than you have, more than what the Lord has provided.
I think covetousness is sinful. So, why would someone want to gamble with their money? Is it because they want more money than what they have? I have gambled in the past. I gambled because I wanted more money than what I had. Was I not satisfied with what the Lord had given me? Could I have considered my gambling as a form of covetousness? By the definition, I would say yes. I gambled because I wanted more money. Isn't this the reason why anyone would gamble with their money? Was I being a good steward with what God gave me when I was gambling what He has provided me away?
Again, thanks for what you have shared. God Bless!
Through Jesus Christ then why gamble because God does not work by chance.
I, too, think that it is ok to participate in gambling. However, like other things (alcohol intake) it can take over someone's willpower and bring ruin to one's life.
But some can gamble as a kind of entertainment and not spend more than they intend and their winnings and losings balance out. My Mom was one who was able to play bingo or other types of gambling with self-control. She kept track of her winnings and losings and pretty much stayed even. So, as entertainment, it was money spent for that. She did not go to movies, out to dinner, or most other types of entertainment.
But other people may be more prone to risk taking in many areas of their life, gambling being one of them. It is not the act of gambling that is wrong, it is the need for risk taking that leads to sin.
I personally think gambling is fine and not a sin as long as it does not come between you and God and is not a stronghold, is not an addiction or a love, and is not through "vanity." Proverbs 13:11. Strong's says vanity is something transitory or unsatisfactory. Others translate this into dishonesty or fraud. I'm currently not thinking this applies to wagering money, but perhaps tax collecting, crooked attorneys, ponzi schemes, surprise fees, billing department dishonesty, or perhaps other activities that are illegal and deceive and harm people.
My personal view on this is that all of life involves risk and not just with money, but with our time, relationships, activities, work, etc. Naturally we try to mitigate risk and seize opportunities. Investing is Biblical, but involves risk, such as the stock market. Buying insurance is betting against yourself, so that's gambling too. So does trying a new restaurant or accepting a new job or moving. So, in my current understanding I don't believe gambling is a sin, but I am open to anyone's Bible verses to support another view and specifically what someone thinks wealth through vanity means. God bless.
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