When you first read Revelation, it may seem mixed-up, and hard to understand. We must understand it is not a chronological record of events from start to finish or it will be impossible to grasp. It's not linear, it's broken up with visions nested within visions and there are different accounts of the same events.
Like in these chapters, chapter 6, chapter 11, and chapter 16, in these chapters they are describing the same events that occur immediately after the Tribulation. These correspond with Matthew 24:29 and Ezekiel 38:18-32, this is after the tribulation, which starts when Satan is cast out of heaven and down to earth Revelation 12 and gives his power, seat, and authority to the beast that arises out of the bottomless pit.
This is just a small example, but may it help in the study of Revelation and there are not seven years but three and one-half years. Many are looking for an antichrist but there are four, Satan, the beast that arises out of the bottomless pit, the false prophet, and the harlot city Babylon. All will play a part in the times coming. After the battle of Armageddon, the kingdom will be set up with the camp of the saints in the beloved city, and Jesus will be there.
You are on the right track. I will add that Revelation 6 covers 6 seal events prior to the day of the Lord, 6th trumpet. Uniquely in ( Revelation 6:12), the 6th seal earthquake becomes the 6th trumpet moon to blood, and sun to sackcloth of hair (from smoke of attack on Babylon), at the day of the Lord.
The tell is vs 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Christ said the attack on Babylon would be a surprise, on a normal sunny day. There must be a small amount of daylight between ( Revelation 6:14) and ( Revelation 6:12). From the vs 14 "scroll" to the 6th trumpet, just past Revelation 6, could be a year, a month, a day and an hour? ( Revelation 9:15). It is very interesting.
I was just pointing out; Revelation is similar to a book or movie that is written in a way I think is called, a frame story or cross-cutting. It is like John wrote it down as he was shown, he may have been like Daniel when Daniel was shown things, he had not a clue of its meaning like Daniel 7:15.
Like what you said about Babylon, daylight between vs 12 and vs 14. If you look in Rev. 17 the ten kings/kingdoms/countries hate the whore and they destroy Babylon. In Rev. 18 we see Babylon is fallen and what effect it has on the world. Babylon will be destroyed before the second coming of Jesus and the verses you listed.
These ten kingdoms/countries are the same that go out to make war with Jesus Revelation 17:14 and we know how they end in Rev. 19. Can we know what countries will be involved in these final days before it starts? Is Babylon a country or city or something else? It is called a whore; the mother of harlots and fornication is done.
There are many teachings out there but who is right? We may have to come to a point and accept some things have not been revealed to us. We must be ready to face what is coming, it may not be what we have been taught. My understanding, we will face what many believers in Jesus faced in the past. They were not spared from going through tribulation or being killed and we will not either, we must be ready to face the end, even if we are facing death.
You talk my language, we share the same interpretations. I told you a while ago that Christ had the first 1/2 of the week, and anti-christ had the second 1/2 of the week. The seven years prophesy is spread out over 2,000 years. That made sense to you, so instead of sticking to your own idea, you adopted it.
5th trumpet: ( Revelation 9:1-11) was 9-11-01. It was the US army that came out of the smoke like locusts to kill those without the seal of God in their foreheads (Muslim's). The US army didn't hurt any tree or green thing because the dessert has none (vs 4). The war on terror is over, troops are withdrawing ( Isaiah 33:1). We are awaiting the 6th seal, watching Revelation 17 simultaneously play out.
6th seal: ( Revelation 6:14) I see US/Israel attacking Iran's nuclear facility, a nuclear reaction, moving mountains. Scroll = mushroom cloud. Iran is the only recognized nuclear power in the ME, Israel's arch enemy, they have been talking about bombing Iran for 40 years, and they are always 6 months away, so the claim has merit.
Then, after a waiting period, there is a calm, a day with blue skies, and then the beast Russia strikes ( Jeremiah 15:7-9), changing the world forever. This is the day of the Lord ( Ezekiel 21). In the self-same hour that Babylon is taken. the earthquake opens up Israel to the beast invasion ( Revelation 6:12). This scripture is telling ( Luke 21:20-24) when Israel is attacked, where is the US to defend them? The US received ( Matthew 24:15). The beast, and his false prophet, China, will rule the world, fight bitterly, and eventually succumb to Christ Jesus at the last trumpet.
If we are in the end-times, shouldn't these prophesies manifest themselves before our eyes? Shouldn't they make themselves known? Yes, to those with understanding.
Sorry, it took a while to reply, I was just pointing out how Revelation is written, and I do not agree with the interpretations you listed.
If I may tell my understanding on what you listed, not to debate or to say one of us is right or wrong. The 7 years that many uses as part of the rapture theory are taken from Daniel 9:27 with the rapture of the Church, then the antichrist, the first 3.5 years of peace, then breaking it with the abomination, and the last 3.5 years of great tribulation.
You say Jesus had the first half of the week and the antichrist the last half of the week. I assume you are referring to the same week from Dan. 9:27. My understanding the prophecy of the 70 weeks given to Daniel has been fulfilled, all of it and cannot be placed at the end times. Daniel 9:24 was determined on the house of Israel and Judah and Jerusalem, and the six things that were determined were fulfilled by Jesus.
On Rev.9 the US army and Muslims? No one is killed, the harmed are those without the seal of God, that would be worldwide not just in one area. They may bomb Iran it has happened before, but Israel, India, and Pakistan have nuclear weapons now.
What countries will be involved at the end; scripture does not tell us. Today it might look like it could be this country, tomorrow it may look like that country. Leading up to World War 2 who do you think people thought it was. Many believe the Church will be taken out before, I do not. I have an understanding of prophecy that if it starts today, I will know and I am ready and will not be deceived, and we have this Revelation 3:10
I love studying prophecy, the Holy Spirit illuminate's scripture every now and then, but I also have found there are things not yet revealed and we can get engulfed looking for the pieces of the puzzle that God has not given us yet, He will in His time. We should be fully alert to our world, with our lamps lit, walking as today is the day.
There is no 3.5 years of peace, that's not possible. You've been getting that all along with the worldwide fanfare Putin receives. He saved civilization by defeating US backed ISIS in Syria in 2015. No one can touch Putin, he knows everything he needs to know, and never falters. He's peaceful by saving his strength for when he needs it. Gog surprises everyone at the falling away reveal 2 Thessalonians 2:3; that describes anti-christ sending nuclear missiles, while his counterpart, the US president, is left speechless Jeremiah 50:43
The 5th trumpet army, Revelation 9:1-11: for 21 years, Mystery Babylon US invaded Iraq, destroyed Syria, Libya and killed millions of Muslims, (not Christians), because Muslims don't have the seal of God in their foreheads. It is allegory for what happened during the ended war on terror. In a prophetic time line, we are right here ( Ezekiel 21:7) with not much time left, but 2 seals.
The 6th trumpet army vs 13-21, Gog, crushes the previous 5th trumpet army. This is how Babylon falls. It describes the day of the Lord.
The king of the north defeats the king of the south ( Daniel 11:40) Also, like above, describing the same thing as above, and many more.
If we are in the end-time, and fearing war the big one (6th trumpet), wouldn't we have seen the 5th trumpet by now, or did 9-11-01 pass without notice?
Revelation 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
2Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
3Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
4John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
When I read the words in v 4, it became so to read as well.
When you first read Revelation, it may seem mixed-up, and hard to understand. We must understand it is not a chronological record of events from start to finish or it will be impossible to grasp. It's not linear, it's broken up with visions nested within visions and there are different accounts of the same events.
Like in these chapters, chapter 6, chapter 11, and chapter 16, in these chapters they are describing the same events that occur immediately after the Tribulation. These correspond with Matthew 24:29 and Ezekiel 38:18-32, this is after the tribulation, which starts when Satan is cast out of heaven and down to earth Revelation 12 and gives his power, seat, and authority to the beast that arises out of the bottomless pit.
This is just a small example, but may it help in the study of Revelation and there are not seven years but three and one-half years. Many are looking for an antichrist but there are four, Satan, the beast that arises out of the bottomless pit, the false prophet, and the harlot city Babylon. All will play a part in the times coming. After the battle of Armageddon, the kingdom will be set up with the camp of the saints in the beloved city, and Jesus will be there.
God bless,
You are on the right track. I will add that Revelation 6 covers 6 seal events prior to the day of the Lord, 6th trumpet. Uniquely in ( Revelation 6:12), the 6th seal earthquake becomes the 6th trumpet moon to blood, and sun to sackcloth of hair (from smoke of attack on Babylon), at the day of the Lord.
The tell is vs 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Christ said the attack on Babylon would be a surprise, on a normal sunny day. There must be a small amount of daylight between ( Revelation 6:14) and ( Revelation 6:12). From the vs 14 "scroll" to the 6th trumpet, just past Revelation 6, could be a year, a month, a day and an hour? ( Revelation 9:15). It is very interesting.
I was just pointing out; Revelation is similar to a book or movie that is written in a way I think is called, a frame story or cross-cutting. It is like John wrote it down as he was shown, he may have been like Daniel when Daniel was shown things, he had not a clue of its meaning like Daniel 7:15.
Like what you said about Babylon, daylight between vs 12 and vs 14. If you look in Rev. 17 the ten kings/kingdoms/countries hate the whore and they destroy Babylon. In Rev. 18 we see Babylon is fallen and what effect it has on the world. Babylon will be destroyed before the second coming of Jesus and the verses you listed.
These ten kingdoms/countries are the same that go out to make war with Jesus Revelation 17:14 and we know how they end in Rev. 19. Can we know what countries will be involved in these final days before it starts? Is Babylon a country or city or something else? It is called a whore; the mother of harlots and fornication is done.
There are many teachings out there but who is right? We may have to come to a point and accept some things have not been revealed to us. We must be ready to face what is coming, it may not be what we have been taught. My understanding, we will face what many believers in Jesus faced in the past. They were not spared from going through tribulation or being killed and we will not either, we must be ready to face the end, even if we are facing death.
God bless,
You talk my language, we share the same interpretations. I told you a while ago that Christ had the first 1/2 of the week, and anti-christ had the second 1/2 of the week. The seven years prophesy is spread out over 2,000 years. That made sense to you, so instead of sticking to your own idea, you adopted it.
5th trumpet: ( Revelation 9:1-11) was 9-11-01. It was the US army that came out of the smoke like locusts to kill those without the seal of God in their foreheads (Muslim's). The US army didn't hurt any tree or green thing because the dessert has none (vs 4). The war on terror is over, troops are withdrawing ( Isaiah 33:1). We are awaiting the 6th seal, watching Revelation 17 simultaneously play out.
6th seal: ( Revelation 6:14) I see US/Israel attacking Iran's nuclear facility, a nuclear reaction, moving mountains. Scroll = mushroom cloud. Iran is the only recognized nuclear power in the ME, Israel's arch enemy, they have been talking about bombing Iran for 40 years, and they are always 6 months away, so the claim has merit.
Then, after a waiting period, there is a calm, a day with blue skies, and then the beast Russia strikes ( Jeremiah 15:7-9), changing the world forever. This is the day of the Lord ( Ezekiel 21). In the self-same hour that Babylon is taken. the earthquake opens up Israel to the beast invasion ( Revelation 6:12). This scripture is telling ( Luke 21:20-24) when Israel is attacked, where is the US to defend them? The US received ( Matthew 24:15). The beast, and his false prophet, China, will rule the world, fight bitterly, and eventually succumb to Christ Jesus at the last trumpet.
If we are in the end-times, shouldn't these prophesies manifest themselves before our eyes? Shouldn't they make themselves known? Yes, to those with understanding.
Sorry, it took a while to reply, I was just pointing out how Revelation is written, and I do not agree with the interpretations you listed.
If I may tell my understanding on what you listed, not to debate or to say one of us is right or wrong. The 7 years that many uses as part of the rapture theory are taken from Daniel 9:27 with the rapture of the Church, then the antichrist, the first 3.5 years of peace, then breaking it with the abomination, and the last 3.5 years of great tribulation.
You say Jesus had the first half of the week and the antichrist the last half of the week. I assume you are referring to the same week from Dan. 9:27. My understanding the prophecy of the 70 weeks given to Daniel has been fulfilled, all of it and cannot be placed at the end times. Daniel 9:24 was determined on the house of Israel and Judah and Jerusalem, and the six things that were determined were fulfilled by Jesus.
On Rev.9 the US army and Muslims? No one is killed, the harmed are those without the seal of God, that would be worldwide not just in one area. They may bomb Iran it has happened before, but Israel, India, and Pakistan have nuclear weapons now.
What countries will be involved at the end; scripture does not tell us. Today it might look like it could be this country, tomorrow it may look like that country. Leading up to World War 2 who do you think people thought it was. Many believe the Church will be taken out before, I do not. I have an understanding of prophecy that if it starts today, I will know and I am ready and will not be deceived, and we have this Revelation 3:10
I love studying prophecy, the Holy Spirit illuminate's scripture every now and then, but I also have found there are things not yet revealed and we can get engulfed looking for the pieces of the puzzle that God has not given us yet, He will in His time. We should be fully alert to our world, with our lamps lit, walking as today is the day.
God bless,
It's the last week of the 70th week.
Jesus had 3.5 year ministry on earth, then
Gog gets 3.5 years end-time power as anti-christ.
There is no 3.5 years of peace, that's not possible. You've been getting that all along with the worldwide fanfare Putin receives. He saved civilization by defeating US backed ISIS in Syria in 2015. No one can touch Putin, he knows everything he needs to know, and never falters. He's peaceful by saving his strength for when he needs it. Gog surprises everyone at the falling away reveal 2 Thessalonians 2:3; that describes anti-christ sending nuclear missiles, while his counterpart, the US president, is left speechless Jeremiah 50:43
The 5th trumpet army, Revelation 9:1-11: for 21 years, Mystery Babylon US invaded Iraq, destroyed Syria, Libya and killed millions of Muslims, (not Christians), because Muslims don't have the seal of God in their foreheads. It is allegory for what happened during the ended war on terror. In a prophetic time line, we are right here ( Ezekiel 21:7) with not much time left, but 2 seals.
The 6th trumpet army vs 13-21, Gog, crushes the previous 5th trumpet army. This is how Babylon falls. It describes the day of the Lord.
The king of the north defeats the king of the south ( Daniel 11:40) Also, like above, describing the same thing as above, and many more.
If we are in the end-time, and fearing war the big one (6th trumpet), wouldn't we have seen the 5th trumpet by now, or did 9-11-01 pass without notice?
2Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
3Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
4John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
When I read the words in v 4, it became so to read as well.
Go bless u and yours in Jesus Holy Name.
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