Bible Discussion Thread

  • Lukethebaptist - 3 years ago
    The law of God is pure and perfect. The way to judge how righteous a nation is is if their laws match up closely to God's laws, not the ceremonial of course. The united states had strong laws against witchcraft and sodomy in the 1600s and 1700s. the united states needs to bring back the death penalty for sodomites and child molestors and human traffickers.
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello this is the worst I have heard or in this case, read today. Would you please impose the death sentence who turn some people into murderers?

    No human can control life and death. Yes, they will, but have mercy on them.

    Only God. He has created all things and can send destruction, yes. Like in Proverbs 16.9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

    We have been given the keys to so much in the spiritual world. Tie the various witch doctors on the run! Why do you think Jesus came to earth? Too kill? Or to give life. As long as life exists in a human being, it is always willing to and could change!

    The hope we have is Teachers, who are willing to learn from the Scriptures. Matthew16.19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    But I can agree that the different countries that stand up for the Lord. Will always be blessed lands. They can if the circumstances will it overflow of milk and honey. This is where the Prime Ministers and the Royals come in. What a country recognizes by. They are subject to God.

    The countries that recognize Jesus as the Son of God. Blessed with food and water. Small earthquakes and floods. But the earth has been depleted by humans and many years change over time. But do we not see the blessings we who call ourselves Christians in a Christian country?

    Do not kill. It does not help. So something is good in the new age when we understand what guidelines we have with Jesus Christ the Son of God.

    I can share with you in the scripture today Mark chapters 9 and 10. There we can read about hard hearts.

    God bless u and yours in Jesus Holy Name.
  • Lukethebaptist - In Reply - 3 years ago
    What about in Leviticus 24 when the son of an Israelitish woman blasphemes God and the congregation of Israel stones him with stones? Are you altogether against the death penalty? Jesus taught the death penalty in Matthew 15:4 which is a direct commandment from Leviticus 20:19. Paul taught the death penalty in Romans 1:32. Yes, For God so loved the world... and Christ died for everyone but that is besides the point. The book of Psalms goes on a tour de force on hating God's enemies and evil reprobates. I am a legalistic because Romans 3 says we establish the law and all of God's laws are altogether perfect. If you are totally against killing people, I would say that is some eastern mysticism, not biblical christianity. There is a time to kill and a time to heal. We could have an AIDS free world by tomorrow.
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hate, not able to forgive. Its much of this today, becouse the dayes are eval.

    Actually our forgivende state is from God. Him Self.

    Please remember the 5 comandment. What it says?

    All comandments goes up in one in Jesus Christ Holy Name. And its now living in the heart of the beliver. Galatians 3:19-25. It may be better words of this. Love your next/neighbor as your self.

    Do u not understand this? Please do for your own sake.

    Romans 14:19

    If we kill ppl so think att least att those ppl who is left behind. And for your own sake. Today we live becouse God have the last word. Galatians 4:21-31

    Galatians 5:16

    Man kind can take life, but its not from God. Can we actually kill ppl He have make? Without penalty. And if we undersrand penalty, we go forward to Jesus Christ and ask for forgivnes. Then, He will tell u about sin, grace, freedom, and peace. Galatians chapter 3-4-5. This is the third time i get this word in a werry short time i know u will come to the thruth if u read, its for u. Amen

    Love u all in Christ.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Luke. No country today, not even Israel who were given the perfect Laws of God, have had governments who were able to adhere to them. Countries could be relieved from culpability since they never received God's Laws & as you wrote, in the earlier centuries some of those laws to Israel were known by others & were in place.

    I don't believe that any nation can stand as "righteous" before God - none have the desire to seek after Him to obey Him. They will all stand in judgement in that day for their unrighteous acts, particularly for their resistance to the Gospel & hindrance to Christian witness. Governments are more concerned with their own 'politics', holding onto power, & pleasing the majority. They are not concerned with morality, ethics, truth & service under God. And any who rise up with such an admirable disposition, won't last long, because the god of this world will ensure that the heart & mind remains estranged from God, pursuing their own lusts, legislating from a darkened mind. We have what we have which even our vote can never change, but we have to first see to our own hearts, looking to the needs of others, & maintaining the Word of God in our lives that shows forth as a beacon of love & hope to all.
  • Lukethebaptist - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I agree with you that the nations of this world are totally unjust and will get the wrath of God to the uttermost. The reason I made that original comment is because I always admire God's law and esteem all its precepts to be perfect. When I was in school, I thought our country's supreme law of the land, the constitution, was great but then when I got saved and read the Bible, the constitution is foolishness compared to how righteous the law of God is. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. I do not trust our wicked and awful government to execute people because 10 or so years ago a federal law was put in place to never execute pedophiles again and with all the coronavirus vaccine passports. Its amazing how many christians who profess to believe in the bible but do not believe in Romans 1 and what the bible says about the sodomites. A church in fort worth, texas just got evicted because they preached to hard on the sodomites. Jesus said the last days would be like the days of Lot.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello, Luke.

    I think it is good to remember what the world was like in Jesus' day and that of the early church. They were under Roman rule and occupation and this empire was ruled by the whim of the Emperor, who often was very corrupt and often a bit crazed. People did not have anything near the freedoms we have now, nor any reason to think that the government ruled by the Emperor was favorable towards them. It was far worse than what it is like for us now.

    We ought to be thankful for the liberties we possess in so many countries of our world now. But there are still billions alive today that do now have such liberty. Take China, for one. Our governments are far from perfect. Believers should look to God for all things. But for many of us, we still retain a great amount of liberty without fear of being martyred, persecuted, or oppressed. I, for one, do not like the direction my country, (the U.S.A.) is going. I exercise my right to vote and all of the civil rights afforded to me with a hope that such exercise may effect a positive difference in those who govern.

    Yet, I do think that it may get a lot worse and so, I want to be prepared as much as possible. There is enough going on in our world that we who believe have plenty to pray for every day. I want to be prayerful in this matter as much as I am reminded to do so.

    As far as capital punishment is concerned, I am not opposed to it. There are many behaviors that are so heinous that the person should not be allowed to live any longer or be kept in prison until death takes them. I prefer the latter over the former, but do not stand in opposition of such punishment being followed through with as long as it is truly just to do so. Scripture supports capital punishment. But many of the things that are considered deserving of such judgment in the OT are better handled with the aim of bringing someone to the knowledge of the gospel and repentance. I would not want every disobedient child stoned.

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