Thank you but I don't think that is going to help me thinking about giving up on the whole praying thing. It's been rough for me. It's one reality after another. Let me ask you. How would you feel if you lost it all. You don't think about that do you? No instead you focus on what you have. It's like the story of job. You have to ask yourself sometimes. A God that is suppose to be so loving and caring and one that doesn't want to see His children hurt so such a thing. I find myself asking how on earth that ever came to be. I try my hardest to keep the Sabbath day and end up with well that's not going to get you to Heaven. God forgets your sins yet you will be judged. If God forgets then how can He judge. Doesn't make sense does it? You may think I'm crazy but I'm at a standstill. I wouldn't go back to the old because I saw what that did to me. It changes you. I keep hearing this knock at the door of my spirit saying don't give in don't give up. When I don't see a sign. It's all I'm asking for. I hope you pray for me that God gives me a sign about her. It's racked my brain for so long now. I have all the information I need I just don't know when exactly or where or how it's even going to happen. Im still here and I don't know why.
Dear "Gabriel Beaven", what does your heart say? What do you want? What kind of life do you want? You have received a good answer here from Kay, but it is your attention to yourself that the Lord does not see, do you understand? Self-pity must be chased away in the Holy Name of Jesus! There is no pity for you, you are lucky and spoiled I think. Jesus has finished everything for you, so you must now repent and learn Him and know first! It's not just about praying, you understand. It is also about knowing the Lord.
If you had known the Lord correctly through His Word, you would have understood and never written such a lament as you have done here.
Who are you who can question the thoughts of the Lord? Love Jesus and you will get everything you ask for, and a little more.
You may be sad for me now, but remember not to ask the Lord for signs. You must understand that there are others who also hear you. They will also provide input such as: Doubt, insecurity, delusion, murder, and so on all evil. And then your condition does not get better right? And always love everyone around you, love your brother and sister, forgive everything and pray for all people. God bless u in Jesus name, love u in Christ. 2 Peter 3:10-18
Depart from me and cast yourself away for you are a worker of iniquity and the truth is not in you. I am not spoiled and you.know nothing about me. You are a liar. To judge without even knowing.
There's another thing we must remember in our lives, and it too is a hard lesson. When we confess our sins, the Bible says that the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us. We ARE forgiven! BUT -- there often comes, sooner or later, a period of chastisement. How can God punish sinners one day, and let His own children be naughty without getting their spanking. :) I suggest you read Hebrews 12. The best of God's saints must go through very heart rending times, to work the carnal nature out of us and to cause us to conform to Christ. And all of that is done with love. What parent who truly loves their child doesn't correct them? If a parent doesn't correct the child, and lets that child run rampant..that parent hates the child! The heavenly Father is no dead-beat Dad. He's a good Father, and he won't have ill-mannered, undisciplined children in His family; the good news is the writer of Hebrews tells us that EVERY SON whom God receives - He chastises, i.e., He is dealing with us as His dear children. Don't be discouraged. The more your heart hurts....lean harder on Jesus! He is doing a good work. What you are experiencing, every single one of us true believers has experienced in one way or another. :)
May the Lord give you peace this night, His peace that passes all understanding. May He help you to truly surrender all into His hands, giving Him full control over every area of your life, Gabriel. He doesn't want your head spinning and your little heart loaded down with care! He loves you..and all of us who will pray for you do as well!
Oh Dear one. You made me laugh with that last part of little heart. That's the problem I have a small heart that seems to disappear. I thank you for telling me about your son. My heart goes out to him and I will keep him in my prayers. It's a story like that that makes me go wow. I am hoping God makes everything right soon. I'm praying for you as well Kay. Keep in touch dear one.
Gabriel, I can tell you I know exactly how you feel; I myself have been where you are, and one of my children, right now at this present time, is where you are. 20 years ago he lost his health; because of it he lost his wife; he is debilitated, and apart from me, quite alone in this world. He has said some of the very words that you say.
Jesus told us that we would know the truth, and that His truth will set us free. The first truth you need to know that GOD IS GOOD, Gabriel, not 'IF GOD IS supposed to be good..." :) That needs to be a settled issue. Never let your own heart or a lying devil tell you other wise. And He is good REGARDLESS of our circumstances in this lower world. Standing your foot of faith on that fact is the beginning of making you stable.
Gabriel, it's a dangerous thing asking for 'signs'. We have God's Word and His Spirit; rest in Him, Gabriel and let Him have time to work in your life. Be much in the Word, and just being with God. In our anxiousness, we want this and that - but what God wants for us the most is to want HIM above all, and be happy with Him, and satisfied in Him, regardless of what we have or don't have here. :) This is a life-long lesson. I've been saved going on 39 years and am a senior citizen, and still am in God's school on this issue. :) But I can promise you Jesus really DOES get sweeter and much more glorious than earthly pleasures!
We don't keep God's commandments to 'earn' anything Gabriel; we serve Him and obey Him because we love Him. :) And always remember, Jesus Christ is our true sabbath. All of our 'working' for salvation is FINISHED at the cross! How deeply I sense He just wants you to take the easy end of the yoke, and REST in Him totally.
I may have to reply in a part 2 because I have one more thing to share. I'll close here and write the 2nd part on another page.
I pray in the name of God Almighty. I pray that your son reconnected with you. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ and know. God brings our loved ones back in the most unusual way. God is preparing you Kay and certainly dear one He is with you.
I loved the line, "Since God doesn't give up on us, let us not give up on God." :) How often we need to 'stir up the gift in us', and just believe God, whether we 'feel like it' or not. The just really shall live by faith, abiding in God's Spirit, and walking in the light of the lamp of His Word.
My son and I are connected, Gabriel, just to clarify. I am with him right now, as a matter of fact, often coming to his home to help him. I have been the caregiver for 20 years thus far, and God has kept us. It has not been easy; things have not gone the way that he would have liked for his life,and for sure, after my flesh, as I would want for my son. But God IS GOOD all the time. We have been chastened by God, and justly so. But also, we have been in God's school, and taught how to surrender to Him in all things, and to bless Him in all things. I have come to the place, Gabriel, where I realize that at the bottom of everything, nothing on this earth TRULY matters...for it will ALL be gone one day anyways. What is of much more vital importance is the kingdom of God, and knowing Jesus, and how I can be a glory to Him, and a blessing to His people, and getting prepared for heaven and eternity.
It's the easiest thing in the world to put all of our focus on the here and now - when, all the time, we have such a glorious Lord, such a glorious future, such a glorious kingdom, in which we are kings and priests unto our God! WHAT can compare with THAT? Our 'haves' and 'what we don't haves' here and now are nothing compared to the riches we have in Jesus!
Thank you dear one yes though I don't see the outlining and have so many questions unanswered. It's a silent period. And that's what hurts the most. I thank you for reaching it out. That's what drives me is when people don't give up on you. But I know what your saying. God hasn't given up on you. Don't give up on God.
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If you had known the Lord correctly through His Word, you would have understood and never written such a lament as you have done here.
Who are you who can question the thoughts of the Lord? Love Jesus and you will get everything you ask for, and a little more.
You may be sad for me now, but remember not to ask the Lord for signs. You must understand that there are others who also hear you. They will also provide input such as: Doubt, insecurity, delusion, murder, and so on all evil. And then your condition does not get better right? And always love everyone around you, love your brother and sister, forgive everything and pray for all people. God bless u in Jesus name, love u in Christ. 2 Peter 3:10-18
There's another thing we must remember in our lives, and it too is a hard lesson. When we confess our sins, the Bible says that the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us. We ARE forgiven! BUT -- there often comes, sooner or later, a period of chastisement. How can God punish sinners one day, and let His own children be naughty without getting their spanking. :) I suggest you read Hebrews 12. The best of God's saints must go through very heart rending times, to work the carnal nature out of us and to cause us to conform to Christ. And all of that is done with love. What parent who truly loves their child doesn't correct them? If a parent doesn't correct the child, and lets that child run rampant..that parent hates the child! The heavenly Father is no dead-beat Dad. He's a good Father, and he won't have ill-mannered, undisciplined children in His family; the good news is the writer of Hebrews tells us that EVERY SON whom God receives - He chastises, i.e., He is dealing with us as His dear children. Don't be discouraged. The more your heart hurts....lean harder on Jesus! He is doing a good work. What you are experiencing, every single one of us true believers has experienced in one way or another. :)
May the Lord give you peace this night, His peace that passes all understanding. May He help you to truly surrender all into His hands, giving Him full control over every area of your life, Gabriel. He doesn't want your head spinning and your little heart loaded down with care! He loves you..and all of us who will pray for you do as well!
In Christ,
Jesus told us that we would know the truth, and that His truth will set us free. The first truth you need to know that GOD IS GOOD, Gabriel, not 'IF GOD IS supposed to be good..." :) That needs to be a settled issue. Never let your own heart or a lying devil tell you other wise. And He is good REGARDLESS of our circumstances in this lower world. Standing your foot of faith on that fact is the beginning of making you stable.
Gabriel, it's a dangerous thing asking for 'signs'. We have God's Word and His Spirit; rest in Him, Gabriel and let Him have time to work in your life. Be much in the Word, and just being with God. In our anxiousness, we want this and that - but what God wants for us the most is to want HIM above all, and be happy with Him, and satisfied in Him, regardless of what we have or don't have here. :) This is a life-long lesson. I've been saved going on 39 years and am a senior citizen, and still am in God's school on this issue. :) But I can promise you Jesus really DOES get sweeter and much more glorious than earthly pleasures!
We don't keep God's commandments to 'earn' anything Gabriel; we serve Him and obey Him because we love Him. :) And always remember, Jesus Christ is our true sabbath. All of our 'working' for salvation is FINISHED at the cross! How deeply I sense He just wants you to take the easy end of the yoke, and REST in Him totally.
I may have to reply in a part 2 because I have one more thing to share. I'll close here and write the 2nd part on another page.
Keep in touch.
I loved the line, "Since God doesn't give up on us, let us not give up on God." :) How often we need to 'stir up the gift in us', and just believe God, whether we 'feel like it' or not. The just really shall live by faith, abiding in God's Spirit, and walking in the light of the lamp of His Word.
My son and I are connected, Gabriel, just to clarify. I am with him right now, as a matter of fact, often coming to his home to help him. I have been the caregiver for 20 years thus far, and God has kept us. It has not been easy; things have not gone the way that he would have liked for his life,and for sure, after my flesh, as I would want for my son. But God IS GOOD all the time. We have been chastened by God, and justly so. But also, we have been in God's school, and taught how to surrender to Him in all things, and to bless Him in all things. I have come to the place, Gabriel, where I realize that at the bottom of everything, nothing on this earth TRULY matters...for it will ALL be gone one day anyways. What is of much more vital importance is the kingdom of God, and knowing Jesus, and how I can be a glory to Him, and a blessing to His people, and getting prepared for heaven and eternity.
It's the easiest thing in the world to put all of our focus on the here and now - when, all the time, we have such a glorious Lord, such a glorious future, such a glorious kingdom, in which we are kings and priests unto our God! WHAT can compare with THAT? Our 'haves' and 'what we don't haves' here and now are nothing compared to the riches we have in Jesus!
Have a blessed day Gabriel,
Prayers will continue!
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