Bible Discussion Thread

  • Judy mende on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Mark 16:1 "And when the Sabbath was past" (the 7th day) 2. "And very early in the morning the first day of the week..." (Sunday) How can this be misinterpreted? Luke 23:54 And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. 56. ....they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. Luke24:1 Now on the first day of the week... (Sunday) early in the morning, they came to the sepulcher...

    Luke 4:16 ....and as his custom was He (Jesus) went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.... Luke 13:10 ...and He (Jesus) was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. Genesis 1:5....He called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 2:2...and on the seventh day God ended his work which He had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. (to set apart, to declare Holy)

    Exodus 20:8-11 (4th commandment) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the 7th day is the Sabbath. So we have established that the preparation day and the Sabbath drew on....was Friday. The Sabbath was the 7th day.... Saturday. He rose very early the first day of the week...Sunday. The Sabbath was established in the first week of creation to commemorate his work. A reminder that he is Creator God. The sabbath commandment starts with...remember. God knew that someday the world was going to forget the true Sabbath and worship a man made Sabbath. This happened under Constantine in the 3rd century when he declared Sunday to be a National day of rest. But he could not change the true Sabbath. He could only counterfeit a new day of rest. Then the Roman Catholic Church established it as a "Holy Day" but it was not Gods holy day. The Catholic Church claims the change and declares it as a "Mark" of their authority! There's that word "mark." Could it be the "Mark" of the Beast is making the false Sabbath (Sun day) law?
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Hello Sister Judy,

    Amen, and well stated. Saturday has and always will be the Holy Sabbath Day.

    If we are truly Christ Followers, we will follow Christ, as indeed He and the apostles also did. The Sabbath was made for man to rest, and to keep holy. We should observe it and thank God for it! Yes, it is the 4th Commandment. Jesus sums up following "the commandments" in one of the smallest yet strongest verses in the bible:

    John 14:15

    "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    This simple verse cuts to the heart! We don't love Jesus if we don't follow his commandments!

    Happy Sabbath Day, and God Bless.
  • Donna - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Jesus kept the Sabbath. It was important to Him. :-). If It's important to Jesus, it's important to me too.
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Sister Donna,


    1 John 5:2-3

    By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous

    God Bless.
  • Donna - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Exodus 31:16

    Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant."

    There's no doubt that the Sabbath is to be kept as an everlasting covenant. The scripture is clear.

    Here's my question. Is this commandment for the NON children of Israel as well?

    It is one of the Ten Commandments,#8. I have been desiring to keep the Sabbath lately but I'm not part of the 7th day Adventist movement and there are zero others teaching anything on the Sabbath. When I talk to my family they say that's not for us today or that's for the Jews or the Old Testament church or my Sabbath is on Monday.

    If you LOVE me you will keep my commandments is a very powerful scripture. It's one of a few that literally changed my life recently and caused me to repent of the wicked lifestyle I was living.
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Hi Sister Donna,

    Jesus tells us in scripture below that God made the sabbath for man:

    Mark 2:27

    "And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:"

    Jesus doesn't say the sabbath was made just for the Jews, or for just Israel. The scripture is plain - the sabbath was made for man!

    Man can say anything to bend and twist the bible scripture. People ignore and twist bible scripture regularly - to fit their worldly lifestyles.

    Read the bible scripture for yourself and believe it!

    God Bless.
  • Donna - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 3 years ago
    Oops.should say commandment #4. Wish there was an edit button. Here and in life lol.

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