Bible Discussion Thread

  • Annie Hargett on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    What does Paul mean in Galatians 3:19 when he says the law was given by angels to Moses, when we read in Exodus that God gave Moses the 10 commandments? Is there not a contradiction as God spoke to Moses but Paul says the law was given by angels to Moses, the mediator?
  • WHAT AND WHO IS MEDIATOR - In Reply on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago


    "One who intervenes between two persons who are at variance, with" a view to reconcile them. This word is not found in the Old "Testament; but the idea it expresses is found in Job 9:33, in" "the word "daysman" (q.v.), marg., "umpire." "This word is used in the New Testament to denote simply an "internuncius, an ambassador, one who acts as a medium of" communication between two contracting parties. In this sense Moses is called a mediator in Gal. 3:19. "Christ is the ONE AND ONLY mediator between God and man ( 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24). He makes reconciliation between God and man by his all-perfect atoning sacrifice. Such a mediator "must be at once divine and human, divine, that his obedience and" "his sufferings might possess infinite worth, and that he might" possess infinite wisdom and knowlege and power to direct all things in the kingdoms of providence and grace which are "committed to his hands ( Matt. 28:18; John 5:22, 25, 26, 27); and" "human, that in his work he might represent man, and be capable" of rendering obedience to the law and satisfying the claims of "justice ( Heb. 2:17, 18; 4:15, 16), and that in his glorified" humanity he might be the head of a glorified Church ( Rom. 8:29). "This office involves the three functions of prophet, priest, and "king, all of which are discharged BY JESUS both in his estate" of humiliation and exaltation. These functions are so inherent in the one office that the quality appertaining to each gives character to every mediatorial act. They are never separated in the exercise of the office of MEDIATOR
  • ELB - In Reply on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago

    Galatians 3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, but it (the inheritance) is no more of PROMISE, but God gave it to Abraham by PROMISE.

    We have to know what this PROMISE is.

    The PROMISE was A SEED.

    Luke 8:11 ....THE SEED THE WORD OF GOD.

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD (THE SEED), and the WORD (THE SEED) was with God, and the WORD (THE SEED) was God.

    Now we know Christ is the SEED, but Christ is also the ANGEL of the Lord; therefore HIS SEED, those born of GOD will also be an angel, because we have become ONE.

    Ephesians 2:15 ....for to make IN HIMSELF ONE NEW MAN.

    Isaiah 63:9 ....and the ANGEL of HIS (the Father, SPIRIT) presence SAVED THEM.

    Christ is the ANGEL.

    A SEED always duplicates itself, wheat seed always makes wheat seed, it's a LAW of GOD.

    When Christ the SEED is planted in you; at maturity you will be the exact same SEED: two; you and Christ, become ONE.

    Galatians 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added for transgressions, till THE SEED (the WORD, Christ); could come to whom the promise was made; and it (the SEED) was ordained by angels (THE SEED of the SEED) in the hand of a mediator.

    1 Timothy 2:5 For the is ONE GOD (ONE SEED), and ONE MEDIATOR, between God and MEN; the MAN Jesus Christ (the SEED).

    Psalms 82:6 I (the WORD, the SEED) have said ye are gods (SEED made like the SEED planted), all of you are the children of the most HIGH (the SEED).


    1 Timothy 6:16, ...who (the SEED) only hath immortality, dwelling in the light ....

    God Bless YOU!
  • Dav47 - In Reply on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    You are conflicting 2 different seeds; Psalms 82:6 does not mean we are GODS but we all belong to GOD. All souls belong to GOD; Ezekiel 18:4

    Luke 8:11 Is a parable; and a very different seed=Gr. sporos (seed planting eg) where our English word spores come from. Seed of Abraham Romans 11:1 is Gr. sperma
  • Alex N - In Reply on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    Amen ELB...GBU....I will MULTIPLY thy seed as the stars of Heaven...And that was the only Promise where God swore by himself.

    Gen 22 : 16 - 18 kjv...Thus Christ will be multiplied as the stars of heaven...And thats y the sower will go forth to sow his SEED in HUMANITY....Resulting in our heavenly birth...Thus that New COVENANT....

    ......She brought forth a man Child Rev. 12 : 5 ...The Child is the result of that GOOD SEED which is the H.G. that Child of PROMISE....The multiplication of very GOD IN HUMANITY....That good seed is Spirit the LIVING Word thus the WHEAT IS THE H.G

    ..That Child of PROMISE....Behold i send the PROMISE of my Father upon you which was the H.G. the multiplication of very GOD IN HUMANITY.....That which is born of the spirit is spirit a baby Christ the H.G...She brought forth a man Child a baby Christ the H.G.....Thanks Bro. Earl...GBU Exceedingly in Jesus NAME
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    Yeah; I'm stumped on that one verse as well; can't seem to find commentary on it. I can think of when the angels enforced judgment more frequently as a role. I suppose conceivably they could have somehow explained it while God Himself; say carved it into the stone. Hope to find a response to this. Hebrews 2:2 seems also to show angels involved here. See also Job 33:22-26 in regard to an angel proclaiming the ransom (i.e. Christ); and a man arestored to God. Also we have Acts 7:53 which seems to state the same thing. I guess these cross references are enough to show a pattern; the important thing is to remember angels of God can only do His bidding. This is one role I wasn't familiar with until now.

    Great question. Agape.. Rich P.

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