Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    When God told Moses that his name was Abraham Issac and Jacob and my memorial to ALL Generations Exodus 3 :15....It was just prophetic that there is gonna be an Israel of God.... Gal 6:16

    Via the seeds of the Sower the words of God,.... Being bornagain of an in corruptible seed is gonna make us the ISRAEL OF GOD....That New Covenant...The contents of the book that he wrote with his own blood .

    We got to keep in mind that Abraham Issac and Jacob was a picture of multiplcation of Abraham's seed...That earthy Promise.....But there is a heavenly Promise that is the multiplication of very God the seed of Christ Jesus that is gonna be as the Stars of heaven in multitudes.....God Almighty swore by himself when he made that heavenly Promise meaning he was gonna multiply his very self.....Thats y Jesus is saying to whom the word ( that Godly seed ) came it made them Gods plural....Thus this Abraham Issac and Jacob title is just a picture of an Israel of God...
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    "Can be taken together" is what I typed. Not sure why it ended up can be amen together?
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Jesse ... Exodus 3 :15....Thus shall you say unto the Children of Israel....The God of your Fathers have sent me unto you....The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob...And this is my name forever and my memorial to ALL generations....Thus the God head wd have to be a Father Son Granson scenario...Just like Abraham Issac and Jacob...That is gonna be multiplied as the Stars of Heaven...Which was the great Promise from Gen.22:17 KJV....I will multiply thy seed ( Christ seed ) as the Stars of Heaven...Without this Father Son and Granson scenario natural israel cd not have been multiplied as the sands of the seas.. .....Thus the Godhead wd ALSO have to be a father Son and Granson scenario IF Christ is gonna be multiplied as the Stars of Heaven....If Gods name is Abraham Issac and Jacob....Thus there wd also have to be an Israel of God....Remember God Almighty offered up his only son Jesus just as Abraham offered up Issac....Thus we see the parallel between God and Abraham

    .....The Ram caught in the thicket by his horns is a beautiful metaphor for Christ and his Crown of Thorns ..The Lord shall provide himself a lamb.....Abraham tells Isaac.

    .....Thus there wd have to be an ISRAEL OF GOD....As in Gal. 6 :16...If Gods name is Abraham Issac and Jacob...GB
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    What bible are you reading? And where does God tell Moses that His name is Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? I cannot find this any place in the KJV. My bible (KJV) tells me that God told Moses His name is I AM. With all due respect, the things you are saying here make zero sense to me.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Jesse GBU...But if you think about the Godhead you can readly see....We have a Father and a Son which begs the question of a granson and equally important a 12 tribes the 12 manner of fruit that comes out of the throne an Israel of God....Without this Granson the H.G... and the H.G. is the Granson simply b/c the H.G. cannot be born in us unless Jesus sows his seed in us...thus Jesus is Truly the Father of the H.G. thus the H.G. is truly the rank with Jacob the 3 rd person the granson ....When Jesus breathe on them they received the good seed of the H.G. as his breath was his WORD which is his seed thats y Isaiah refers to Jesus as everlasting father simply b/c Jesus is the Father of the H.G....But the child the H.G. was not born till Pentacost some 50 days later there has to be a gestation period....The Child is sprit as that which is born of the spirit is spirit the H.G. the Child of Promise....She brought forth a man child which is the H.G. That spirit of truth that Jesus said was gonna reprove the whole world of sin and judgement n righteousness.

    ......Jesus said that the father wd send the H.G. IN MY NAME IMPLING THE H.G. wd be born in us via the seed of JESUS THE LIVING WORD...Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me....The H.G. will come in his name....THATS Y HE HAS TO KNOW US THATS WHEN THE GOOD SEED IS SOWN IN OUR HEARTS INITIATING A SPRITUAL PREGNANCY....The new birth....Unless you receive the KINGDOM of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter in...ok gtg
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Where does God specifically tell Moses that His name is Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse its Exodus 3:15....This is my name forever and my and my memorial to all generations....God is being very specific in that Abraham Issac and Jacob were 3 distinct beings...But the 1 singular Father of Israel...Moses is being sent to Israel...Just like the Godhead is three ....Father son and Granson (the H.G.) That heavenly Jacob....And just as Abraham was multiplied as the sands of the seas....So GOD will be multipliied as the stars of Heaven....Thats y Jesus is saying to whom the word came it made them Gods many plural and the scripture cannot be broken....Do you not see the multiplication of Christs Seed is gonna be many Gods which is the H.G. plural many....As i will pour out of my SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH....Which is the gift of the H.G the Promise to all flesh....After the book is opened...They all sang a new song....We are not gonna sing this churchanity song much longer...gbu
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We'll Alex, Exodus 3:15 does not answer my question. Verses 13, 14, Ana 15 can be amen together and it's easy to see that God is not telling Moses His name is Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    I have read through your explanation and it still doesn't add up. I will leave off from this conversation as the things you are saying are very foreign to me and I would have to throw away many years of study and start from scratch to be able to come up with the same things you are sharing. Right now I believe the Lord is putting it on my heart to stay completely clear from these things.

    And by the way, God does not have any grandchildren!
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GM Jesse very well but let me tell you that Isaiah 11:1 mentions a Grandson. Solomon was the Granson in the Davidic kingdom,...Just as Solomon the Granson came out of Davids loins....So the H.G. will come out of Christ loins meaning his Words his breath....Remember when he breathe on them they received the H.G.....Isaiah lived approx. 300 yrs after this Davidic kingdom but Isaiah was still preaching a Davidic kingdom was coming in the last days....A Jesse,David Solomon type of a kingdom was coming in the last days when the lord will set his hand AGAIN a 2 nd time to recover his ppl...In Isaiah 11:11

    ......Remember God wd not let David the son build that great Temple.....He wd only let Solomon the granson build the temple and Jesus tells us a greater then Solomon is here....The H.G. is a greater and wiser king then Solomon that is gonna build a greater Temple in our hearts and minds and in every fiber of our being....As Jesus said the kingdom is gona be with you....Our bodies is now his temple....Abide in me and i in you....We are gonna marry the H.G. THE GRANSON....As a young man marries a virgin so shall thy SONS ( the H.G. ) marry thee.....As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall thy God rejoice over thee.... Isaiah 62:5...The H.G. is our son simply b/c we have to birth the H.G. That Child of Promise the son of man and is also the bridegroom....And Jesus indentifies with this Jesse/David/Solomon Kingdom....Saying i am the root and offspring of David the bright and the moring star....But Jesus said these things are HID ( they make zero sense ) to the wise and prudent but are revealed unto babes.....The babes and sucklings he mentions ..Gods Grandchildren.. Spirits the H.G......An Israel of God.....That new born babe desiring the sincere milk of the word is the H.G. the Grandson our new heart and new spirit....Only Jesus can father this spritual child...As Isaiah refers to him JESUS .as everlasting FATHER....Without his seed the H.G. cannot be born in us

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