Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jeremiah on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Years ago I cursed at God and said, "GD you God",while angry about a life circumstance.

    Mark 3 talks about blaspheming the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit as being an unpardonable/unforgivable sin. I wanted to make sure I had not committed the unpardonable/unforgivable sin.

    I have told Jesus thank you for dying on the cross, I trust your blood payment for my sin as it is pleasing to God, please save me from my sin of curing God. Is what I have done considered calling on the name of the Lord Romans 10:13?

    I confessed my sin and 1 John 1:9 says he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. Does this also include cursing God? I am sincerely sorry I cursed at God.

    Sometimes this sin causes me great anxiety as do sinful thoughts. I want to know my name is written in the book of life and that I am headed to heaven to see Jesus when I die.

    I know that I am saved by Christ's blood, his payment on the cross, not by works. Eph 2:8-9.

    Sometimes I have trouble believing that Jesus will save me, but I cried out to him. Satan probably is lying to me daily to create fear.

    Thank you for taking time to respond. I want to be saved and do better at pleasing God/obeying his commandments both new and old testament commandments.

  • Giannis - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Dear brother.

    Let me tell what happened to me many many years ago when i was young in faith and didn't know much about the Word of God.

    Just like you i was very worrying about thoughts popping all the time in my mind. Bad thoughts about God, Jesus, the Holly Spirit etc. I thought i offended God's Spirit and i was going really mad about it. I had talks with the pastor and elders from the church that kept telling me that i didn't do anything wrong and i have to try and get rid of those thought. I wasn't much convinced and kept worrying.

    One night while i was praying before going to bed i heard a voice. It was a voice, but it wasn't really a voicy. It was not from inside me, i heard it with my ears but still wasn't like the sounds we know, not a real sound. It was a voice but at the same time it was like a snake's whistle. Hard to explain, nothing like we know. I didn't feel God's presece, on the contrary. The voice said to me. You have blasphemei the Holly Spirit. You know something? From there on i got freed in my mind. Because i thought that if the satan makes such a huge effort to convime i had done the unforgivable then it is definitely the other way around. I still struggle sometimes but i keep fighting.

    When thoughts you don't want keep popping in your mind then they are not. yours. Ignore them and order them in the name of Jesus to go away and they'll go. Stop worrying and start rejoicing. You are God's child

    God Bless You.
  • Mishael - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Ephesians 6.

    GOOGLE: Ephesians 6, Teachings

    Your Helmet of Salvation should be upon your head always, even at bedtime.

    I'm not going to share a testimony today. ANY VOICE that causes fear, doubts of your salvation, or ACCUSES you about your actions or words_ is a demon.

    You fight accusations WITH SCIPTURES. Like Jesus did on his 40 day fast in the desert; after being Baptized by John the Baptist. Satan knew who Jesus was, but he thought Jesus was weakened and Temptable.

    When confronted, say what you know is truth. I am a blood bought child of the Most High God. My Lord is Jesus.

    "They" will not cross the Blood of Jesus. They will flee.

    Get more Scripture in your arsenal of weapons. Study.
  • Giannis - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Well said Mishael but i think it is good to share testimonies with fellow christians.The four gospels are actually a sum of testimonies written by various authors. A brother's or sister's experience can lift us up and give us an advantage when we face a challenge in future.

  • S Spencer - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Hi Jeremiah.

    God bless you and Amen to all who have responded with great truth!!

    Tina reminded me of something I would like to add.

    In Luke 22:31-32. Jesus tells peter Satan desires to sift him like wheat.

    Then in Luke 22:34. Jesus said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.

    The Lord stands outside of time looking in. He knew what sins we would commit before we committed them and he knew who would come to him.

    What's wonderful about that is we can't disappoint him.

    We are saved according to his mercy Titus 3:5. by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8-9.

    God bless you.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear brother.

    Please read carefully the passage in Matthew 12:22-37 You will then understand that blaspheming the Holly Spirit is to attribute to satan actions done by the Holly Spirit like healing. NOTHING ELSE. And one to be aware of what he is doing. Because one may just say what he has heard from other people and just repeat it. That is not blasphemy. God does not attribute to people what they don't know but when know and still choose to do the other thing.

    It is very important to always know that when one blasphemies God's Spirit HE NEVER REPENTS that is why this sin is not forgiven. If you had done that you wouldn't worry at all, you wouldn't care at all. The fact that you worry and this thing troubles you so much is the proof you didn't do it.

    So stop being sad and trouble yourself and start rejoicing. Your name is in The Book of Life like everybody's else who repent for their sins and ask for the Blood of Jesus.

    Again rejoice

  • Mishael - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    1 Corinthians 12:3

    Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

    Don't curse the Spirit. It won't be forgiven.

    The only way to overcome this is massive Bible reading in the New Testament.

    Acts19:19, you may need to get rid of worldly or cursed objects. It opens a door for "unclean demons" to hang out at your home. Ask God for an angel to guard your home.

    If your heart condemns you__pray Right away. The more Bible in YOU, the less you'll be tempted.

    with The HOLY SPIRIT inside of you, you will stop your cursing, but you have to listen for that "still small voice". That's Him.

    Memorize 1or 2 scriptures you can quote out loud, instead of swear. Mine is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Or, Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me_ it works instantly.

    The Holy Spirit started singing a song to me once: I walk the Line, by Johnny Cash. It was so sweet I would cry. I sang with Him! One day I said exactly what was in my heart and mouth: BECAUSE YOURE MINE_I WALK THE LINE.

    He loves us!! He will show Jesus to you in ways you never imagined possible. I tried to throw a gum wrapper out the windowand I felt Him cringe. Now I have a litter bag in my car. :)

    Read 1,2,3 John. There's alot of info in there to help us stop before "something FLIES". When you know He's hanging with YOU, it is joy to the 10th power.

    Ask the Lord for some new friends. And hey! Everyone in here is your friend. We're all a work in progress.
  • Free - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    A big thank you to you all for these reminders, alone it is so strong and shows us the whole work of God. Hallelujah and then you "Mishael", referred to the words you usually say, "popped" it in my heart!

    Know that i love God's fellowship with all of me. And a hearty Happy Easter to you all! Love God and each other.

    Matthew 22:37-40
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you for your kind word, and also for your encouraging words to Jeremiah, Amen!

    Tina M,

    What you wrote is very powerful and true and has ministered to my spirit. Thank you!
  • GiGi - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Be encouraged dear Jeremiah. Jesse has spoken well here to you.

    You belong to Jesus. All of your sins are forgiven. It is not the Holy Spirit bringing this sin to your remembrance and causing you to suffer doubt and anguish. It is Satan, the accuser of the brethren speaking through your sinful nature trying to rob you of your assurance of salvation in Christ. So, tell yourself that you are forgiven of this sin every time you remember it and give praise to God for the sacrifice of Jesus that makes it possible for this and any sin to not be counted against you any longer.

    Jeremiah, most of us have sins from our past that come back to accuse us at times. But, we know we have eternal life and salvation in Christ in whom we have placed our trust and faith, and so, can forgive ourselves as God has forgiven us and send these accusations packing.

    I am so glad that God has saved you and that you are among His sons and daughters destined for glory with Jesus. Our treasure is kept for us in heaven and awaits us to receive with the redemption of our bodies. We have the Holy Spirit as our " guarantee" or "down-payment" of this life. We taste it in this life, but will have it in fullness in the resurrection. Praise God!
  • Jesse - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago

    The bible tells us that all manner of sin will be forgiven except for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The term blasphemy is a term that expresses rejection. It is when a person goes through life rejecting the testimony of God's Spirit when He comes and convicts you of your sin and your need of a Savior. That's what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. It means to reject Him. If a person dies in that condition of rejection, that sin will not be forgiven.

    My dear friend, if you have received Jesus Christ into your life and been born of His Spirit, you have not committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Please know that the Lord knows your heart. If what you are saying here is true, God knows. If you have called out to the Lord to save you, He has promised to do so. You just need to trust in that promise.

    And yes, Satan continues to attack believers. Once we are saved, he can't take that away from us. Satan knows he has lost a believer (Born Again) forever to Christ, so the only thing he can do is keep our minds distracted in order to keep us from growing in Christ. If you're saved, you will never lose that. In order for Satan to take you away from Christ, he would have to defeat Christ in you, and that will never happen.

    Stay in God's word and trust in His promises. He promises to save all who call out to Him for salvation. He promises to keep you saved by His power alone. Don't let Satan get in the way of your relationship with Jesus Christ!
  • Tina M - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Hi Jeremiah,

    From my understanding of the Word of God, the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, is rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ that He convicts you of. Even Peter cursed concerning even knowing Jesus during his denial of Him and he was clearly forgiven.

    Here are some verses that hopefully will comfort you and dispel your doubts: Eph 1:13 says you are "sealed by the Holy Ghost" and further in Eph. 4:30 you are "sealed unto the day of redemption". Once you are sealed by Him, you cannot be unsealed. You are His purchased possession. We can, through our sin, grieve the Holy Spirit, but we are still sealed.

    Lastly, I Pet. 1:5 says we are "kept by the power of God". Nothing is more powerful than God Himself.

    You need to do what Phil. 3:13 says and forget those things that are behind, and reach forth to those things that are before you.

    Continue to read the Word of God and obey it and don't let your past, forgiven sins be a burden to your new walk in Christ.

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