This is a general quest and not specific to any one particular reference within our Holy Bible.
I an thinking in terms of Our LORDS promises of resurrection, life after death and forgiveness of sins. These for me are the foundation stones of my belief and I see them as one single issue Hope! without Hope end of life would be intolerable. It is Hope that gives me all the encouragement I need to continue to enjoy my life and to be able to face the inevitability of death, (I am 81 years young and luckily hail and hearty),allow death makes me feel sad but only because of the physical separation from loved one that I will leave behind in this world. So having explained my basis thinking here is my problem and that about which I am looking for advice.
FORGIVENESS OF SINS - I am a multi sinner in terms of the 12 commandments although by todays moral standards as seen from human eyes perhaps not excessively so nevertheless I am most definitely in the eyes of GOD a sinner. I obviously admit and confess my sins but when doing so and asking for forgiveness I feel no remorse!!!!!!?????
I feel vaguely sorry that I have not strictly adhered to GODS law but how can GOD forgive me if I am not truly and deeply sorry for what I have done.
My greatest sin is adultery and adultery many times repeated and enjoyed in my time on this earth. Repeated to the extent that even now, well into physical decline and dotage I have no doubt that should I be presented with the opportunity I would happily repeat my sin.
Is there anyone among this community that would like to try and help me with this dilemma?
I will begin with a brief part of my testimony. I also have been a wretched sinner before the Lord, BUT, like Paul, I found mercy, for truly, I was as ignorant as a beast, not knowing that I was, by the world, the flesh, and the devil, being fattened up with all the pleasures here, only to face destruction in eternity for earth's 'fun'.
The Lord started making me aware not of my sins 'generally'...but He began dealing with specifics. One day, as I was considering my true condition according to God's standard, I felt as though hell opened up right under my feet; I could feel the 'weight' of my sins pulling me downward; I felt heat, and I felt flames, and I REALLY CRIED to the Lord to save me - and so He did.
What the Lord helped me to see in all that, Roy, was how seriously God takes sin. It made me see how abhorrent sin is in God's eyes. He hates it because it mars us, His creation. We were created in God's lovely image; sin defaces that image and paints the image of the beast on us. Jesus told the Jewish leaders, 'You are of your father, the devil.' They acted like him, they did his deeds, and they very much looked like! God hates it!
God hates it because it caused His dear Son, Jesus Christ, so much pain, shame, and suffering to become our Sin-Bearer.
Dare we trifle with sin, and dilly-dally in it so lightly, so thoughtlessly, when God hates it, and will call each one of us to account for it soon?
An old preacher's words come back to me; he said that it is wise for us to bring our last day close to us,i.e, think of it often, and consider that very shortly our day of reckoning will come, at which time we will have to give an account for all that we have said, done, thought, and if not found to be in Christ, will suffer eternal separation from God and punishment.
We must agree that that what God calls sin IS sin and repent. When we are forgiven, then we love God. Those who are forgiven much then love him much.
The question is do you have any desire and love of the Lord in regard to His Holiness and righteousness? It is only when the Spirit is within us that there is a battle of wills; between the flesh and Spirit. It is only His children who He chastises in order to conform them to the image of His Son. I am of the belief that anyone who is involved with someone when their spouse is still alive (despite divorce) is committing adultery; which makes it especially bad when they have sanction from the church and a legal certificate to remarry. I don't know your situation; there are certainly more senior dating sites today even in your age range.
Adultery is not only sinning outside God's intended covenant marriage; but also infringing against the husband of the woman as well as involving her sin. I would advise you to read in Proverbs in particular about the seductress and her entrappings; with her guests being in hell and other such warnings.
As believers; if truly saved we are a part of the Body of Christ; and should also love and honor others above our own interests. We should not foresake the assembling of one another; but also have "agape" love; as 1 John warns that he who does not love his brother is a murderer at heart. I am not sure how familiar you are with the scriptures; but again the Spirit brings sin; righteousness and judgment to come and also a hunger and thirst for righeousness. If that does not characterize your heart; I would ask you to seek God to give you a new heart. We need to undertand Jeremiah 17:9 (if I have the right verse) that the heart is desperately wicked; who can know it? We need to look at all our affections and see what we really are apart from Christ; not just try to avoid the consequences of our actions. If we hate God; according to the Word we "love death." The Antichrist and Tribulation are coming; you don't want to be left behind in that judgment if you can avoid it. I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom on this
Your reply and very succinct it is " JESUS and "Do I love HIM""
That is a very difficult question to answer as I am not convinced that I know what "LOVE" is in this context.
Do I love JESUS in the way that I love my wife and family then the answer is NO.
I do BELIEVE in GOD, JESUS, the Holy Spirit, the resurrections, forgiveness of sins and life everlasting then the answer is YES, but to love a heavenly concept a belief - how does the human brain do that?
Sorry about the typos. When should never voice text when they're in a hurry! Sometimes my phone changes things and if I don't go back to edit then it can be confusing. You're in my prayers today Roy. God bless you and give you a glimpse of how (I believe) He's always been in your life. You didn't make it to your age by not having some Jesus intervention!
Roy, Reading your reply reduced me to tears! Not out of sadness for you, but because I began to think of all the reasons that I love Jesus. He has truly been a friend that sticks closer than a brother. CLOS ER than a brother! And my family is pretty close. Jesus has not only saved my soul but he has walked with me through my entire life. He was there all the times that I got myself caught in satan's web. He stood by my bed side when I was sick and near death many times. When I was lonely he comforted me. When I was scared he calmed me. When enemies tried to attack me and take my soul, Jesus protected me. He dealt with them. Who do you know that would go out of their way to leave blessings in your path just for you, to make your life more beautiful? And warn you when there's danger ahead? Who do you know that would step out of nowhere to help you when you're in trouble or have a need? Who do you know that has made it a point to guide you when you need wisdom? He is always there 247. Who do you know that is always there when you're sick? Who do you know that always forgives you though you may sin against him 707? Who defends you when you don't deserve it? Who knows your heart and who can you 100% be honest with about everything? Even the darkest of things. Who knows your heart and every thought that you think and still loves you? Who has that kind of love for you? Jesus does. Jesus has been that kind of a Savior to me! He has been that kind of a friend? Trust me when I say I'm being very brief for lack of time this morning. When you have that kind of relationship with someone, it is impossible to not love them. So my prayer for you this morning is that you would have eyes to see what Jesus has really been to you in your lifetime. I realized that I love him. And that gave me a great desire to keep His commandments from my heart. Completely turned me around and sent my feet on a different path. I'm still far from perfect & I'm not worthy. Heaven will be a gift!
Thank you Roy for sharing so intimately about your sin & dilemma in dealing with it.
There are many issues here: your own spiritual condition (i.e. whether you're born again of God's Spirit or not); what you have been taught concerning sin & repentance (e.g. some happily to go weekly into a confessional to present their sins to a priest & receive absolution, having no deep lasting change in heart upon their exit); belief in your eternal security in salvation without a sense of moral & spiritual responsibility to attain to God's high standards; losing the consciousness of the depravity of one's sins because of a perpetual engagement in them, thus creating excuses to continue in them; even dismissing some sins for the satisfaction they give, e.g. maybe in your case, a need for companionship with its resulting emotional & physical pleasure you receive; & etc.
We all have 'besetting' sins: those sin(s) that seem to regularly raise their ugly heads to which we have to either attend to or succumb to. Even taking the sin of 'speaking lies' is all too often a sin that many hardly consider sinful because it is either considered at the 'lower end' of sins or it matters not to God or man. But the spiritual person, walking in constant step with the Spirit, is always aware of their weak area & is on guard & will shun any form of lying because it is sin & it grieves God Who lives in Him. And the same with attraction to the opposite sex: there's always a line that must be drawn that one must stay well behind. Men can easily succumb (some say, that's how we're wired), therefore we must be the more vigilant. To the one 'in Christ', however appealing that can be to our flesh, we must walk away, even run, as Joseph did when enticed (Genesis chapter 39).
I would leave you with 1 John chapter 3, especially noting those given over to sinful or to righteous living; not single acts, but acts wilful, habitual, or of character. But God always provides His resources ( Ephesians 6:10-18).
Why then should a man express such love to God? Please read 1 John 4:9-21, particularly noting that the sacrifice of His Son was the ultimate declaration of His Love for every sinner. And in response, "we love him, because he first loved us". This love is similar to that shown to one's family, yet much greater. If a sinner has been forgiven & released from guilt, his love towards God should know no bounds, for sin's weight has been removed, new life has been given him, God's Spirit takes up residence in him sealing him & giving him power to live in joy & victory.
So this can never be a matter with the 'human brain'; for sure, we can understand these words with the mind, but it's only our spirit that can be convicted, renewed, & respond with extreme gratitude to the Lord Who has reached down to us & done all this for us. We might willingly self-sacrifice for the good of our families, but will the Christian be willing to sacrifice his life for the Lord, if demanded? The true believer always will. Why? Because he is no longer his own, he belongs to the Lord, & the same Lord will empower him giving him the confidence & courage to face every test.
So, this is the love that the Bible speaks of. The faith that God gives us to call upon Him & to believe in Him, is the faith that makes our view of Him, our knowledge of Him, & our relationship with Him very, very real - not seeing with physical eyes but with the spiritual, & the Spirit revealing Jesus & His Word to us. A lot of words shared here Roy, but I hope that it goes some way to explain this Agapao (love), how we can have this special love for others, but fully expressed toward the God Who gave His All, His Best for our redemption & to be His eternal possession. Many in this world know all about God & His Ways, some even in the pulpit, but only those possessed by Him, living each day for Him, are called His children. May the Lord grant you help & understanding of His Love for you & your response to Him.
I can understand the sense of wrongdoing that you feel Roy, yet also believing (in hope) that all things will be well in the end, inspite of how your life has been going. I began a response to you much earlier, but my comment disappeared; maybe done so by the Lord as your comment to Donna would have changed it.
Therefore, on that basis, I wonder whether your belief in God, His Son, His Holy Spirit, in forgiveness, & everlasting life is confined to a head knowledge & not involving a heart relationship with the Lord. Please forgive me if that sounds confronting, but I write that in response to what you wrote, "I am not convinced that I know what "LOVE" is in this does the human brain do that?" Maybe Donna will share her own thoughts on your comment, but if I may, I will add my own here.
Essentially the love you have for your family is similar to the love you should have for God (by the way, I'm not raising the extra-marital propensity that you are 'afflicted' with here) - just, 'what is this love?' In the Bible, we read of different types of Love that can be expressed to another. Without detailing all those here, the Love that you would have towards your family is called 'Agapao' (a Greek word denoting the highest form of expressing love, where these attributes are depicted: self-sacrifice, no conditions made, seeking the best for others even to the neglect of oneself). In the Bible, there are many verses declaring such love by God for us (the familiar John 3:16 being a prime example), & our expression of that same love towards God & also to others.
I an thinking in terms of Our LORDS promises of resurrection, life after death and forgiveness of sins. These for me are the foundation stones of my belief and I see them as one single issue Hope! without Hope end of life would be intolerable. It is Hope that gives me all the encouragement I need to continue to enjoy my life and to be able to face the inevitability of death, (I am 81 years young and luckily hail and hearty),allow death makes me feel sad but only because of the physical separation from loved one that I will leave behind in this world. So having explained my basis thinking here is my problem and that about which I am looking for advice.
FORGIVENESS OF SINS - I am a multi sinner in terms of the 12 commandments although by todays moral standards as seen from human eyes perhaps not excessively so nevertheless I am most definitely in the eyes of GOD a sinner. I obviously admit and confess my sins but when doing so and asking for forgiveness I feel no remorse!!!!!!?????
I feel vaguely sorry that I have not strictly adhered to GODS law but how can GOD forgive me if I am not truly and deeply sorry for what I have done.
My greatest sin is adultery and adultery many times repeated and enjoyed in my time on this earth. Repeated to the extent that even now, well into physical decline and dotage I have no doubt that should I be presented with the opportunity I would happily repeat my sin.
Is there anyone among this community that would like to try and help me with this dilemma?
Regards to you all
I will begin with a brief part of my testimony. I also have been a wretched sinner before the Lord, BUT, like Paul, I found mercy, for truly, I was as ignorant as a beast, not knowing that I was, by the world, the flesh, and the devil, being fattened up with all the pleasures here, only to face destruction in eternity for earth's 'fun'.
The Lord started making me aware not of my sins 'generally'...but He began dealing with specifics. One day, as I was considering my true condition according to God's standard, I felt as though hell opened up right under my feet; I could feel the 'weight' of my sins pulling me downward; I felt heat, and I felt flames, and I REALLY CRIED to the Lord to save me - and so He did.
What the Lord helped me to see in all that, Roy, was how seriously God takes sin. It made me see how abhorrent sin is in God's eyes. He hates it because it mars us, His creation. We were created in God's lovely image; sin defaces that image and paints the image of the beast on us. Jesus told the Jewish leaders, 'You are of your father, the devil.' They acted like him, they did his deeds, and they very much looked like! God hates it!
God hates it because it caused His dear Son, Jesus Christ, so much pain, shame, and suffering to become our Sin-Bearer.
Dare we trifle with sin, and dilly-dally in it so lightly, so thoughtlessly, when God hates it, and will call each one of us to account for it soon?
An old preacher's words come back to me; he said that it is wise for us to bring our last day close to us,i.e, think of it often, and consider that very shortly our day of reckoning will come, at which time we will have to give an account for all that we have said, done, thought, and if not found to be in Christ, will suffer eternal separation from God and punishment.
We must agree that that what God calls sin IS sin and repent. When we are forgiven, then we love God. Those who are forgiven much then love him much.
Grace in abundance to you, Roy
Adultery is not only sinning outside God's intended covenant marriage; but also infringing against the husband of the woman as well as involving her sin. I would advise you to read in Proverbs in particular about the seductress and her entrappings; with her guests being in hell and other such warnings.
As believers; if truly saved we are a part of the Body of Christ; and should also love and honor others above our own interests. We should not foresake the assembling of one another; but also have "agape" love; as 1 John warns that he who does not love his brother is a murderer at heart. I am not sure how familiar you are with the scriptures; but again the Spirit brings sin; righteousness and judgment to come and also a hunger and thirst for righeousness. If that does not characterize your heart; I would ask you to seek God to give you a new heart. We need to undertand Jeremiah 17:9 (if I have the right verse) that the heart is desperately wicked; who can know it? We need to look at all our affections and see what we really are apart from Christ; not just try to avoid the consequences of our actions. If we hate God; according to the Word we "love death." The Antichrist and Tribulation are coming; you don't want to be left behind in that judgment if you can avoid it. I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom on this
Do you LOVE Him?
I had to ask myself that very question. Maybe it will help you too.
:-) Jesus loves you.
That is a very difficult question to answer as I am not convinced that I know what "LOVE" is in this context.
Do I love JESUS in the way that I love my wife and family then the answer is NO.
I do BELIEVE in GOD, JESUS, the Holy Spirit, the resurrections, forgiveness of sins and life everlasting then the answer is YES, but to love a heavenly concept a belief - how does the human brain do that?
Where does that get us?
There are many issues here: your own spiritual condition (i.e. whether you're born again of God's Spirit or not); what you have been taught concerning sin & repentance (e.g. some happily to go weekly into a confessional to present their sins to a priest & receive absolution, having no deep lasting change in heart upon their exit); belief in your eternal security in salvation without a sense of moral & spiritual responsibility to attain to God's high standards; losing the consciousness of the depravity of one's sins because of a perpetual engagement in them, thus creating excuses to continue in them; even dismissing some sins for the satisfaction they give, e.g. maybe in your case, a need for companionship with its resulting emotional & physical pleasure you receive; & etc.
We all have 'besetting' sins: those sin(s) that seem to regularly raise their ugly heads to which we have to either attend to or succumb to. Even taking the sin of 'speaking lies' is all too often a sin that many hardly consider sinful because it is either considered at the 'lower end' of sins or it matters not to God or man. But the spiritual person, walking in constant step with the Spirit, is always aware of their weak area & is on guard & will shun any form of lying because it is sin & it grieves God Who lives in Him. And the same with attraction to the opposite sex: there's always a line that must be drawn that one must stay well behind. Men can easily succumb (some say, that's how we're wired), therefore we must be the more vigilant. To the one 'in Christ', however appealing that can be to our flesh, we must walk away, even run, as Joseph did when enticed (Genesis chapter 39).
I would leave you with 1 John chapter 3, especially noting those given over to sinful or to righteous living; not single acts, but acts wilful, habitual, or of character. But God always provides His resources ( Ephesians 6:10-18).
May I share my feeling of HOPE with you.
Why then should a man express such love to God? Please read 1 John 4:9-21, particularly noting that the sacrifice of His Son was the ultimate declaration of His Love for every sinner. And in response, "we love him, because he first loved us". This love is similar to that shown to one's family, yet much greater. If a sinner has been forgiven & released from guilt, his love towards God should know no bounds, for sin's weight has been removed, new life has been given him, God's Spirit takes up residence in him sealing him & giving him power to live in joy & victory.
So this can never be a matter with the 'human brain'; for sure, we can understand these words with the mind, but it's only our spirit that can be convicted, renewed, & respond with extreme gratitude to the Lord Who has reached down to us & done all this for us. We might willingly self-sacrifice for the good of our families, but will the Christian be willing to sacrifice his life for the Lord, if demanded? The true believer always will. Why? Because he is no longer his own, he belongs to the Lord, & the same Lord will empower him giving him the confidence & courage to face every test.
So, this is the love that the Bible speaks of. The faith that God gives us to call upon Him & to believe in Him, is the faith that makes our view of Him, our knowledge of Him, & our relationship with Him very, very real - not seeing with physical eyes but with the spiritual, & the Spirit revealing Jesus & His Word to us. A lot of words shared here Roy, but I hope that it goes some way to explain this Agapao (love), how we can have this special love for others, but fully expressed toward the God Who gave His All, His Best for our redemption & to be His eternal possession. Many in this world know all about God & His Ways, some even in the pulpit, but only those possessed by Him, living each day for Him, are called His children. May the Lord grant you help & understanding of His Love for you & your response to Him.
I can understand the sense of wrongdoing that you feel Roy, yet also believing (in hope) that all things will be well in the end, inspite of how your life has been going. I began a response to you much earlier, but my comment disappeared; maybe done so by the Lord as your comment to Donna would have changed it.
Therefore, on that basis, I wonder whether your belief in God, His Son, His Holy Spirit, in forgiveness, & everlasting life is confined to a head knowledge & not involving a heart relationship with the Lord. Please forgive me if that sounds confronting, but I write that in response to what you wrote, "I am not convinced that I know what "LOVE" is in this does the human brain do that?" Maybe Donna will share her own thoughts on your comment, but if I may, I will add my own here.
Essentially the love you have for your family is similar to the love you should have for God (by the way, I'm not raising the extra-marital propensity that you are 'afflicted' with here) - just, 'what is this love?' In the Bible, we read of different types of Love that can be expressed to another. Without detailing all those here, the Love that you would have towards your family is called 'Agapao' (a Greek word denoting the highest form of expressing love, where these attributes are depicted: self-sacrifice, no conditions made, seeking the best for others even to the neglect of oneself). In the Bible, there are many verses declaring such love by God for us (the familiar John 3:16 being a prime example), & our expression of that same love towards God & also to others.
Repent= the act of leaving what GOD prohibited & returning to what HE commanded.
Revelation 2:5, Matthew 3:2, Luke 13:3-9, Exodus 20:14,
Where does it say to be sorry, because of our trespass?
Remember the woman: John 8:1-12, Psalms 130:4,
James 2, Matthew 25:31-46, Ezekiel 33:11,
Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Romans 8:13, Matthew 10:28, Colossians 1:10-23, Ephesians 5:1-20, Jude 1:24-25,
Hopefully these are helpful
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