Bible Discussion Thread

  • Freedom in Christ - 3 years ago
    in John 15:16 it says God chooses his people or I think that's what it means. But I was wondering if God is the one who chooses his people and we are not the ones to choose Him, then does that mean the people that are not chosen, He destined them to go to hell? like they cant choose? I hope what I said makes sense, thanks!

    John 15:16 - "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you."
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply - 3 years ago
    If you go start reading at John 13 you see it was what is called The last supper on Pentecost in the upper room he was talking to his disciples and as you read on you see Jesus calling them by their names even Judas but there are other scriptures that say he chooses us we do not choose him or maybe it's he calls us. I know he told the king of Egypt for this cause I created you. What about Judas? Rev 21&22 holds the key to this mystery,(the leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the nations) and God's word says, Who can know the mind of God, who can understand his ways or who can be his counselor. What about: What God has made crooked or straight no man can make straight or crooked respectively. So this verse is Jesus telling his disciples he choose them
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear ones, there is a difference who Jesus is talking to here. He chose His disciples when He was on earth. The disciples became Apostles and most had to die martyr death. For his faith in Jesus Christ.

    Many of us today are escaping martyrdom. But today it exists in some countrys that persecute Christians. The apostles did a good job. Everyone knows and has heard of Jesus in one way or another today. And even people you would never believe have heard of Him. So it's not up to us. We can neither do from nor to. But in the love of God, we should never stop explaining the good news that Jesus is the Way of Truth and Life. In any case, there are not many left on our planet who have not heard of Jesus. Thanks to evangelists and missionaries. He Is the Way of Truth and Life

    We who have received the faith later have had the opportunity to say yes or no. Know that you who have thanked Yes to the Lord have passed from death to Life, the Light in Christ Jesus Amen.

    Ephesians chapter 5
  • Glenn - In Reply - 3 years ago
    No ,.. god chooses his elect, they are not any more special than all of his children,.. god is not a respecter of persons he of course loves all of us equally,.. an all of us have the freedom of choice, to either worship him or satin ,.. the elect are those who fought against Lucifer when his ego , an pride in himself challenged God an wanted to be god ,.. he also had a third of us actually following him with this nonsense,.. we are in the times of the world needing a savior, an at some point, he shall come with his fallen angels to pretend he is Jesus, an as in Daniel, he comes in PEACE & PROSPERITY,.. he'll have everything anyone needs or wants , an all we gotta do is worship him ,.. an my friend a lot of people will be totally deceived, for we do not have good teachers
  • CHOOSING HELL OR HEAVEN__DO IT TODAY - In Reply - 3 years ago
    What happens to unbelievers when they die? They immediately go to a place called Hades. Luke 16:23-24. "for I am in agony in this flame.'" Hades is the temporary waiting place of the unsaved dead. It is a place of torment that begins the moment an unbeliever dies. Their final destination is the Lake of Fire. In Revelation 20:12-15, John said, "I saw the dead standing before the throne, and BOOKS were opened; and another book was opened, book of LIFE; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their DEEDS. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and judged according to their deeds.

    Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the SECOND death. And if anyone's name was NOT found written in the book of LIFE , he was thrown into the lake of fire; a place of forever suffering.

    The common experience in both the temporary location, Hades, and the Final Destination for the unsaved, the Lake of Fire, is physical pain. Right now, those who die without Christ are in Hades awaiting their FINAL JUDGMENT: the Great White Throne Judgment. And at that judgment Hades will be emptied and all the UNSAVED who have ever lived will stand before God. And because their names ARE NOT written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they will be judged by their DEEDS. That is a choice they made in this life. On that day, every unbeliever will see that his works do not meet the standard of perfect righteousness that God requires and understand why he has been sentenced to the Lake of Fire.

    Here is the basic truth everyone needs to understand: when we die we immediately begin experiencing God's blessing or God's judgment. While it is true that at some future day believers will change location from the third Heaven to the New Heaven, and unbelievers will also change location from Hades into the Lake of Fire, a change of LOCATION is not the same as a change of eternal DESTINY.

    Choose now, before it's TOO LATE. Mishael
  • Kent Dupree Bass - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Freedom in Christ, It is Yah's will that everyone be saved. He grants everyone the chance, but he is knows all things, so the people that he know will be saved have a predestination. And you say why did he create the people who wouldn't lesson, well, he says, let the wicked forsake their way and he can graft them in, so no one will have an excuse.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    That's a question which many have pondered over. However, when people ask such a question, they generally begin with 'God having chosen some to belong to Him & have rejected others consigning them to suffering in Hell'. Yet, in my understanding, the start of it doesn't begin with God choosing, but with God knowing. "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God" ( 1 Peter 1:2); or, 'being a part of the elect of God because of God's foreknowledge of every person'.

    We believe in an Omniscient God, that is a God Who knows all things, the complete lives of people (before their birth till the day of their death) & every event in Heaven & on Earth that may not even had a beginning as yet to us. Psalm 139:1-16 is a great Psalm showing both the omniscience & omni-presence of God & as David said in verse 6: "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it." Such knowledge is only in God's domain, not just of all things present, but also of all things before they come to pass or into being.

    So when we read a verse as you shared, John 15:16, we see that Jesus chose His disciples to belong to Him & to perform His Will. But how did Jesus know whom to choose out of the great number of eligible men that lived there? Was it just a good guess on His part, though one chosen was wicked ( John 6:70)? Or maybe, the night he spent in prayer with His Father ( Luke 6:12,13), was also a night of the Father's instructions on the men to select from all those who followed Him. So we see here, that before choosing them to go out to serve, they first had to be the ones whom God knew would be responsive to His Son.

    Once we understand this, then we won't see God as being an unjust God showing partiality. That those who come to Him in faith through His Son are those not being forced to do so, but are those whom God already knew of before their birth (as David did). And those who are "destined for Hell", choose to go there, God knowing the path their lives would take.
  • Freedom in Christ - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you for your reply! this really helped me understand :) God bless!
  • Gigi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Agreed Chris

    I do not know the verse, but Scripture does say that God knows the end from the beginning. So, He chooses each of us by His foreknowledge of how we will respond to the Gospel and His grace to us. He is merciful and He is just in all of His ways. He is faithful to His promise and His goodness and love is boundless. Therefore, we can trust Him in all of His ways. He is our Perfect God

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