Word,G3056; W in Word is capital showing omnipototentency of GOD=Gr. logos
The divine purpose in the gospel of John is to present the LORD JESUS as GOD. This is the one great feature and difference from this gospel and the others. John's writings always point to the deity of Yeshua. Johns presentation of the LORD as having the divine attribute of omniscience, not to say the other gospels does not point to this but the Gospel of John it is much more frequent. WORD (Gr.Logos) portrayed by John as GOD - a Spirit of infinity, Eternal, Perfect, Almighty, Omnipotent. John was the disciple that Jesus loved and wrote John, 3 epistles and also Rev. -GOD giving him much insight to 1st age and the end. John always trying to get people to understand the beginning for if you don't understand what happen in the beginning all the way back in 1st earth age, you cant understand whats happening in this age. The time Satan fell from grace and convinced 1/3 of GODS created souls to fallow him. The 3 epistles of John indicate the writing was from a earlier time then gospel of John
Here and :2 supply (of the aions=ages) for the Logos then "was" and the aions were prepared by HIM (Hebrew. 1:2, 11:3
acts 11:15) supply (of our ministry) 2:4; In Phillipians 4:15 supply the proclamation of the gospel. was here- implying already pre-existed. Creation not mentioned until :3
Word had no beginning John 1:3, 17:5, 1 John 1:1, Ephesians 1:4, Proverbs 8:23, Psalms 90:2, John 8:58. not the same was as in :14
the Word Gr. Logos. As the spoken Word reveals the invisible thought, as the living Word reveals the invisible GOD. John 1:18
the (artical) designates "the Word" as the subject. "the Word"
Hi Antony. This passage in John chapter 1 is actually self-explanatory, though difficult to understand with the human mind. I'm sure you've read the whole passage from verse 1 to verse 14 especially.
The subject in these verses is The Word. The Word always existed because God always existed. The Word therefore was an intrinsic part of God, therefore the Word was God (not 'a' God, but the spoken declared Word existing & emanating from God): verse 1.
A further description of the Word from within God in verse 2. Everything was made according to this Word and in verse 3, this Word from God was capable of giving Life & Light to mankind. The Word that proceeds out of man is limited to only conveying our thoughts & feelings to someone else. Our limitation is because of our humanity. God is not human, so His Word (and His Spirit) have no limitations like we have - God can use His Word as He Wills & form His Word as He Chooses.
Then to verse 14 which refers back to this Word of God. God in His Wisdom & Plan, chose to take His Word and give it flesh (i.e. to clothe His Word in humanity). This is where it becomes difficult to comprehend: how can something immaterial like a Word be made into a human? Maybe in the same way that God can take a Seed & place it in a woman to bring forth a human baby ( Matthew 1:18-21), or God appearing to Abraham in another form with two others ( Genesis 18:1,2). All things are possible with God & our lack of understanding of His Power & His Ways shouldn't stop us from believing & accepting His Wonders.
So, as John 1:14 declares, that Word of God was made human, seen & touched by others, the begotten of God, named Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus is still the Word of God, made flesh for His Ministry & Sacrifice on Earth, but now risen into Heaven, seated at His Father's right Hand ( Hebrews 10:11,12). The Word that came out of God's Being, made flesh, & now risen as the glorified Man Christ Jesus, fully Divine, interceding for us ( 1 Timothy 2:5).
Is it because the immaterial literal Word of God became the man Jesus, or a person of the Trinity that became man was named Word just because through this person the Word of God was revealed to people? I tend to believe the latter although many Christians tend to believe the former. GBU
Brother Giannis, thank you for your comment. As a young person attending 'Church', I was taught that Jesus was always in Heaven (from the beginning), a part of the Trinity (therefore in spirit form), & was sent to Earth to become Man to fulfil God's Plan. I think you're saying the same thing but adding that since God's Word came to the people, Jesus was also called the "Word of God".
Ordinarily, I would agree with that view. But in studying the Scriptures, the following convinces me to believe differently.
John 1:1 (He was never known by this Name Jesus - only that the Word existed within the Godhead, just as the Holy Spirit exists).
John 1:14 (that Word was given flesh - the Word's Form was changed from Spirit to flesh).
Matthew 1:21 (that humanly birthed Babe would be called Jesus - a Name not used or known before in Heaven but now given to this new Life on Earth, coming as 'Yahweh is Salvation').
Luke 1:35 (the first title used of this Babe: "The Son of God". I don't find this revealed anywhere else in the Scriptures (OT) that the Son of God existed in Heaven (i.e. as a Son) - He only became a Son through His Incarnation).
Hebrews 1:1,2 (as God's Word was given to Israel via the prophets, so through His Son now God speaks to them & us. The same Word of God: once to the prophets, now the Word made flesh to speak, not as a prophet, but as the Son of God, God's Word in the flesh).
From all this, I don't deny the existence of Jesus in Heaven before the incarnation, but don't find evidence that He was called Jesus (in Heaven) or functioned as He did on Earth while in Heaven. Rather, I'm compelled to accept "there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" ( 1 John 5:7). The Word that always was within the Godhead is now Jesus seated as the Lord in flesh at His Father's right Hand.
I agree with your view. The Word has always been the eternal Son of God, eternally begotten by the Father. The Father spoke through the Son at creation and it is the Son who has spoken to mankind over the ages, both prior to the incarnation and after. Hebrews 1 speaks to this. The exceptions are at Jesus' (the Word) baptism and transfiguration, where the Father spoke from heaven concerning His Son, Jesus.
You asked how can that be as if God was in the likeness of Man.
That's impossible for you and I.
Is there anything impossible for God?
John 1:1 (KJV) In the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.
Obviously John 1 is talking about THE WORD that came in flesh. (Jesus ) And There is only one God.
Here's just a few verses that may help.
John 1:18 (KJV) No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV) And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Revelation 1:8 (KJV) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
The divine purpose in the gospel of John is to present the LORD JESUS as GOD. This is the one great feature and difference from this gospel and the others. John's writings always point to the deity of Yeshua. Johns presentation of the LORD as having the divine attribute of omniscience, not to say the other gospels does not point to this but the Gospel of John it is much more frequent. WORD (Gr.Logos) portrayed by John as GOD - a Spirit of infinity, Eternal, Perfect, Almighty, Omnipotent. John was the disciple that Jesus loved and wrote John, 3 epistles and also Rev. -GOD giving him much insight to 1st age and the end. John always trying to get people to understand the beginning for if you don't understand what happen in the beginning all the way back in 1st earth age, you cant understand whats happening in this age. The time Satan fell from grace and convinced 1/3 of GODS created souls to fallow him. The 3 epistles of John indicate the writing was from a earlier time then gospel of John
Here and :2 supply (of the aions=ages) for the Logos then "was" and the aions were prepared by HIM (Hebrew. 1:2, 11:3
acts 11:15) supply (of our ministry) 2:4; In Phillipians 4:15 supply the proclamation of the gospel. was here- implying already pre-existed. Creation not mentioned until :3
Word had no beginning John 1:3, 17:5, 1 John 1:1, Ephesians 1:4, Proverbs 8:23, Psalms 90:2, John 8:58. not the same was as in :14
the Word Gr. Logos. As the spoken Word reveals the invisible thought, as the living Word reveals the invisible GOD. John 1:18
the (artical) designates "the Word" as the subject. "the Word"
The subject in these verses is The Word. The Word always existed because God always existed. The Word therefore was an intrinsic part of God, therefore the Word was God (not 'a' God, but the spoken declared Word existing & emanating from God): verse 1.
A further description of the Word from within God in verse 2. Everything was made according to this Word and in verse 3, this Word from God was capable of giving Life & Light to mankind. The Word that proceeds out of man is limited to only conveying our thoughts & feelings to someone else. Our limitation is because of our humanity. God is not human, so His Word (and His Spirit) have no limitations like we have - God can use His Word as He Wills & form His Word as He Chooses.
Then to verse 14 which refers back to this Word of God. God in His Wisdom & Plan, chose to take His Word and give it flesh (i.e. to clothe His Word in humanity). This is where it becomes difficult to comprehend: how can something immaterial like a Word be made into a human? Maybe in the same way that God can take a Seed & place it in a woman to bring forth a human baby ( Matthew 1:18-21), or God appearing to Abraham in another form with two others ( Genesis 18:1,2). All things are possible with God & our lack of understanding of His Power & His Ways shouldn't stop us from believing & accepting His Wonders.
So, as John 1:14 declares, that Word of God was made human, seen & touched by others, the begotten of God, named Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus is still the Word of God, made flesh for His Ministry & Sacrifice on Earth, but now risen into Heaven, seated at His Father's right Hand ( Hebrews 10:11,12). The Word that came out of God's Being, made flesh, & now risen as the glorified Man Christ Jesus, fully Divine, interceding for us ( 1 Timothy 2:5).
Is it because the immaterial literal Word of God became the man Jesus, or a person of the Trinity that became man was named Word just because through this person the Word of God was revealed to people? I tend to believe the latter although many Christians tend to believe the former. GBU
Ordinarily, I would agree with that view. But in studying the Scriptures, the following convinces me to believe differently.
John 1:1 (He was never known by this Name Jesus - only that the Word existed within the Godhead, just as the Holy Spirit exists).
John 1:14 (that Word was given flesh - the Word's Form was changed from Spirit to flesh).
Matthew 1:21 (that humanly birthed Babe would be called Jesus - a Name not used or known before in Heaven but now given to this new Life on Earth, coming as 'Yahweh is Salvation').
Luke 1:35 (the first title used of this Babe: "The Son of God". I don't find this revealed anywhere else in the Scriptures (OT) that the Son of God existed in Heaven (i.e. as a Son) - He only became a Son through His Incarnation).
Hebrews 1:1,2 (as God's Word was given to Israel via the prophets, so through His Son now God speaks to them & us. The same Word of God: once to the prophets, now the Word made flesh to speak, not as a prophet, but as the Son of God, God's Word in the flesh).
From all this, I don't deny the existence of Jesus in Heaven before the incarnation, but don't find evidence that He was called Jesus (in Heaven) or functioned as He did on Earth while in Heaven. Rather, I'm compelled to accept "there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" ( 1 John 5:7). The Word that always was within the Godhead is now Jesus seated as the Lord in flesh at His Father's right Hand.
I agree with your view. The Word has always been the eternal Son of God, eternally begotten by the Father. The Father spoke through the Son at creation and it is the Son who has spoken to mankind over the ages, both prior to the incarnation and after. Hebrews 1 speaks to this. The exceptions are at Jesus' (the Word) baptism and transfiguration, where the Father spoke from heaven concerning His Son, Jesus.
Christ reveals himself, and he is LIFE and TRUTH, to each of us in HIS appointed time.
Man (a Body) cannot exist apart firm God's Life.
It's Christ's indwelling that gives us LIFE.
Christ ascended INTO HEAVEN (the new creation).
Christ ascended into MAN, at the fight hand of the Father.
A ONE on ONE, union.
Philippians 2:13 For it is God (the ONLY LIFE) who worketh in you (HIS BODY) both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Ephesians 4:6 ONE GOD and Father (the LIFE) of ALL ....
Till we all come into UNITY
God Bless YOU!
You asked how can that be as if God was in the likeness of Man.
That's impossible for you and I.
Is there anything impossible for God?
John 1:1 (KJV) In the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.
Obviously John 1 is talking about THE WORD that came in flesh. (Jesus ) And There is only one God.
Here's just a few verses that may help.
John 1:18 (KJV) No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV) And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Revelation 1:8 (KJV) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
God bless.
There is a simple explanation for John 1:1.
The verse is talking about two different people, both with the name God, but only one known as the Word.
Subsitute Jack Epps for the Word and James Epps for the second notation of God.
The verse would then read, "Jack was Epps and Jack was with Epps."
To make this clearer, we could fully expand it to read as follows.
"(Mister) Jack (Epps) was (Mister) Epps and (Mister) Jack (Epps) was with (Mister James) Epps."
Looking at the verse this way removes all confusion as to what the verse is saying.
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