I've spent a few days going through the comments section and I'm really surprised that 99% of the comments are about New Testament protocol. Why are there no Old Testament buffs out there? Haven't you had enough of affirmations, much of it based on faulty doctrine? How is it nobody respects the prophets enough to read them and have an opinion on them? How are you supposed to understand the end times if you don't know the times you live in?
For those that are interested would find a light to know some simple hidden truths, like the earthquake in Revelation 6:12 is the same earthquake described in Revelation 11:13. You would know that if you've taken the time to think it through. Nothing is handed to you, except maybe that one.
If I can't exchange prophetic thoughts in this prophetic time, then my time here will be very limited.
I'd tell the baby Christian what Jesus said when he was asked the same question. He said 2 things 1) love God with all your heart and 2) love your neighbor like yourself.
Once you know these two things you can move on to discovery. Do not take another's word about what happened in the Bible without looking into it yourself. Allow the Bible to define itself. The Internet offers basic education, nothing I believe about the future can be found on the Internet.
I'll try to report it like your favorite news caster. The problem is it's neither sweet in your mouth, nor sweet in your belly. That means it's hard medicine to bear. No one wants to believe it, that America will be taken.
So long.... ask any question and I'll answer it. I'll be real nice, you'll see.
I do not know you, nor you me. We have an opportunity to get to know each other on this forum. Your posts to me and Adam are quite combative. That is offensive to me. But even so, I would love to hear your explanation of the trumpets since it seems to be up front and center to you at this time. Otherwise, I do not wish to interact with you until your language takes a kinder tone. I am sorry to need to say this, but, I do think it is best if we are respectful when we "speak" to one another. Like I said, I am interested in learning from others about such prophecies. Then I can check what someone says to the Word and decide how I will "file" it. So I would appreciate you sharing your knowledge on this site. But, please, do so without being condescending and accusatory. We are hoping that you become an ongoing part of our fellowship here. So, I am looking forward to learning more about you over time. Have a good evening.
I'm not so sure. The reaction is different at the sixth seal; with people asking to be hidden from God and the Lamb knowing judgment is come (or begun). Compare this to the reaction AFTER the earthquake in Rev. 11. In that event; it is true that in Jerusalem glory was given to God after they were Resurrected. However; immediately preceeding that verse; we find the exact OPPOSITE reaction; namely a worldwide party (no doubt accellerated through today's technonogy) complete with gift giving within the three and a half days between their martyrdom and subsequent earthquake when they are taken up to heaven. That is after all SORTS of plagues are allowed by these prophets to torment men and there isn't much evidence of repentance there either. The exact timing of these plagues seems to indicate that they last from the first seal judgments and it continues through the fourth trumpet judgments for several reasons. First of all the TYPE of plagues would be more similar to the trumpet judgments with fire coming down with the exception of the 3 and a half year drought which would repeat Elijah's earlier feat. There was to be NO damage by the four winds until God's servants (144,000) were sealed; and no doubt that includes the 2 Prophets under that protection as well. It should be noted that the first five seals don't show destruction of the earth; as the trumpet judgments do. There is no geographical locality specified in the sixth seal; it would seem to be a worldwide event. The local one in Jerusalem surely seems different as there are no other places mentioned as the sixth seal where all mountains were moved out of their place. The most logical approach is that indeed; after the fifth trumpet the demon from the abyss that will possess the Antichrist brings the power through the Beast to kill the prophets. That does indeed indicate the midpoint of the 7 years (looking at Daniel of course as well). The bowl earthquake is clearly later using similar logic.
You said you want to discuss the old testament more, but instead of doing it yourself you cited two verses from the new testament. So, if you're not even doing it how do you expect others to?
You said, "Haven't you had enough of affirmations, much of it based on faulty doctrine?"
The New Testament is true, so I don't know what you're calling faulty doctrine.
The new testament as is about Jesus and people want to and should learn about Jesus. I wouldn't suggest to a non-Christian or new believer to start reading in the book of Obadiah, for example.
Adam, man cannot live by the Old Testament alone. Do you have any prophetic observations you'd like to share? Perhaps you can discuss the coming of Elijah (in the order of) Malachi 4:5 before the coming of the dreadful day of the Lord. Or, if the sealing of the tribes prior to the day of the Lord corresponds with 'your young men dreaming dreams'. Joel 2:28. Since the sealed lie dead in the streets for 3 1/2 days, while the beast continues, these visions are most likely to be realized in that 3 1/2 day window prior to the day of the Lord, when the spirit is heavily upon us? Have you ever thought about any of this, the wonder, the mystics, Adam?
When you ask people who the false prophet is, more so than not they'll tell you it's the pope, and why not, he's the perfect person for the job, right? The average person cannot be expected to know these things but there are those that do see from the word given. Obadiah tells that antichrist's confederacy in-fights, and the false prophet placed a burdensome wound (nuclear) on anti-Christ's kingdom.
I asked the Lord to give me discernment concerning the false prophet. The answer required years of waiting and then the logic came to me. The false prophet is none other than China. Russia = iron, China = clay, and they will fight when America and Israel are gone. Russia and China have recently forged an unprecedented alliance, preparing their collective beast army for a year a month a day and an hour for the day of the Lord strike that punishes the world, making the proud low. Use your own discretion.
In addition I think of the Earthquake while Jesus was on the cross, also fitting. Matthew 27:51-54, Luke 23:44-47, Mark 13:24,
Recently I was studying the words Jesus said "Moses wrote of ME'' John 5:46, & I've been amazed how many times I've found references for sure understanding now, clearly there I hadn't seen beforehand.
I noticed you posted Mark 13:24 Please allow me to show you where that scripture fits in. It describes the sixth trumpet, day of the Lord strike. Mark 13:24 kicks off the day of the Lord with smoke. Compare it with these other scriptures describing the same event: Revelation 6:12, Joel 2:1-11, and we see 2 lands (America/Israel) are militarily covered like a cloud: Ezekiel 38:9, Ezekiel 38:16
Everything ties in and quite a bit of it reads backwards in time.
GOD is Amazing & doesn't cease from amazing me, again & again!! Recently over the past month, I noticed the signs of the "trumpet" blasts, within the WORD. I was researching a question about the gathering. Then I noticed it's significance with the "last trumpet blasts" 1Corinthains 15:52, Revelation 10, starting with the mighty angel clothed in the cloud:" after Revelation 9, explaining the "sixth trumpet blast", Revelation 10:7, Matthew 24:31, Matthew 24:4-39, 1Thessalonians 4:16,17,18
I knew there was more for me to study in the Trumpet blasts. I had also noticed them in Old Testament.
Thank you for your response, it in the least, is directing me back to look & see what GOD is trying to show me. I had also wondered what events had already taken place & working out the other ones.
Thanks I'm looking deeper into it. Thank you also for the comforting words of protection as with also, Zechariah 9:14-16,
Also it's the same earthquake spot in 70 AD when Rome invaded.
I'm glad you're reading the OT. If you can apply events to trumpets you eventually will be able to piece the end times together event by event You'll know the context of each event by heart You'll know the difference between the day of the lord and Armageddon, between who's the beast and who's mystery Babylon.
I've been studying much in the Old Testament. I've noticed amazing things over the past year that just amazes me. I've just noticed for instance Rebeka's nurse may have possibly been with Jacob from the moment his parents sent him away for a wife. Gen. 35:8 That it appears he was over 40 when he was convinced by his mother to fool Isaac. That they may have actually sent him away with the gifts for a wife, because the daughters upon leaving Laban said he had sold them, taken their money & inheritance. Gen. 28, Gen. 31:14,15,16,
After the Abraham Isaac mountain test. Abraham dwelt in a different place that Sarah seems to had died in. Gen. 22, Gen. 22:19, Gen. 23:1-4, It appears Isaac & Ishmael didn't fight. Gen 25:9,18,
Anyway, I'm responding to your note because there are many of us here that discuss the Old & New Testament but it's usually answering someones question. If you have a discussion you would like people to join in, just ask. If you were looking for some of those discussions, look in the questions tab several pages back, then tap to read replies.
I'd be up for a question in the Old Testament. Sharpening Iron :)
I am sorry you feel disappointed by the content in the discussions here. We all come from different "angles" so to speak.
For me, I believe that our life with Christ is not all about prophecy and understanding it. Our life with Christ is very rich and involves so much more! I believe that the OT and NT is full of the God's revelation of Himself to us. Because of this, we all can learn from it according to the lead of the Holy Spirit for us as individuals. For me, I appreciate what people post about prophecy, as I am not feeling led at this time to delve into that topic. I am helped by the study of others in this area. So, I take the position of a student learning from others. Likewise, others may be helped by what I am led to study and can take that same position as a student. We are here sharing the Word with each other. We are fellowshipping together.
There is also a tab for prayer requests. If you wish, you can check that out and pray for some of the requests.
I hope you will stay with us for a while and see how God leads you. Certainly, we can learn from you.
Take care-have a good evening-God's blessing to you today.
Behold, I come quickly; blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Revelation 22:7
Jesus Christ himself placed the benchmark high according to the prophets, and not about what's convenient for man. Uncomfortable truths here are discouraged from uncovering. Did Ham's son bear the curse God dealt out or not? If you can't face the small facts, how are you gonna handle the day of the Lord when it takes you by surprise, simply because you never understood what it was. The trumpets you ignore. That's a shame, but then the Lord says when His people are attacked, Ezekiel 21:12, they will not know from where it came from, as if they're too caught up in their own Gospel to know the difference.
Do you wonder why the USSR fell in 1991 of a deadly wound, and up popped up a new country, a new government, called The Russian Federation? Daniel 7:8 Russia is the little horn, more stout than his fellows Daniel 7:20 Russia is run by a president who refers to his nuclear arsenal as a "fiery serpent" Isaiah 14:29.
You people literally have no idea what's about to go down while this is what I carry around every day:
And it shall be when they say unto thee,Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shall answer for the tidings because it come as an every heart shall melt and all hands shall be civil and every spirit shall faint and all knees shall be weak as water behold it, and it shall be brought to pass saith the Lord God. Ezekiel 21:7
Ezekiel and the rest of the prophets see what I see coming and there's no denying it. If you have the least bit inclination as to what I'm talking about you may as well get your house in order now.
Leslie. I would love to drink from the well of your knowledge if only you might soften your teaching style a bit. God is love. He is wrath too! But he is love. Do you have anything for a baby Christian or new believer?
Many of us (myself included) have studied end time prophecies and many on this discussion forum often speak about it. We are not as uninformed about prophecy as you assume. This forum fields questions and discussions on a wide range of topics. Those who respond try to give sincere and accurate responses to questions. You are welcome to ask any questions you or just begin a discussion of a topic of your choice. I hope you do. We are interested in hearing your ideas as I am sure you have many good ideas to share. I look forward to hearing more from you. God's blessings to you today.
Can you give me your overall perspective of the sixth trumpet, day of the Lord, as revealed by the prophets? What are they talking about surrounding the end times, tribulation and the great tribulation?
I do not know you, nor you me. We have an opportunity to get to know each other on this forum. Your posts to me and Adam are quite combative. That is offensive to me. But even so, I would love to hear your explanation of the trumpets since it seems to be up front and center to you at this time. Otherwise, I do not wish to interact with you until your language takes a kinder tone. I am sorry to need to say this, but, I do think it is best if we are respectful when we "speak" to one another. Like I said, I am interested in learning from others about such prophecies. Then I can check what someone says to the Word and decide how I will "file" it. So I would appreciate you sharing your knowledge on this site. But, please, do so without being condescending and accusatory. We are hoping that you become an ongoing part of our fellowship here. So, I am looking forward to learning more about you over time. Have a good evening.
I think I have a good idea about what is going to happen . Russia is making its moves in the Ukraine , I'm inclined to think that this is a distraction from what will go down in Israel shortly . It's odd to me that no one seems to have considered that this virus has been a deliberate act on the part of Putin . He is a psychopath and has a history of poisoning people . It's all very exciting and a bit scarry but I know that Christ will interviene and when he arrives...will he find faith on the earth ? We mustn't get too scared , look up for our redemption draweth nigh .
For those that are interested would find a light to know some simple hidden truths, like the earthquake in Revelation 6:12 is the same earthquake described in Revelation 11:13. You would know that if you've taken the time to think it through. Nothing is handed to you, except maybe that one.
If I can't exchange prophetic thoughts in this prophetic time, then my time here will be very limited.
I'd tell the baby Christian what Jesus said when he was asked the same question. He said 2 things 1) love God with all your heart and 2) love your neighbor like yourself.
Once you know these two things you can move on to discovery. Do not take another's word about what happened in the Bible without looking into it yourself. Allow the Bible to define itself. The Internet offers basic education, nothing I believe about the future can be found on the Internet.
I'll try to report it like your favorite news caster. The problem is it's neither sweet in your mouth, nor sweet in your belly. That means it's hard medicine to bear. No one wants to believe it, that America will be taken.
So long.... ask any question and I'll answer it. I'll be real nice, you'll see.
I do not know you, nor you me. We have an opportunity to get to know each other on this forum. Your posts to me and Adam are quite combative. That is offensive to me. But even so, I would love to hear your explanation of the trumpets since it seems to be up front and center to you at this time. Otherwise, I do not wish to interact with you until your language takes a kinder tone. I am sorry to need to say this, but, I do think it is best if we are respectful when we "speak" to one another. Like I said, I am interested in learning from others about such prophecies. Then I can check what someone says to the Word and decide how I will "file" it. So I would appreciate you sharing your knowledge on this site. But, please, do so without being condescending and accusatory. We are hoping that you become an ongoing part of our fellowship here. So, I am looking forward to learning more about you over time. Have a good evening.
Thank you for a well thought out explanation. Appreciated!
You said you want to discuss the old testament more, but instead of doing it yourself you cited two verses from the new testament. So, if you're not even doing it how do you expect others to?
You said, "Haven't you had enough of affirmations, much of it based on faulty doctrine?"
The New Testament is true, so I don't know what you're calling faulty doctrine.
The new testament as is about Jesus and people want to and should learn about Jesus. I wouldn't suggest to a non-Christian or new believer to start reading in the book of Obadiah, for example.
God bless
When you ask people who the false prophet is, more so than not they'll tell you it's the pope, and why not, he's the perfect person for the job, right? The average person cannot be expected to know these things but there are those that do see from the word given. Obadiah tells that antichrist's confederacy in-fights, and the false prophet placed a burdensome wound (nuclear) on anti-Christ's kingdom.
I asked the Lord to give me discernment concerning the false prophet. The answer required years of waiting and then the logic came to me. The false prophet is none other than China. Russia = iron, China = clay, and they will fight when America and Israel are gone. Russia and China have recently forged an unprecedented alliance, preparing their collective beast army for a year a month a day and an hour for the day of the Lord strike that punishes the world, making the proud low. Use your own discretion.
All scientists seek to explain 4 Questions: time, force, action, matter. Genesis 1
The whole Bible is about Jesus
Recently I was studying the words Jesus said "Moses wrote of ME'' John 5:46, & I've been amazed how many times I've found references for sure understanding now, clearly there I hadn't seen beforehand.
I noticed you posted Mark 13:24 Please allow me to show you where that scripture fits in. It describes the sixth trumpet, day of the Lord strike. Mark 13:24 kicks off the day of the Lord with smoke. Compare it with these other scriptures describing the same event: Revelation 6:12, Joel 2:1-11, and we see 2 lands (America/Israel) are militarily covered like a cloud: Ezekiel 38:9, Ezekiel 38:16
Everything ties in and quite a bit of it reads backwards in time.
I knew there was more for me to study in the Trumpet blasts. I had also noticed them in Old Testament.
Thank you for your response, it in the least, is directing me back to look & see what GOD is trying to show me. I had also wondered what events had already taken place & working out the other ones.
Thanks I'm looking deeper into it. Thank you also for the comforting words of protection as with also, Zechariah 9:14-16,
Do you feel the burden of Ezekiel 33:6?
Also it's the same earthquake spot in 70 AD when Rome invaded.
I'm glad you're reading the OT. If you can apply events to trumpets you eventually will be able to piece the end times together event by event You'll know the context of each event by heart You'll know the difference between the day of the lord and Armageddon, between who's the beast and who's mystery Babylon.
I've been studying much in the Old Testament. I've noticed amazing things over the past year that just amazes me. I've just noticed for instance Rebeka's nurse may have possibly been with Jacob from the moment his parents sent him away for a wife. Gen. 35:8 That it appears he was over 40 when he was convinced by his mother to fool Isaac. That they may have actually sent him away with the gifts for a wife, because the daughters upon leaving Laban said he had sold them, taken their money & inheritance. Gen. 28, Gen. 31:14,15,16,
After the Abraham Isaac mountain test. Abraham dwelt in a different place that Sarah seems to had died in. Gen. 22, Gen. 22:19, Gen. 23:1-4, It appears Isaac & Ishmael didn't fight. Gen 25:9,18,
Anyway, I'm responding to your note because there are many of us here that discuss the Old & New Testament but it's usually answering someones question. If you have a discussion you would like people to join in, just ask. If you were looking for some of those discussions, look in the questions tab several pages back, then tap to read replies.
I'd be up for a question in the Old Testament. Sharpening Iron :)
I am sorry you feel disappointed by the content in the discussions here. We all come from different "angles" so to speak.
For me, I believe that our life with Christ is not all about prophecy and understanding it. Our life with Christ is very rich and involves so much more! I believe that the OT and NT is full of the God's revelation of Himself to us. Because of this, we all can learn from it according to the lead of the Holy Spirit for us as individuals. For me, I appreciate what people post about prophecy, as I am not feeling led at this time to delve into that topic. I am helped by the study of others in this area. So, I take the position of a student learning from others. Likewise, others may be helped by what I am led to study and can take that same position as a student. We are here sharing the Word with each other. We are fellowshipping together.
There is also a tab for prayer requests. If you wish, you can check that out and pray for some of the requests.
I hope you will stay with us for a while and see how God leads you. Certainly, we can learn from you.
Take care-have a good evening-God's blessing to you today.
Jesus Christ himself placed the benchmark high according to the prophets, and not about what's convenient for man. Uncomfortable truths here are discouraged from uncovering. Did Ham's son bear the curse God dealt out or not? If you can't face the small facts, how are you gonna handle the day of the Lord when it takes you by surprise, simply because you never understood what it was. The trumpets you ignore. That's a shame, but then the Lord says when His people are attacked, Ezekiel 21:12, they will not know from where it came from, as if they're too caught up in their own Gospel to know the difference.
Do you wonder why the USSR fell in 1991 of a deadly wound, and up popped up a new country, a new government, called The Russian Federation? Daniel 7:8 Russia is the little horn, more stout than his fellows Daniel 7:20 Russia is run by a president who refers to his nuclear arsenal as a "fiery serpent" Isaiah 14:29.
You people literally have no idea what's about to go down while this is what I carry around every day:
And it shall be when they say unto thee,Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shall answer for the tidings because it come as an every heart shall melt and all hands shall be civil and every spirit shall faint and all knees shall be weak as water behold it, and it shall be brought to pass saith the Lord God. Ezekiel 21:7
Ezekiel and the rest of the prophets see what I see coming and there's no denying it. If you have the least bit inclination as to what I'm talking about you may as well get your house in order now.
Many of us (myself included) have studied end time prophecies and many on this discussion forum often speak about it. We are not as uninformed about prophecy as you assume. This forum fields questions and discussions on a wide range of topics. Those who respond try to give sincere and accurate responses to questions. You are welcome to ask any questions you or just begin a discussion of a topic of your choice. I hope you do. We are interested in hearing your ideas as I am sure you have many good ideas to share. I look forward to hearing more from you. God's blessings to you today.
Can you give me your overall perspective of the sixth trumpet, day of the Lord, as revealed by the prophets? What are they talking about surrounding the end times, tribulation and the great tribulation?
Please speak only to this question, thank you.
I do not know you, nor you me. We have an opportunity to get to know each other on this forum. Your posts to me and Adam are quite combative. That is offensive to me. But even so, I would love to hear your explanation of the trumpets since it seems to be up front and center to you at this time. Otherwise, I do not wish to interact with you until your language takes a kinder tone. I am sorry to need to say this, but, I do think it is best if we are respectful when we "speak" to one another. Like I said, I am interested in learning from others about such prophecies. Then I can check what someone says to the Word and decide how I will "file" it. So I would appreciate you sharing your knowledge on this site. But, please, do so without being condescending and accusatory. We are hoping that you become an ongoing part of our fellowship here. So, I am looking forward to learning more about you over time. Have a good evening.
Well spoken.
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